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Heavy Ion Collision Studies of the Symmetry Energy at High Temperature and Very Low Density. J. B. Natowitz CCAST Workshop, Beijing August 2005.
Heavy Ion Collision Studies of the Symmetry Energy at High Temperature and Very Low Density J. B. Natowitz CCAST Workshop, Beijing August 2005
E. Bell1,M. Cinausero2,Y. El Masri 6,D. Fabris3, K. Hagel1, J. Iglio1, A. Keksis1, T. Keutgen6,M. Lunardon3, Z. Majka4,A. Martinez-Davalos,5 A. Menchaca-Rocha5, S. Kowalski1,T. Materna1, J. B. Natowitz1, G. Nebbia3, L. Qin1, G. Prete,2 R. Murthy1, V. Rizzi,3 D. V. Shetty1, S. Soisson1, B. Stein1, G. Souliotis1, P. M. Veselsky1,A. Wieloch1, G. Viesti,3 R. Wada1, J. Wang1, S. Wuenshel1, and S. J. Yennello1 1Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 2INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro, Italy 3INFN Dipartimento di Fisica, Padova, Italy 4Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland 5UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico 6UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium The NIMROD Collaboration
Reactions R. Wada et al. Phys. Rev. C 69, 044610(2004) 26, 35, 47A MeV 64Zn + 58Ni 26, 35, 47A MeV 64Zn +92Mo 26, 35, 47A MeV 64Zn +197Au J. Wang et al. ArXiV nucl-ex/0408002, 2005 40A MeV 40Ar + 112Sn 35, 47A MeV 64Zn +92Mo 47A MeV 64Zn + 92Mo 55A MeV 27Al + 124Sn J. Wang et al.Phys. Rev. C 71, 054608 (2005)
Reaction Dynamics and Multifragmentation in Fermi Energy Heavy Ion Reactions - 15,26,35.,47A MeV 64Zn + 58Ni, 92Mo and 197Au R.Wada, et al., Phys. Rev. C 69, 044610(2004) 15 26 35 47 15 26 35 47 64Zn + 92Mo 64Zn + 197Au
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Relationship of Average Emission Time with Surface Velocity (AMD Calculation)
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26, 35, 47A MeV 64Zn + 58Ni 26, 35, 47A MeV 64Zn +92Mo 26, 35, 47A MeV 64Zn +197Au J. Wang et al. nucl-ex/0408002, 2005
Evolution of Emission Rates Very Similar Results for Au, Mo Targets Nucleons Earliest, Then A=2,3 Clusters, Then Alphas Why Evolve to Such Large Alpha Fractions Late?
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J.B. Elliott, L.G. Moretto, L. Phair, G.J. Wozniak Phys.Rev. C67 (2003) 024609 • nucl-ex/0206010 • J.B. Natowitz, K. Hagel, • Y. Ma, M. Murray, L. Qin, • S. Shlomo, R. Wada, J. Wang Constructing the phase diagram of finite neutral nuclear matter
Isoscaling Analyses and Symmetry Energy A Comparison of the Yields of Emitted Species for Two Different Sources of Similar Excitation Energy and Temperature but Differing in Their Neutron to Proton Ratios gsym 4 M.B. Tsang, W.A. Friedman, C.K. Gelbke, W.G. Lynch, G. Verde and H.S. Xu, Phys.Rev. C64 (2001) 041603
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nucl-ex/0408002 Title: Tracing the Evolution of Temperature in Near Fermi Energy Heavy Ion CollisionsAuthors:J. Wang, R. Wada, T. Keutgen, K. Hagel, Y. G. Ma, M. Murray, L. Qin, A. Botvina, S. Kowalski, T. Materna, J. B. Natowitz, R. Alfarro, J. Cibor, M. Cinausero, Y. El Masri, D. Fabris, E. Fioretto, A. Keksis, M. Lunardon, A. Makeev, N. Marie, E. Martin, Z. Majka, A. Martinez-Davalos, A. Menchaca-Rocha, G. Nebbia, G. Prete, V. Rizzi, A. Ruangma, D. V. Shetty, G. Souliotis, P. Staszel, M. Veselsky, G. Viesti, E. M. Winchester, S. J. Yennello, W. Zipper, A. Ono
A "Little Big Bang" Scenario of MultifragmentationX. Campi, H. Krivine, E. Plagnol, N. Sator Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C67 (2003) 044610
Title: Reaction Dynamics and Multifragmentation in Fermi Energy Heavy Ion ReactionsAuthors: R. Wada, T. Keutgen, K. Hagel, Y. G. Ma, J. Wang, M. Murray, L. Qin, P. Smith, J. B. Natowitz, R. Alfarro, J. Cibor, M. Cinausero, Y. El Masri, D. Fabris, E. Fioretto, A. Keksis, M. Lunardon, A. Makeev, N. Marie, E. Martin, A. Martinez-Davalos, A. Menchaca-Rocha, G. Nebbia, G. Prete, V. Rizzi, A. Ruangma, D. V. Shetty, G. Souliotis, P. Staszel, M. Veselsky, G. Viesti, E. M. Winchester, S. J. Yennello, Z. Majka, A. OnoPhys.Rev. C69 (2004) 044610