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best practices in laboratories from the dual perspectives of research and sustainability. best practices: laboratory equipment. fume hoods. autoclaves. deionized, distilled, and ultrapure water. tissue culture hoods. ultra-low freezers. lasers. microscopes. large centrifuges.
best practices in laboratories from the dual perspectives of research and sustainability
best practices: laboratory equipment fume hoods autoclaves deionized, distilled, and ultrapure water tissue culture hoods ultra-low freezers lasers microscopes large centrifuges heating blocks
best practices: laboratory consumables plastics gloves animal bedding
fume hoods wikipedia.com
fume hoods greenfumehood.com
fume hoods classification velocity of airflow through the hood uses of the hood ducted v ductless
fume hoods: how it works ehs.ufl.edu
fume hoods: how it works web.princeton.edu
fume hoods: constant air volume (CAV) exhaust flowrate or quantity of air pulled through the hood is constant oregonstate.edu
fume hoods: variable air volume (VAV) exhaust flowrate or quantity of air pulled through the hood varies southwestsolutions.com
fume hoods energy consumption 3x typical household -Lawrence Berkeley Labs
‘be good in the hood’ ALWAYS close the sash safest position. thermoscientific.com
‘be good in the hood’ do not store unnecessary items in the hood
‘be good in the hood’ being good in the fume hood not only ensures your safety but it also saves energy
tissue culture hoods newvoiceforresearch.blogspot.com med.cam.ac.uk
tissue culture hoods: how they work ars.usda.gov
tissue culture hoods energy consumption 1 – 12.6 kWh/day depending on usage -manufacturer data 0.3 – 0.6 kWh/day per UV lamp -manufacturer data
‘be good in the hood’ turn hood COMPLETELY off prevents UV damage to reagents and staff thelabworldgroup.com
‘be good in the hood’ being good in the tc hood not only ensures your safety and prevents unnecessary UV damage to hood contents but it also saves energy
ultra-low freezers: -80 energy consumption 15 – 20 kWh/day -manufacturer data -validated by monitoring
‘-70 is the new -80’ chill up freezers from -80 to -70 save 2-4kW per day
other best practices for ultra-low freezers clean freezer coils, regularly defrost freezer prolong lifetime of the freezer save 12-25% energy
other best practices for ultra-low freezers perform scheduled maintenance on freezers prolong lifetime of the freezer
other best practices for ultra-low freezers remove old, unneeded samples fewer samples stored, fewer freezers are needed
other best practices for ultra-low freezers transfer samples to other storage paradigms -20 freezers ambient temperature storage containers fewer samples stored, fewer freezers are needed
lasers laserfest.org
lasers: types gas lasers solid state
lasers: gas energy consumption 15 – 120 kWh/day -manufacturer data
best practices for lasers exchange gas lasers for solid state lasers solid state lasers last longer, lower maintenance costs could save a minimum of 50% energy -manufacturer data
best practices for lasers turn off (gas) lasers when not in use, especially over the weekend prolongs lifetime of the laser saves energy
mercury-free microscopy mercury/metal halide bulbs
mercury-free microscopy mercury/metal halide bulbs 5000 hours/mg Hg 2.5 hours/mg Hg 2000 bulbs 1 bulb
mercury-free microscopy recycle used mercury and metal halide bulbs
other best practices for microscopy energy consumption illumination: 0.12 – 6 kWh/day -monitored by My Green Lab
other best practices for microscopy exchange mercury/metal halide for solid state light sources less toxic, cost less to own, in many cases are better for samples savings 25 – 90% -monitored by My Green Lab
LED comparison with metal halide: ‘brightness’ metal halide (300hrs) v. sold state
other best practices for microscopy turn off microscope equipment when not in use prolongs lifetime of the equipment saves energy
large centrifuges djblabcare.co.uk