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POLYMORPHISM. Chapter 6. Chapter 5. 6.0 Polymorphism Polymorphism concept Abstract classes and methods Method overriding Concrete sub classes and methods Array of super classes Interfaces. Polymorphism concept. Polymorphism means “having many forms”
Chapter 5 6.0 Polymorphism Polymorphism concept Abstract classes and methods Method overriding Concrete sub classes and methods Array of super classes Interfaces
Polymorphism concept • Polymorphism means “having many forms” • It is the ability to use the same name to refer to methods that perform different tasks. • Ability of a variable to have more than one type – hold values of different types. • Let us code generically like parameter, it lets us write code that is both general and tailored to a particular situation.
Polymorphism concept • Advantages :- • Allows different (but related) objects the flexibility to respond differently to the same message. • Allow objects to treat other objects in a general way. • Code sharing • Disadvantages :- • When you use it, you must treat different objects in a general way • Just by looking at the source code, it is not possible to determine which code is executed.
Polymorphism concept • To expand the usage and the effectiveness of polymorphism, we have to apply the concept of abstract class and the array • Method Overriding: a subclass inherits methods from a superclass, and the subclass modify the implementation of a method defined in the superclass • Method Overloading define multiple methods with the same name but different signatures
Abstract Class • Is a class that can only be used as a base class for another class, that is, no objects of an abstract class can be instantiated. • Allows programmer to describe the methods and data that should be in the class. • Must contain at least one abstract method to ensure that an object cannot be instantiated which contain incomplete method. • It may contain any number and combination of abstract and nonabstract methods. • Is a hybrid of a interface and class. • It is like interface - is not completely implemented and cannot be instantiated but it is still a class.
Abstract Class • An abstract class is a common solution when we know the subclass is likely to override the superclass. • Main reason :- • To avoid redundant codes • Several concrete classes have some common code that can be implemented in a single superclass. • A class is declared as abstract by including the keyword abstractin the class’s header line, example: abstract class student { }
Abstract Class • Similar to a concrete class :- • Is compiled with a bytecode file xyz.class if the class name is xyz. • Has either public,protected,private or package accessibility • Cannot be public unless it has the same name as its source code file. • Serves as type for declaring variables and parameters • May include constructors • May include methods, classes and interfaces • Difference to a concrete class :- • May contain abstract method • Cannot be instantiated
Abstract Methods • Describes a behavior or action for a method in the abstract class. • Defining a method that is deferred. • Specified in the parentclass but must be implemented in a child class. • Has no code body, no braces { } – contains only a header line. • A placeholder that requires all derived classes to override and complete the method. • All of the abstract methods must be overridden by methods in the concrete (complete) subclasses. • Advantage : conceptual – allows the programmer to think of an activity as associated with an abstraction at a higher level. • An abstract methods cannot be declared as either static or final. • Example : abstract public voidgetmessage();
Example of abstract class and method public abstract class Shape { private double x, y; public abstract double getArea(); public abstract doublegetCircumference(); public double getX(){ return x; } public double getY(){ return y; } public void setX(double x){ this.x = x; } public void setY(double y){ this.y = y; } }
Example of abstract class and method classHariRayaextendsCard{ publicHariRaya(String r){ recipient = r; } public void greeting(){ System.out.println(“Dear “ + recipient + “ , \n SelamatHari Raya”); } } public abstract class Card{ String recipient; public abstract void greeting(); } class Birthday extendsCard{ publicBirthday(String r){ recipient = r; } public void greeting(){ System.out.println(“Dear “ + recipient + “ , \n Happy Birthday”); } } classCardApp { public static void main(String[] args) { Card c; c =new Birthday(“Miss X”); c.greeting(); c = new HariRaya(“Mr Y”); c.greeting(); } }
Array in Polymorphism • Similar to implement the array in the inheritance concept. But we want the reference of array which is comes from the parent class. • You might want to create a superclass reference and treat subclass objects as superclass objects so you can create an array of different objects that share the same ancestry. • Manipulate an array of subclass objects by invoking the appropriate method for each subclass. • Elements in a single array must be of the same type.
Array in Polymorphism From the previous slide example – CardApp class CardArrayApp { public static void main(String[] args) { Card[] c = new Card[12]; Birthday B = new Birthday(“Miss X”); HariRaya H = new HariRaya(“MR Y”); c[0] = B; c[1] = H; for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j++) c[j].greeting(); } }
Method Overriding • When a class defines a method using the same name, return type, and arguments as a method in its superclass, the method in the class overrides the method in the superclass. • When the method is invoked for an object of the class, it is the new definition of the method that is called, not the superclass’s old definition. • The overriding method must have the same name, arguments and return type as the overriden method. • Typically used for abstract method. • Can occur in two different forms :- • Replacement • A method can replace the method in parent class. Code in parent class is not executed at all. • Refinement • Combines the code from parent and child class – the use of keyword super (constructor)
Interface • Consists of constants and abstract methods only. • Cannot be instantiated • Purpose to specify a set of requirements for classes to implement. • Requirements as a “contract” between implementing class and any client class that uses it. • Important part of OOD is to create the interface when class implementation will be done later. • Description of a capability • List the methods that a class must implement to carry out that capability. • A class may implement several interfaces • An interface may be implemented by several classes • All abstract methods declared in an interface must be public and abstract.
Interface • Different from class :- • Declared only method headers and public constants • Has no constructors • Cannot be instantiated • Can be implemented by class • Cannot implement an interface • Cannot extend a class • Can extend several other interfaces.
Interface • Has the general syntax : interface interfacename{ //constant declarations; //abstract method declarations; } • A class that is derived from an interface by using keyword implements classclassnameimplementsinterfacename{ //override definitions of all abstract //methods; }
Example : Interface public abstract class Animal{ } public class Dog extendsAnimal { } public interface Worker{ } public class WorkingDogextends Dog implementsWorker { } public class DemoWorkingDog{ }