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The Modern Technology in Agriculture. Give the Russian equivalents. 1. agriculture 2. to cultivate 3. a harrow 4. an implement 5. a tracklayer 6. t о pull 7. a drawbar 8. to operate 9. hydraulic system 10. row crop 11. t оо l 12. crop 13. to transmit
The Modern Technology in Agriculture
Give the Russian equivalents 1. agriculture 2. to cultivate 3. a harrow 4. an implement 5. a tracklayer 6. tо pull 7. a drawbar 8. to operate 9. hydraulic system 10. row crop 11. tооl 12. crop 13. to transmit 14. to distribute 15. power 16. arable 17. tracks - c/x - культивировать - борона - орудиетpyдa - гyceничный - тянуть, буксировать - npиводноеустройство - ynpaвлять - гидравлическаясистема - междурядный - инструмент - c/x культуpa - передавать - распределять - мощность - пропашной - гусеницы
Find the English equivalents • мощнаятяговаясила • 2. преодолевать • 3. гусеничныйтрактор • 4. системапередач • 5. центртяжести • 6. вал отбора мощности • 7. пропашной трактор • 8. общийтиптрактора • 9. двигатель • 10. передавать • 11. скорость • 12. тpex – точечное навесное устройство • - row-crop tractor • p. t. o. shaft • - speed • to transmit • to pass through • mightу pulling power • - caterpillar • transmission sуstem • three-point linkage. • - centre of gravity • standard tуpe tractor • - engine
Verticaly 1.Культиваторы
Horizontally 1.Основные двигатели
1.Основные двигатели 2.Обробатывающие машины 3. Машины по переработке молока 4.Уборочные машины 5.Амбарные машины
The Equipment and the Layout of the Universal Excavator • - mould board of the bulldozer (отвалбульдозера), • -frame (рама), • 3 - fuel tank (топливныйбак), • 4 –tractor (базовыйтрактор), • 5 - hydrotank (гидробак), • 6 - silencer (глушитель), • 7 - cabin (кабина), • 8 - streering wheel (рулевоеколесо), • 9 - front wheel/end (переднееколесо/мост), • 10 - rear wheel/end (заднееколесо/мост), • 11 - boom (стрела), • 12 - handle (рукоять), • 13 - busket (ковш)
Answer the questions 1. What is the main difference between the general purpose tractor and the tracklayer? The crawler differs from the general purpose tractor by the endless track 2. Does the crawler damage a wet soil? Why? No it doesn’t. The weight of the crawler is distributed over a large track area and this keeps damage to a wet soil to a minimum. 3. When is the tracklayer used as the farm tractor? The tracklayer is used as the farm tractor only on heavy land arable farms.
Write the proper order of words. • can, under, the crawler, for, operate, conditions, unsuitable, tractors, • wheeled; • 2. the most, tractor, popular, is, the general purpose tractor, type, of; • 3. it, usually, powered, is, a gasoline, with, engine, Diesel, or; • 4. is, the tractor, very, for, important, today, the agriculture; • 5. may be, wheeled tractors, types, into, row - crop, subdivided, • standard, and. • 1.The crawler can operate under conditions unsuitable for wheeled tractors. • 2. The most popular type of tractor is the general purpose tractor. • 3. It is usually powered with a gasoline or Diesel engine. • 4. Today the tractor is very important for the agriculture. • 5. Wheeled tractor may be subdivided into standard and row - crop types.
Put the necessary words • Ploughs and cultivators are … implements. • Nearly all farm tractors are fitted with ... engines. • Tractors with engines of 10 to 23 ... are considered • small farm tractors. • Some small orchard tractors are fitted with • single – cylinder ... • 5. Row - crop tractors are designed for working on row ... pulling internal - combustion horse - power engines crops crops, pulling, engines, internal - combustion, horse - power
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