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Hurricanes!. Geophysical Science. Hurricanes!. Definition: large revolving storm with violent , destructive winds, heavy rains, and high waves and tides. The Birth of a Hurricane. Warm , moist air is forced up

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  1. Hurricanes! Geophysical Science

  2. Hurricanes! • Definition: large revolving storm with violent, destructive winds, heavy rains, and high waves and tides.

  3. The Birth of a Hurricane • Warm, moist air is forced up • Denser air from surrounding areas pushes in and lifts the lighter air even further • Air swirls in counterclockwise direction and the hurricane has begun to form.

  4. Air rises and condenses – gives off heat causes air density to decrease • Surrounding air begins to move faster • Air moves faster over oceans, evaporation increases, and storm continues to grow in size and strength

  5. General facts: • 40-73 mph = Tropical storm • 73+ mph = Hurricane (may exceed 140 mph) • Diameter may reach 364 miles

  6. Terms: • Eye – middle of hurricane - clear sky, no rain, and generally calm due to sinking air currents

  7. Terms: • Tidal surge – a bulge in the ocean under the lighter air of the storm, may raise level of ocean 25 ft. or more

  8. More facts: • Australia – called Willy-willies • India – called cyclones • Also can be called Typhoons • Most occur in spring and summer • Most travel to the NW • Named after men and women names starting at the beginning of the alphabet

  9. Video: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP4rgvu4xDE

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