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Hush Yo Mouth (II)

Hush Yo Mouth (II). Ephesians 4:29, 31; 5:4. Lying. Major concern for it undermines families, communities and nations Proverbs 6:17 The Seven Deadly Sins (May 06). Preventing Profanity. God is concerned with how His people speak Eph. 4:29; 5:3-4

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Hush Yo Mouth (II)

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  1. Hush Yo Mouth (II) Ephesians 4:29, 31; 5:4

  2. Lying • Major concern for it undermines families, communities and nations • Proverbs 6:17 • The Seven Deadly Sins (May 06)

  3. Preventing Profanity • God is concerned with how His people speak • Eph. 4:29; 5:3-4 • Some believers today do not consider this to be an issue of concern

  4. Preventing Profanity • It is part of the fabric of culture • It has become more prevalent in the past twenty years • Some pastors use profanity in their messages

  5. Preventing Profanity • A distinguishing mark of God’s people • Where we find something mentioned in the Bible is important • Issue of profanity addressed in the “household rules” (Col. 3:8; Eph)

  6. Preventing Profanity • A distinguishing mark of God’s people • As God’s new people we are to reflect a new way of life • As God’s new people we are to be a point of light in the darkness

  7. Preventing Profanity • A distinguishing mark of God’s people • Clarifications • It is for us. We are not the world’s language police

  8. Preventing Profanity • A Distinguishing Mark (Clarifications) • It is not our only distinguishing mark • It is not an area where we can contextualize • What we don’t do is often very powerful

  9. Preventing Profanity • Reasons Behind the Rules • Profanity fits usually in one of three categories • Related to God • Related to Sex • Related to Bodily Functions

  10. Preventing Profanity • God – His character is revealed in His name(s) • We can misrepresent Him when we misuse His name • His name is not common (Exodus 20:4)

  11. Preventing Profanity • Sexuality • Sex is intended by God as a beautiful expression of love, tenderness and oneness • It is beautiful, special and holy • To speak of it in profanity cheapens it, begins to treat people as objects

  12. Remember the Principles • Reveals if we are saved • Reveals if we are maturing • Unleashes passions – the tongue inflames the passions. To speak of sex in vulgarity lessens our resistance to acts of immorality

  13. Preventing Profanity • Bodily Function • There are some things best kept private • We do not want to be vulgar or common • We are seeking to show a better way

  14. Preventing Profanity • Guidelines for Right Speech • Prayer and the Word of God – Be filled with the Holy Spirit will solve many problems • Right Company – 1 Cor. 15:33 • Accountability

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