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Beauty and the Christian Woman. Lucille Lau The Esther Challenge. The Splendor of the Persian Kingdom. Ester 1:1 Pada zaman Ahasyweros--dialah Ahasyweros yang merajai seratus dua puluh tujuh daerah mulai dari India sampai ke Etiopia--,。
Beauty and the Christian Woman Lucille LauThe Esther Challenge
Ester 1:1 Pada zaman Ahasyweros--dialah Ahasyweros yang merajai seratus dua puluh tujuh daerah mulai dari India sampai ke Etiopia--,。 Esther 1:1 This is what happened during the time of Xerxes, the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush:
4 Di samping itu baginda memamerkan kekayaan kemuliaan kerajaannya dan keindahan kebesarannya yang bersemarak, berhari-hari lamanya, sampai seratus delapan puluh hari. Esther 1:4 For a full 180 days he displayed the vast wealth of his kingdom and the splendor and glory of his majesty.
10 Pada hari yang ketujuh, ketika raja riang gembira hatinya karena minum anggur, bertitahlah baginda kepada Mehuman, Bizta, Harbona, Bigta, Abagta, Zetar dan Karkas, yakni ketujuh sida-sida yang bertugas di hadapan raja Ahasyweros, Esther 1:10 On the seventh day, when King Xerxes was in high spirits from wine, he commanded the seven eunuchs who served him—Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar and Carcas—
11 supaya mereka membawa Wasti, sang ratu, dengan memakai mahkota kerajaan, menghadap raja untuk memperlihatkan kecantikannya kepada sekalian rakyat dan pembesar-pembesar, karena sang ratu sangat elok rupanya. Esther 1:11 to bring before him Queen Vashti, wearing her royal crown, in order to display her beauty to the people and nobles, for she was lovely to look at.
12 Tetapi ratu Wasti menolak untuk menghadap menurut titah raja yang disampaikan oleh sida-sida itu, sehingga sangat geramlah raja dan berapi-apilah murkanya. Esther 1:12 But when the attendants delivered the king’s command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger.
19 Jikalau baik pada pemandangan raja, hendaklah dikeluarkan suatu titah kerajaan dari hadapan baginda dan dituliskan di dalam undang-undang Persia dan Media, sehingga tidak dapat dicabut kembali, bahwa Wasti dilarang menghadap raja Ahasyweros, Esther 1:19 “Therefore, if it pleases the king, let him issue a royal decree and let it be written in the laws of Persia and Media, which cannot be repealed, that Vashti is never again to enter the presence of King Xerxes.
dan bahwa raja akan mengaruniakan kedudukannya sebagai ratu kepada orang lain yang lebih baik dari padanya. Also let the king give her royal position to someone else who is better than she.
Ester 2:2 Maka sembah para biduanda raja yang bertugas pada baginda: "Hendaklah orang mencari bagi raja gadis-gadis, yaitu anak-anak dara yang elok rupanya; Esther 2:2 Then the king’s personal attendants proposed, “Let a search be made for beautiful young virgins for the king.
3 hendaklah raja menempatkan kuasa-kuasa di segenap daerah kerajaannya, supaya mereka mengumpulkan semua gadis, anak-anak dara yang elok rupanya, di dalam benteng Susan, 3 Let the king appoint commissioners in every province of his realm to bring all these beautiful girls into the harem at the citadel of Susa.
di balai perempuan, di bawah pengawasan Hegai, sida-sida raja, penjaga para perempuan; hendaklah diberikan wangi-wangian kepada mereka. Let them be placed under the care of Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who is in charge of the women; and let beauty treatments be given to them.
4 Dan gadis yang terbaik pada pemandangan raja, baiklah dia menjadi ratu ganti Wasti." Hal itu dipandang baik oleh raja, dan dilakukanlah demikian. 4 Then let the girl who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti.” This advice appealed to the king, and he followed it.
8Setelah titah dan undang-undang raja tersiar dan banyak gadis dikumpulkan di dalam benteng Susan, di bawah pengawasan Hegai, 8 When the king’s order and edict had been proclaimed, many girls were brought to the citadel of Susa and put under the care of Hegai.
maka Esterpun dibawa masuk ke dalam istana raja, di bawah pengawasan Hegai, penjaga para perempuan. Esther also was taken to the king’s palace and entrusted to Hegai, who had charge of the harem.
9 Maka gadis itu sangat baik pada pemandangannya dan menimbulkan kasih sayangnya, sehingga Hegai segera memberikan wangi-wangian dan pelabur kepadanya, 9 The girl pleased him and won his favor. Immediately he provided her with her beauty treatments and special food.
dan juga tujuh orang dayang-dayang yang terpilih dari isi istana raja, kemudian memindahkan dia dengan dayang-dayangnya ke bagian yang terbaik di dalam balai perempuan. He assigned to her seven maids selected from the king’s palace and moved her and her maids into the best place in the harem.
15 Ketika Ester--anak Abihail, yakni saudara ayah Mordekhai yang mengangkat Ester sebagai anak--mendapat giliran untuk masuk menghadap raja, 15 When the turn came for Esther (the girl Mordecai had adopted, the daughter of his uncle Abihail) to go to the king,
maka ia tidak menghendaki sesuatu apapun selain dari pada yang dianjurkan oleh Hegai, sida-sida raja, penjaga para perempuan. she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the harem, suggested.
Maka Ester dapat menimbulkan kasih sayang pada semua orang yang melihat dia. And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her.
17 Maka Ester dikasihi oleh baginda lebih dari pada semua perempuan lain, dan ia beroleh sayang dan kasih baginda lebih dari pada semua anak dara lain, 17 Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins.
sehingga baginda mengenakan mahkota kerajaan ke atas kepalanya dan mengangkat dia menjadi ratu ganti Wasti. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.
Esther’s Beauty Treatments and Special Food
Daily Skin Care Routine • Cleansing
Daily Skin Care Routine • Cleansing • Toning
Daily Skin Care Routine • Cleansing • Toning • Moisturizing
Cleansing • Eye Make-up Removal
Cleansing • Eye Make-up Removal • Facial Wash
Cleansing • Eye Make-up Removal • Facial Wash • Facial Soap
Choose products according to your skin type • oily skin • dry skin • normal skin
My skin type is: • Oily skin entirely • Oily skin entirely with blemishes • Dry skin entirely • Normal skin • Combination skin: • oily center – normal outside • oily center – dry outside
To apply toners: • Saturate a cotton pad and using light, upward strokes, work from the base of the throat up
To apply toners: • Avoid the areas around the • eyes
Moisturize • Moisturize • Moisturize
To apply make-up • Concealer • Foundation • (Blend well so that it looks like your own skin)
First, Eyebrows • Shape your eyebrow • (If you don’t know how, go to a salon to have it done for the first time)
Eyebrows 2. Use a dark brown or brown pencil
Eyebrows 3. Brush brows upwith eyebrow brush
Eyebrows • Fill in with short strokes • (softly & gently)
Eyebrows • When brows are brushed • back in line, the entire brow should look like real hair
Eyebrows 6. A normal, natural arc duplicates the shape of the eye below it (gives added beautyto any face type)
Now, Eyes • Eye Shadow Base • Color lighter than your foundation • Apply with a fat eye shadow brush from the lashes up to the browbone
Eyes • 2. Lid Color • Use rich taupe, dark brown • Apply with soft, fluffy eye shadow brush from lashes to over the eyelid • No visible border, blend well with brush
Eyeliner • Use darkest shade • Charcoal, navy, brown/black to line your eye • Use a liner brush and apply as close to lashes as possible • Use finger or Q-tip to smudge it