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Talent Management for Professional Staff and Faculty Overview

Talent Management for Professional Staff and Faculty Overview. Maureen Macpherson, Dr. Margaret Steele, Dr. Robin Walker Talent Management Conference: Effective Leaders in a Changing Health Care Environment November 27, 2012. Disclosure.

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Talent Management for Professional Staff and Faculty Overview

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  1. Talent Management for Professional Staff and FacultyOverview Maureen Macpherson, Dr. Margaret Steele, Dr. Robin Walker Talent Management Conference: Effective Leaders in a Changing Health Care Environment November 27, 2012

  2. Disclosure • “I have not had in the past 2 years, a financial interest, arrangement or affiliation with one or more organizations that could be perceived as a direct/indirect conflict of interest in the content of the subject of this or any other program.” • Maureen Macpherson, Medical Affairs • Dr. Margaret Steele, Vice Dean, Hospital and Interfaculty Relations • Dr. Robin Walker, Integrated Vice-President, Medical Affairs and Medical Education

  3. Objectives • Describe the evolution of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and the London Hospitals Talent Management Initiative • Show the Talent Management Framework • Outline the Professional Leadership Competencies • Communicate resources available for development • Describe the Talent Management Pilot Program • Announce the participants of the inaugural Talent Management Pilot Program

  4. Strategic Directions • “…to have supported leaders and staff in strengthening their skills and practices in a changing environment” (LHSC Strategic Plan, 2009, http://www.lhsc.on.ca/priv/spp/pdfs/spp_plan.pdf) • Lead in programs that foster the growth and success of faculty and staff (Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan, 2011, http://www.schulich.uwo.ca/Schulichhome/files/unfiled/2411SchulichMedicineDentistryFINALLR.pdf)

  5. The Vision • To develop a culture within Schulich/LHSC and St. Joseph’s committed to the identification, engagement, development, recruitment and retention of excellent leaders • Grounded in a feedback-rich environment • Supported by a well defined process to identify and develop next generation leaders • Build upon clear leadership competencies required to respond to the changing needs within the Academic Health System • Recognizes and celebrates leadership excellence

  6. What is Talent Management • A process of defining future leadership requirements - critical roles and competencies • A process of identifying, attracting, developing and retaining a pool of talent that meets these requirements • It involves assessing, developing and retaining the organization’s current talent, and recruiting additional talent, as necessary to meet the leadership needs of the organization • Is about identifying a steady flow of qualified leaders (Hay Group Limited, retrieved November 2011 http://www.haygroup.com/ca/services/index.aspx?id=6643)

  7. Talent Management focuses on: • Building Capabilities • Annual development plans, focused development opportunities • Foundational Development • System awareness, knowledge and skill development • Supporting New Leaders • Orientation, skill development, mentorship, coaching • Accelerated Development Pool • Education and experiential learning to develop potential leaders

  8. History • London Hospitals Medical Affairs and the Schulich School remunerate physicians\dentists\basic scientists for key leadership roles ie. Division Chief, Site Chief, Department Chair, Associate Dean • To date … • no centrally articulated competency requirements for the roles • no position descriptions developed centrally • no articulation of experiences, courses or committees that would lead to development of competencies

  9. History • Development opportunities beyond the role of Medical Expert appear to be episodic and lacks coordination • Physicians are viewed as leaders of the clinical team regardless of their title • Physicians\Dentists\Basic Scientists don’t always view themselves as leaders • Very little leadership training in Undergraduate, Post Graduate Training or by their profession • More focused attention to leadership development is beginning to occur ie. Canadian Society of Physician Executives, Canadian Health Leadership Network

  10. Questions • Do we have alignment with recruitment, orientation, development, retention and succession planning? • Are our processes based on leadership best practices? • Do we have the skill development opportunities internally or do we go externally? • How can we build on our strengths and enhance capacity? • What gaps do we have? How can the gaps be addressed?

  11. Literature Search and Environmental Scan • Gathered postings internally and externally • Reviewed literature and models of Talent Management • Compared to what we had articulated in Career Development Planning forms • Cross referenced and completed gap analysis • Focus Group for Face Validity

  12. Literature Search and Environmental Scan • Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) competencies • National Institutes of Health Leadership (NIHL) model • LEADs Framework • Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Leadership Framework • CanMeds and College of Family Physicians of Canada • Etc.

  13. Governance • Steering Committee • Physician\Faculty Advisory Committee • Leadership Development Working Group • Career Development Working Group

  14. Steering Committee Membership • Dr. Margaret Steele and Dr. Robin Walker (Co-Chairs) • Dr. Murrary Bryant, Ivey • Dr. Sharon Burey, Schulich Windsor • Dr. Davy Cheng, Clinical Chair • Dr. David Litchfield, Basic Science Chair • Maureen Macpherson, Medical Affairs • Dwayne Martins, Chief Operating Officer, Schulich • Dr. Jatinder Takhar, Associate Dean, Continuing Professional Development • Dr. Dave Smithson, Resident • Dr. Anne Snowdon, Ivey and Health Sciences

  15. Steering Committee Functions • Supervise the progress of the subcommittees • Ensure issues that arise are communicated across all groups • Ensure broad talent management program rather than specialized • Identify and close gaps • Develop a culture that supports mentoring and leadership development

  16. Physician/Faculty Advisory Committee Membership • Dr. Wayne Weston (Chair) • Dr. Tom Forbes, Surgery • Dr. Rod Lim, Pediatrics • Dr. Sarah Jarmain, Psychiatry • Dr. Mariamma Joseph, Pathology • Dr. Shamim Tejpar, SWOMEN • Dr. Andy Watson, Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies) • Dr. Harinder Sandhu, Vice Dean, Dentistry • Dr. Margaret Steele, Vice Dean, Hospital and Interfaculty Relations

  17. Physician/Faculty Advisory Committee Functions • To review the activities of the Talent Management Initiatives including: • The Leadership Competencies Document • Chief Resident Role Description • Professional Development Series • Career Development Planning Document • To provide advice on the materials and process to enhance the Talent Management Initiative

  18. Leadership Development Working Group Membership • Maureen Macpherson (Chair) • Karen Regier, Lawson Health Research Institute • Sue Thomsen, Administrative Officer • Kay Hickey, Continuing Professional Development • Rebecca Parkes, Organizational Development Consultant, LHSC/St. Joseph’s Health Care • Peggy Roffey, Learning and Development, Western • Michele Parkin, Faculty Relations, Western

  19. Leadership Development Working Group Function • To review the literature on leadership competencies and talent management programs • To develop a draft of leadership competencies and resources available within the London hospitals, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Faculty Development and Western University • To develop a draft program which is consistent with the talent management programs for staff at the London Hospitals and faculty at Western University • To draft a communication plan and change management plan

  20. Career Development Planning Project Team • Carl Holland (Chair) • Jennifer Devlin, Child Health Research Institute • Derrick Gould, Acuity Star • Mair Hughes, Administrative Officer, Pathology • Maureen Macpherson, Medical Affairs • Patty Smith, Administrative Officer, Pediatrics • Sue Thomsen, Administrative Officer, Medicine

  21. Career Development Planning Project Functions • To review and revise Career Development Plan (CDP) document incorporating the following: • The Academic Role Categories • Mentoring • Professional staff leadership competencies • To provide recommendations regarding the CDP process eg. frequency of completion of CDP

  22. Model

  23. Competencies • Self Awareness and Emotional Intelligence • Develop Self and Others • Communicate and Engage Effectively • Build Collaborative Relationships, Coalitions and Strategic Partnerships • Inspire, Achieve and Innovate • Manage Resources • Transform and Lead to the Future

  24. Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence • The ability to develop and maintain a sense of presence and emotional maturity that is anchored in: • Awareness of one’s strengths and limitations • Understanding of one’s own emotions and the impact of one’s behaviour on others • Consistent behaviour that is congruent with personal and organizational values • Appropriate management of emotions • Demonstration of resilience in a range of complex and demanding situations • An inner confidence that one can succeed and overcome obstacles

  25. Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence • Core for: • Foundational • Enhanced • Strategic • Suggested Development Opportunities: • Personality Dimensions (Hospital) • EQI (Hospital) • Self Awareness (Schulich)

  26. Communicate and Engage Effectively • Shows tact and diplomacy in dealing with others • Actively listens, gives and receives feedback • Uses active listening when interacting with individuals or groups, reflecting on verbal and non-verbal behaviour in order to understand and respond appropriately to the concerns of others • Keeps others informed about issues that affect them • Presents appropriate information clearly and concisely to a variety of audiences • Encourages open exchange of information and ideas using appropriate communications media

  27. Communicate and Engage Effectively • Core for: • Foundational • Enhanced • Strategic • Suggested Development Opportunities: • Dialogue: the Language of Complex Systems (CMA) • Crucial Conversations (Hospital) • Negotiation and Conflict Management (CMA) • Leader Effectiveness Training (LET) (Hospital)

  28. Build Collaborative Relationships, Coalitions and Strategic Partnerships • Eg. • Facilitates environments of collaboration and cooperation to achieve results and to achieve the vision • Core for: • Foundational • Enhanced • Strategic • Suggested Development Opportunities: • Project Management (Hospital) • Introduction to Lean Tools (Hospital)

  29. Build Collaborative Relationships, Coalitions and Strategic Partnerships • Eg. • Builds/encourages strategic partnerships with external agencies to support care, education and research • Required for: • Strategic Leadership • Suggested Development Opportunities: • Influencer Overview (Hospital) • Influencer Training (Hospital) • Leading the patient safety process (CMA)

  30. Inspire, Achieve and Innovate • Eg. • Considers innovations by challenging the way or the status quo • Core for: • Foundational • Enhanced • Strategic • Suggested Development Opportunities: • Grants and Grant Applications (Hospital) • Foundational Leadership Skills – for project leaders, committee chairs and professionals (Hospital)

  31. Develop Self and Others • Eg. Helps to improve the skills and capabilities of others and fosters their long-term learning and development through performance management, coaching, and mentoring leading to empowerment • Core for: • Foundational • Enhanced • Strategic • Suggested Development Opportunities: • Teaching Tips (Schulich) • Mentoring (Schulich) • Developing Other Leaders (Hospital)

  32. Transform and Lead to the Future • Eg. • Actively contributes to change processes that improve health service delivery • Core for: • Foundational • Enhanced • Strategic • Suggested Development Opportunities: • An Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry for Leaders (Hospital)

  33. Transform and Lead to the Future • Eg. • Leads others in change by collaboratively setting priorities, determining methods and procedures, and implementing continuous improvement strategies • Required for: • Strategic • Suggested Development Opportunities: • Canadian Certified Physician Executive Program (CSPE) • BASICS (Western)

  34. Manage Resources • Eg. • Monitors/evaluates ongoing use of resources in meeting established goals • Core for: • Foundational • Enhanced • Strategic • Suggested Development Opportunities • HR101 (Hospital) • Management dynamics: understanding hospital performance (CMA)

  35. Manage Resources • Eg. • Participates with others to define strategies for approved resource growth • Required for: • Enhanced • Strategic • Suggested development opportunities: • Becoming a Strategic Leader (Hospital) • Strategic Influence: Advocacy, Alliances and Accountability (CMA)

  36. Manage Resources • Eg. • Understands the business implications of opportunities to drive decisions when implementing business strategies • Suggested development Opportunities • Dollars and sense: finance and economics for the health care leader (CMA) • Required for: • Strategic

  37. Professional Development Series • Implementation of a development series which has been designed to provide key information and skill development for new professional staff • Target Group: new professional staff members who are new to Ontario or the Ontario Health Care System • The sessions were put into a half-day (four times per year)

  38. Professional Development Series • Topics include: • Grants\Grant Writing • Running Effective Meetings • Supervising the Learning Environment • Managing Ethical Decisions • Managing Patient Information • Leading Quality Initiatives • Self-Awareness/Reflective Practice • Leading Your Career Towards Promotion • Teaching Tips • Human Resource Issues

  39. Project Outcomes • Professional Leadership Competencies Document • Talent Management Website • Professional Development Series • Chief Resident Role Description • Draft revised Career Development Planning Document which incorporates the Academic Role Categories, Mentorship and Professional Leadership Competencies • Talent Management Pilot Program • Talent Management Advisory Committee

  40. Talent ManagementPilot Program

  41. Recognition Thank you to all those individuals who submitted applications for the Talent Management Pilot Program Congratulations to all of the successful applicants.

  42. Pilot Program Overview • Duration: approximately 1 year • To enhance leadership competencies while completing a stretch exercise • To reflect on personal strengths and areas of development • To receive and reflect on feedback from a mentor and others • To choose two competency areas to develop over the next year

  43. Pilot Program Participants • Alison Allan, Oncology Scientist • Waleed Chehadi, PGY5 Resident, Critical Care Medicine • Arany Shanmugalingam, PGY4, Psychiatry • Javeed Sukhera, Junior Faculty Member, Psychiatry • George Zahariadis, Junior Faculty Member, Pathology-Microbiology

  44. Profile • Allison Allan,London Regional Cancer Program • Oncology Scientist • Mentor: Dr. Glenn Bauman, Dr. Kem Rogers

  45. Area of Focus • Development of Strategic Direction for the Metastasis Translational Research Team • To develop a proposal to augment the existing training program to include value-added training skill sets that would ultimately meet the needs of the changing job market

  46. Profile • Waleed Chehadi, Critical Care Medicine • PGY5 Chief Resident • Mentor: Dr. Mithu Sen

  47. Area of Focus • To develop a proposal and implementation plan for cross-specialty learning rounds for residents/ students in acute care programs

  48. Profile • Arany Shanmugalingam, Psychiatry • PGY4 Chief Resident • Mentor: Dr. Volker Hocke

  49. Area of Focus • Creation of an official Mentorship Program for incoming Postgraduate Year 1 Residents in Psychiatry

  50. Profile • Javeed Sukhera, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry • Junior Faculty Member • Mentor: Dr. Paul Links and Dr. Sandra Fisman

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