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Result of the VET system research for Istanbul 6-7 MARCH 2009 ISTANBUL by Asir gul. PRESENTATION FOR THE PROJECT ATTRACTİVE VOCAT I ONAL GU I DANCE FOR PUP I LS “ @VGP ”. Students registration rates from applicants 2006-2007 (117 Schools). 74 schols(%63,2) = %90 to %100
Students registration rates from applicants 2006-2007 (117 Schools) 74 schols(%63,2) = %90 to %100 14schols (%12) = %80 to %90 7 schools(%6) = %70 to %80 7 schools(%6) = %60 to %70 5 schols(%4,3) = %50 to %60 6 schools (%5,1) = %40 to %50 3 schols (2,6) = %30 to %40 1 schools (0,9) = %10 to %20
Students registration rates from applicants 2007-2008 (122 schools) 79 schools (%64,8) = %90 to %100 15 schools (%12,3) = %80 to %90 7 schools (%5,7) = %70 to %80 5 schools (%4,1) = %60 to %70 6 schools(%4,9) =%50 to %60 5 schools(%4,1) = %40 to %50 2 schools(%1,6) =%30 to %40 3 schools(%2,5) =%20 to %30
Students registration rates from applicants2008-2009 (125 schools) %90 to %100 = 88 schools (%70,4) %80 to %90 =11 schools %8,8 %70 to %80 = 7 schools %5,6 %60 to %70 = 3 schols %2,4 %50 to %60 = 4 schols %3,2 %40 to %50 = 6 schools%4,8 %30 to %40 = 3 schools %2,4 %20 to %30 = 2 schools %1,6 %10 to %20 = 1 schools %0,8
Total number of students at the schools Total number of students =105.439 9. Grades: 46.042 10. Grades: 29.277 11. Grades: 25.591 12. Grades: 4.529
The total number of students according to General Directorates Trade and Tourism Education General Directorate: 34.349 Boys Technical Education General Directorate :42. 963 Girls Technical Education General Directorate :22.640 Multi Programme Schools:5.487
Trade and Tourism Education General Directorate Fields of Schools: Accountant IT Office Manegement and Secretary Marketing Hospitality and Travel Agency Catering - Beverage Graphic and Fotograph Journalism Radio TV Public Relations
Boys Technical Education General Directorate Fields of Schools: IT Machine Tech. Electric-Electronic Industrial Automation Wooden Tech. Chemistry Tech. Automotive Metal Tech. Construction Marine
Girls Technical Education General Directorate Fields of schools: Child Care Beauty Care IT Textile Tech Jewellery Graphic and Photograph Handcraft Clothing Catering and Baverige
Multi Programme Schools IT Accountant Child Care Electric-Electronic Marine
Trade and Tourism Education General Directorate Most preferable fields Accountant: %53.8 IT: %23,1 Radio tv : %7,7 Catering /Beverage: %5,1 Photograph-graphic: %2,6 Hospitality: %7,7
IT:%73,7Electric/Electronic:%10.5Machine Tech.: %2,6Automotive: %2,6Construction:%2,6Printing Tech:%2,6Marine:%5,3 Boys Technical Education General Directorate Most preferable fields
Child Care:%44,7IT:%21,1 Health Care:%10,5Photograph/graphic: %10,5Clothing:%7,9Catering and Beverage: %2,6Textile: %2,6 Girls Technical Education General Directorate Most preferable fields
IT: %40 Child Care: %10 Accountant: %40 Marine: %10 Multi Programme Schools Most preferable fields
Rates of grauate students %90 to %100 - 72 schools (%63,2)%80 to %90 - 18 schools (%15,8) %70 to %80 -16 schools (%14,0)%60 to %70 -3 schools (%2,6)%50 to %60 -5 schools(%4,4)
rates of graduates who continue higher education *17 schools unanswered %14,9 %90 to %100 - 33 schools (%28,9) %80 to %90 - 23 schools (%20,2) %70 to %80 - 10 schools (%8,8) %60 to %70 - 13 schools (%11,4) %50 to%60 - 7 schools (%6,1) %40 to %50 - 7 schools (%6,1) %30 to %40 - 1 schools (%0,9) %20 to %30 - 3 schools (%2,6)
The students who work in their the study field *4 schools unanswered (% 3,5) %90 to 100 -13 schools (%11,4) %80 to 90 - 10 schools (%8,8) %70 to 80 -13 schools (%11,4) %60 to 70 -26 schools (%22,8) %50 to 60 -13 schools (%11,4) %40 to 50 -10 schools (%8,8) %30 to 40 -13 schools (%11,4) %20 to 30 -5 schools (%4,4) %10 to 20 -6 schools (%5,3) %0 to 10 -1 schools (%0,9)
the requirement for applying There are two types of acceptible applications for vocational and technical schools 1- Central Exams 2- Diploma Grades
The curriculum creating process SVET has transformed vocational education to moduler education system. Within this context every General Directorate has created their own curriculum. Curriculums have been designed by field experts, teachers, sectoral corporations. These curriculums have been implemented since 2005-2006
theoretical andpractical partsin the curriculum Within SVET all schedules are based on practicle education. The theoratical information is given during practice. The students are improving on 12. grade with work placement