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Sunny Side Up Farm. Grow Your Own. Practicing Sustainability in La Crosse County Operations. Change is Good. What Is Sustainability?. In essence… meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Brundtland Commission.
What Is Sustainability? In essence… meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Brundtland Commission
So what does Sustainability mean? • Sustainability recognizes our natural environment as an asset • If we degrade this asset faster than it can naturally recover (through pollution, removal of natural habitat, etc.) we run the risk of losing some or all of this asset • The concept of Sustainability focuses on reducing our impact on the natural environment so we don’t degrade our environment faster than it can recover!
La Crosse County and the City of La Crosse began studying sustainability through a joint committee called, “Joint Committee on Sustainability”. This committee used a sustainability framework called, “The Natural Step”. The Natural Step gives four conditions to guide us towards sustainability. These four conditions help remove the “confusion” of what is sustainable versus what is not.
Condition 1 Reduce our contribution to fossil fuel dependence and to wasteful use of scarce metals and minerals. Why? • -Mining activities (essentially condensing metals and minerals normally in small concentrations within the Earth’s crust) lead to increasing concentrations of heavy metals and various mining wastes on the Earth’s surface (i.e. mercury, cadmium, lead, uranium, etc.) • -This accumulation of heavy metals on the earth’s surface cannot be reversed • -Fossil fuels contribute to greenhouse gas emissions • -OPEC oil dependence (approximately 41% of imported oil) supports non-democratic political regimes • -Fossil fuels are hydrocarbon chains (carbon and hydrogen combinations) the burning of which releases carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere • -Carbon dioxide is one of the main greenhouse gases that contributes to climate change.
Condition 2 Reduce our dependence upon persistent chemicals and the wasteful use of synthetic substances Why? • -According to the US EPA, over 70,000 chemicals are commonly used in the United States • -Synthetic chemicals are accumulating in the fatty tissue of humans, as well as many other mammals • -Potential interaction of these 70,000 chemicals within the human body is unknown
Condition 3 Reduce our community’s contribution to encroachment upon nature (land, water, wildlife, forests, soil & ecosystems) Why? -Encroachment upon nature destroys natural environments – thus removing portions of the assets we depend on. -For example – conversion of a wetland into a development removes a portion of land that provides flood protection, improves water quality, and supports a diversified aquatic population
Condition 4 Meet human needs fairly and efficiently Why? • If people cannot meet their basic human needs (air, water, food, shelter), they will likely misuse their environment • Example: Farmers in Brazil will continue to remove the rainforest if they cannot meet their needs for subsistence any other way (from The Natural Step for Communities, James & Lahti)
So then – what is Sustainability? • While each of these system conditions are good – Sustainable practices move towards meeting all four system conditions simultaneously • If our actions violate one or more of these system conditions our actions are not sustainable
So? Why should I care about Sustainability? • La Crosse County passed resolution #34-6/07 designating itself as an “Eco-County” • The County collaborated with the City of La Crosse in writing the following joint plan on sustainability:http://www.sustainablelacrosse.org/PDF/jointPlan.pdf • The County recognized that a clean, healthy environment determines a region’s quality of life • The County can save annual operational expenses if some common sense measures are enacted
So – How can I as a La Crosse County employee help enact these common sense actions? • Turn off your computer monitor, speakers (if you have them) and computer if you know you will be gone for over an hour. (note: IT has implemented a policy that puts your computer in “sleep mode” if left unattended for a length of time). • Turn off all electrical devices at the end of each day. • If your office has a window – try and rely on natural light instead of your desk or overhead lights
Other common sense measures • If you do use your lights, and leave the office – turn off the lights • If you office is normally cold – wear additional layers rather than plugging in a space heater • Set your printer default to “double-sided” • Make it a practice to shut off lights in rooms that are not in use
Other common sense measures • Carpool (this not only saves you money, but it lowers our parking demands) • Get involved! Help your office/department by volunteering to be the office/department sustainability liaison. At the end of each day – take a quick walk around your office/department to ensure all electrical appliances and lights are off!
Learn More • If you are interested in learning more about volunteering on sustainable issues at work, or learn how these practices could be used at home – please contact Karl Green with the UW-Extension department, or Nick Nichols the La Crosse County Sustainability Coordinator • Karl.green@ces.uwex.edu • Nichols.nick@co.la-crosse.wi.us