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Che 440/540 2D-NMR

Che 440/540 2D-NMR. http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/ectoc/echet96/papers/107/index.htm. Prototype Pulse Sequence for a 2D-NMR Experiment. 90 o pulse. 90 o pulse. Acquire ( t 2 seconds).  t 1 (microseconds). Relaxation delay. Origin of the Second Dimension. Stacked plot of 22

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Che 440/540 2D-NMR

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Che 440/540 2D-NMR http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/ectoc/echet96/papers/107/index.htm

  2. Prototype Pulse Sequence for a 2D-NMR Experiment 90o pulse 90o pulse Acquire (t2 seconds) t1 (microseconds) Relaxation delay

  3. Origin of the Second Dimension Stacked plot of 22 spectra of acetone Resulting interferogram Projection of (a)

  4. Fourier transform of a series of interferograms creates the second dimension.

  5. A Simulated 1H-1H Correlated Spectroscopy (COSY) Spectrum

  6. Actual COSY Spectrum of Isobutanol A B A, B C B,C

  7. COSY Spectrum of Ipsenol

  8. Basics of HETCOR and HMQC • Heteronuclear correlated (HETCOR) and heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) spectroscopy show direct correlations between hydrogens and their directly bonded carbons. • In HETCOR the signal is detected by observing 13C, and in HMQC by observing 1H. The HMQC experiment is shorter, but the pulse sequence is more complicated. • Both give the same information: one-bond 1H-13C correlations

  9. A simulated HMQC spectrum 1H chemical shifts 13C chemical shifts no correlation

  10. HMQC Spectrum of Ipsenol diastereotopic CH2’s

  11. COSY Spectrum of Strychnine

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