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Clinton and the Culture Wars. History 17B Lecture 22. Pat Buchanan at the 1992 GOP Convention “A cultural war…for the soul of America” Definition Conservatives say the decline of public morality due to socially permissive legacy of the 1960s. Questions
Clinton and the Culture Wars History 17B Lecture 22
Pat Buchanan at the 1992 GOP Convention “A cultural war…for the soul of America” Definition Conservatives say the decline of public morality due to socially permissive legacy of the 1960s. Questions What were the battles in the culture war that led up to and during the 1990s? Does the war still rage today? “Take back our culture…”
Review 1920s battle between Traditionalists and Modernists. Generational and social conflict in 1960s and ’70s. Background to the Culture Wars
Cultural Conflict in the 1980s The Christian Right battles social changes in gender roles and sexuality. Feminism “encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft.” Pat Robertson Operation Rescue’s fight against legalized abortion. AIDS is God’s revenge against homosexuals. Background to the Culture Wars Pat Robertson
Cultural Conflict in the 1980s Reagan good at exploiting cultural conflict. Evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics (Reagan Democrats) supported his social conservatism. Democrats portrayed as “too liberal.” George Bush wins in 1988 against Gov. Michael Dukakis. Background to the Culture Wars
George Bush’s Leadership Style Believed state and local government should handle domestic matters. Uninterested in domestic affairs. Very interested in foreign policy Free trade agreement Invasion of Panama Desert Storm Approval rating surges to 85%. The Revolution Stalls
Economic Troubles Increasing budget deficit forced Bush to break campaign promise not to raise taxes. Collapse of the Savings and Loan Industry $150 billion cost to government. U.S. entered recession in 1990 7% unemployment. The Revolution Stalls
1992 Election Bush’s poll numbers down to mid-30s as 1992 campaign starts. Gov. Bill Clinton Promoted “progressive” issues: Stimulus package, education, welfare, health care reform, and tax fairness. A “New Democrat” with incredible people skills. The Revolution Stalls
1992 Election Bush hit Clinton with “character issue” Adultery, Vietnam draft, pot smoking Hillary Clinton also a lightening rod. But country had lost faith in Bush. Clinton won the three-way race with just under 6 million votes. Was conservative revolution dead? The Revolution Stalls
Clinton’s Missteps High voter frustration gives Clinton little room for error. “Nannygate” Health Care Task Force led by Hillary Clinton. Lack of experience, a divided Democratic Party, and united Republican opposition all hurt Clinton. Raised taxes to reduce budget deficit. Clinton in Office Zoe Baird
The Culture War Reignites when Clinton: Lifted restrictions on abortion counseling; Allowed fetal tissue research; Permitted FDA review of the “abortion pill” RU-486. Gays in the Military Political firestorm when Clinton tried to lift the ban. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” compromise satisfies no one. Clinton in Office
1994 Elections GOP’s “Contract With America” promoted conservative promises in Congressional elections. Term limits, welfare reform, etc. Only 39% of electorate voted. GOP won both House and Senate. “I am still relevant.” Bill Clinton to press corps after the GOP landslide. Conservative Revolution Revived?
The Comeback Kid Clinton moved to the center once again (triangulation), but vowed to protect public from “extremists.” Newt Gingrich an easy target. Clinton vetoed GOP bills he called “extreme,” while embracing other bills he called “progressive.” Clinton’s political skills and a robust economy helped him sail to re-election in 1996. Conservative Revolution Revived?
Zippergate and Impeachment • The Clinton Scandals • Hundreds of millions of dollars in an 8 year investigation. The result? • Clinton charged for lying about an extra-marital affair. • What were the motivations behind these investigations? Whitewater Troopergate Foster Suicide Ron Brown Death Lewinsky Affair
Zippergate and Impeachment • Clinton’s Enemies • Right-Wing Conspiracy? • No, but rather a loosely connected network of enemies. • Heavily financed, operated secretly, shared info with each other, and used media to broadcast charges. • Richard Mellon Scaife • Key player in providing funding and information to other Clinton enemies. Richard M. Scaife Ken Starr Paula Jones Linda Tripp
Impeachment Clinton gave his enemies the ammunition they needed. Charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. Most Republicans knew conviction was highly unlikely. More limited goal was to historically stain Clinton’s presidency. Zippergate and Impeachment
Zippergate and Impeachment • Clinton and the Public • Even after acquittal, Clinton’s job approval rating at 73%. Why? • Longest economic expansion in history. • Annual budget deficit reduced to from $290 billion to zero. • “Third Way” economic and social policies popular with most Americans.
Country divided between two cultures: Hedonistic, secular, socially tolerant, and urban vs. religious, Puritanical, insular, and largely rural. Clinton showed there is a middle-ground to be captured. The Culture Wars Today Battles continue over gay rights, activist judges, indecency on the airwaves, sex education, and the right to die. Blue vs. Red
Blue vs. Red • America still faces serious problems • Inequalities of wealth • Racism and discrimination • Environmental pollution • Depleting energy resources • Technology and privacy issues • Terrorism • Are there any leaders out there?