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Greeting Cards. SK/KD 5. Membaca 5.1. Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek ( misalnya pengumuman , iklan , undangan dll .) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat , lancar , dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
SK/KD5. Membaca5.1. Meresponmaknadalamteksfungsionalpendek (misalnyapengumuman, iklan, undangandll.) resmidantakresmisecaraakurat , lancar, danberterima yang menggunakanragambahasatulisdalamkontekskehidupansehari-hari.
INDIKATOR1. Mengidentifikasitujuandariteksfungsionalpendekberbentukgreeting cards (kartuucapan).2. Menentukangambaranumumdariteksfungsionalpendekberbentukgreeting cards (kartuucapan).3. Menemukaninformasitertentudalamteksfungsionalpendekberbentuk greeting cards (kartuucapan).4. Menemukanmaknakata/frasadalamteks.
Definition • A greeting card is an illustrated, folded card featuring an expression of friendship or other sentiment. • Greeting cards are usually given on special occasions, such as birthdays, Christmas or other holidays. They are also sent to convey thanks or express other feeling. • Greeting cards, usually packaged with an envelope, come in a variety of styles. • There are both mass-produced as well as handmade versions that are distributed by hundreds of companies large and small. While typically inexpensive, more elaborate cards with die-cuts or glued-on decorations may be more expensive. (wikipedia)
Folded Cards Flat Cards Photo Cards
Let’s study this card! What is the purpose of the card?
Study the card below! What is the card about? What does the phrase ‘your little bundle of joy ‘ refer to? What is the synonym of the word ‘hope’?
excercise What are the meaning of the following words? exam outcome deserve achieve remarkable Answer the questions based on the card. Who is the card for? Who sends the card? Why does he/she send the card? What has the card receiver achieved? Della, Love, Amee
SK/KD6. Menulis6.1. Mengungkapkanmakna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
INDIKATOR1. Menghasilkansebuahteksfungsionalpendekberbentuk greeting cards (kartuucapan).
ExerciseStudy the following situations. Make a greeting card based on one of the situations1. Your friend has just won a debate competitions.2. Your sister has just got married.3. Your cousin has just been promoted to be a manager.