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Particle masses as 137,036 n (1/fine structure constant) fold of the double Rydberg mass (13,6 eV/c 2 ) = Ionization energy H atom Karl Otto Greulich. Fritz Lipmann Institute Beutenbergstr. 11 D 07745 Jena.
Particle masses as 137,036n(1/fine structure constant) fold of the double Rydberg mass (13,6 eV/c2) = Ionization energy H atom Karl Otto Greulich. Fritz Lipmann Institute Beutenbergstr. 11 D 07745 Jena Prediction of particle masses with modified, often multiparameter, standard models is notoriously imprecise. Prediction of single masses with 10 % accuracy is already seen as big success So far, no theory is available which predicts all particle masses electron. proton, the quarks, gauge bosons,Higgs, other leptons and hadrons from keV to hundreds of GeV, i.e over a range of billion times. The present talk aims at providing the basic data for coining such a one/two parameter theory, partially exactly, partially with an accuracy in the 1 % range
Particle massesas137,036n(1/finestructureconstant)foldofthe double RydbergmassKarl Otto Greulich. Fritz Lipmann Institute Beutenbergstr. 11 D 07745 Jena Red, italic: multiplywith 4/3 2*13,6 eV/c2= √ a /2p in keV 1/a mBohr( = mass with 2 p Bohr radius as Compton wavelength 1/a Elektron 1/a m0 /strange (p-2) √a Proton/ charm 1/a 1/a di-Bott/p-2 Higgs/ top 1/a 575,4 MeV/c2 1/a W Boson, Z Boson/p-2 NOT EXPLAINED: UP QUARK AND DOWN QUARK
Particle masses as 137,036n (1/fine structure constant) fold of the double Rydberg massKarl Otto Greulich. Fritz Lipmann Institute Beutenbergstr. 11 D 07745 Jena Theoretical and experimental particle masses Theor Exp Error 2 * 13,6 eV 27,2 eV 27,2 eV 0 % mCompton, Bohr 3.73 keV 3.73 keV 0 % Elektron 510,8 keV 510,9 keV 0 % m0 70,0 MeV 70,1 MeV 0 % Strange 93,3 MeV 95 MeV 1,8% Proton 837,9 MeV 838,3 MeV 0,3% Charm 1,25 GeV 1,25 GeV 0 % Bottom 4,2 GeV 4,2 GeV 0 % W boson 78,8 GeV 80,4 GeV 1,9% Z boson 89,8 GeV 91 GeV 1,1% Higgs 128,2 GeV 126 GeV 1,8% Top 70,9 GeV 173 GeV 1,2%
No supercomputers needed! • Not tens of parameters required !
The role of the missing mass m0 • One mass, m0 = 70,1 MeV/c2, on the previous slides, cannot be assigned to a known particle. The 1.5 fold of it, however, is the muon, the 2 fold the pion, the 7 fold the kaon, with accuracies in the sub – percent range. • All other hadrons with lifetimes larger than 10-24 sec, can be explained as integer multiples of m0.
Particle masses as integer multiples of m0K. O. Greulich J Mod Phys 1, 300 - 302 (2010);K.O. Greulich SPIE Proceedings 8121-15, (2011); for downloads see http://www.fli-leibniz.de/www_kog/ then klick *Physics* Particle exp cal % LEPTONS Muon105.66 105.04 0.59 Tau 1776.99 1785.66 0.49 MESONS Pion 139.57 140.05 0.34 Kaon493.68 490.18 0.71 Eta 547.75 560.21 2.22 Rho775.8 770.28 0 mega782.59 770.28 1.60 D Meson 1869.4 1855.69 0.74 Ds Meson1968.3 1960.73 0.39 B Meson 5279.4 5251.94 0.52 Bs Meson 5369.6 5391. 0.42 BARYONS Lambda 1115.68 1120.40 0.42 Sigma 1197.45 1190.44 0.59 Xi 1314.18 1330.49 1.23 Omega 1672.45 1680.62 0.49 Lambdac2284.9 2275.84 0.40 Sigmac 2452.2 2450.9 0.05 Xic2466.3 2450.9 0.63 Omegac2697.5 2696.0 0.06 Lambda0 5654.0 5637.09 0,23
Particle masses as 137,036n (1/fine structure constant) fold of the double Rydberg massKarl Otto Greulich. Fritz Lipmann Institute Beutenbergstr. 11 D 07745 Jena Conclusion The ensemble of all major particle masses, over a billion fold range, is described with unprecedented accuracy, in the half percent range. .