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The Human Development Approach and People with Disabilities. Human Development Conceptual and measurement framework Human Development Contribution to the development debate Entry Points for Disability in the Human Development Approach. Conceptual and measurement framework.
Human Development Conceptual and measurement framework • Human Development Contribution to the development debate • Entry Points for Disability in the Human Development Approach
“The contrast between what great things human beings can achieve and what limited lives most women and men end up living is truly remarkable.” - AmartyaSen “People are the real wealth of nations.” “The objective of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives.” - Mahbub ul Haq
2010: Human development "Human development is the expansion of people’s freedoms to live long, healthy and creative lives; to advance other goals they have reason to value; and to engage actively in shaping development equitably and sustainably on a shared planet. People are both the beneficiaries and drivers of human development, as individuals and in groups.
Measuring Human DevelopmentThe origins: GDP vs HDI • The HDI is “an index just as vulgar as GDP but it stands for better things” (AmartyaSen) • HDI aggregates health education and income • GDP/HDI: commodity-centred vs human-centred • Indicators need to be: relevant, internationally comparable, available for many countries • Neglected dimensions: gender, equity, sustainability...
HD Indices Sources HDI • Life expectancy: UNDESA World Population Prospects • Years of Schooling: UNESCO Institute for Statistics and Barro and Lee (2010) [NBER working paper 15902] • GNI PPP per capita: World Bank’s World Development Indicators IHDI • Life expectancy: UNDESA World Population Prospects • Years of Schooling: household survey data in international databases (EUSILC, UNICEF-MICS, USAID-DHS, WHO-WHS) • Household income or consumption: household survey data in international databases (Luxemburg Income Study, EUSILC, UNICEF-MICS, USAID-DHS, World Bank’s International Income Distribution Database, United Nations University’s Income Inequality Database)
HD Indices Sources GII • Maternal Mortality: UNICEF’s The State of World’s Children • Adolescent Fertility: UNDESA World Population Prospects • Educational Attainments: UNESCO Institute for Statistics and Barro and Lee (2010) [NBER working paper 15902] • Labour Market Participation: ILO LABORISTA database MPI: household surveys • Demographic and Health Survey – USAID • The Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey – UNICEF • The World Health Survey - WHO
Global Reports1990-2010 HDR 90 - Concept and Measurement HDR 91 - Financing HDR 92 - Global Dimensions HDR 93 - People’s Participation HDR 94 - Human Security HDR 95 - Gender HDR 96 - Economic Growth HDR 97 - Eradicate Poverty HDR 98 - Consumption HDR 99 - Globalization HDR 00 - Human Rights HDR 01 - New technologies HDR 02 - Democracy HDR 03 - MDGs HDR 04 - Cultural Liberty HDR 05 - Aid, trade and security HDR 06 - Water HDR 07/08 - Climate Change HDR 09 - Migration HDR 10 - Pathways to HD HDR 11 - Sustaining equitable progress
HDR Impact: News and academiccitations • HDR continues to outperform its closest competitor (the World Bank’s annual World Development Report) by almost 2:1 • The HDI is a key contributor to that success. • In academic citations, the HDR recently overtook the WDR. • In 2010, HDR’s academic citations = 4,090, compared to the WDR’s 2,790 • Widespread endorsement from policy and academic circles • “One of the world’s most significant documents.” Gregg Easterbrook, The New Republic • “Substantially enriches our understanding of the development landscape.” Dani Rodrik, Harvard
Regional, National and Sub-national Reports: More than just Reports Since 1992, more than 600 National and Sub-national HDRs, as well as 30 Regional Reports, have been produced in more then 130 countries. • Inspired by the global HDR • Tool to tailor development strategies to local realities • Seeing people as the nation’s wealth, end and means of advancing the development agenda • Provide new research and disaggregated data • Offer innovation in concept, measurement, and policy • Focus onequity, efficiency, empowerment, andsustainabilityin policies and the HDR process itself
NHDR influence • Inclusive: youth involvement in each stage of the HDR preparation process • Thorough analysis: focus on 5 million youth out of education and employment • Relevance: more than 1,000 news reports, articles and interviews • Influence: youth policy and youth NGOs coalition Turkey HDR2008: “Youth in Turkey”
The importance of an inclusive process • 216 events to gauge opinions and gather voices, proposals and commitments • 4,369 people throughout the different territories: community members, local leaders, civil servants, government representatives, academics, businessmen and women, workers, country workers and farmers, displaced people, the disabled, those reinserted into society, women and the elderly, young people, homosexuals, indigenous people and people of African descent. • : Colombia – Valle del Cauca sub-national HDR 2008“On the path to an inclusive and peaceful Valle del Cauca”
Measurement Innovation • Disaggregation (e.g. Roma MDGs) • Comparing subjective and objective data (e.g. human security perceptions in Latvia) • Qualitative analysis of quantitative data (e.g. Cambodia - the financial returns to education are higher for women) • Measuring deprivations in the country-context (e.g. social inclusion indices in BiH) • New indices covering more dimensions (e.g. Dominican Republic on individual and collective empowerment)
Data Availability WHO-World Bank “World Report on Disability” – best source of internationally comparable data, but: • Considerable efforts made to improve disability data. But need more robust, comparable, and complete data collection especially in developing countries. • Data on disability are scarce (only for 60 countries the disability prevalence rate was estimated) and outdated (data from the 1970s – Congo - and 1980s). Better with the national health surveys: data from 1996 to 2008. • Only years of health lost due to disability (YLD) is computed for almost all member states. WHO modeling exercise based on a not completely settled and criticized methodology.
More can be done at National Level Bosnia and Herzegovina HDR 2007 People with disabilities, as confirmed by the experience of many countries, are more vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion. The analysis made by for Bosnia and Herzegovina, based on the 2001 LSMS results, showed that having a disability or special needs increases the likelihood of becoming poor by 18%.
More can be done at National Level Croatia HDR 2006 All problems relating to the social exclusion of people with physical disability in Croatia stem from insufficient and inadequate representation in the political process. However, there is a substantial segment of this population that does not feel excluded from society, because of the support afforded to them by their family and friends. Family that acts as the main support for the disabled person also requires support from the community, and from the state. Regardless of the amount of support given to the disabled, their quality of life will not improve without self-acceptance. This is why it is necessary to empower disabled people, to challenge the culture of complacency, thus enabling their full integration into all spheres of social relations
More can be done at National Level Kazakhstan HDR 2009 … the co-ordination of common human development problems and issues, which are related to the realisation of the rights of citizens who have limited abilities due to physical, psychological, intellectual or sensory deficits, is one of the most important indicators. It defines the degree of the government’s obligation for the citizens at present, the focus on the fair future, and also of how effective the system of state management is in order to achieve objectives of the stable development of the country in general
Resources The HDR website: http://hdr.undp.org/en/The HDR Database: http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/ Take the Human Development Journey: http://learning.undp.org/ Join HDR-net: hdr-et@groups.undp.org Join the HD space in Teamworks: https://undp.unteamworks.org/node/16796