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TABLE OF CONTENTS. PLEASE NOTE: The item in italics is actually not featured in the slide show, it is just something you need to imagine exists on the slide
TABLE OF CONTENTS • PLEASE NOTE: • The item in italics is actually not featured in the slide show, it is just something you need to imagine exists on the slide • The 4 history items(#1, 2, 4 and 6) were based on AMERICAN history, and you will base yours on CANADIAN HISTORY(what we studied this year) • The 3 English items(#3, 5 and 7) were based on the Diary of Anne Frank, The Order of the Phoenix and an independent novel, The Iron Dome. Obviously, you will base your items on works we have studied this year.(see assignment sheet for the official list)
PREFACE On this slide, you will identify your question and explain how and why you chose your question. e.g. Why did it interest you? Why do you think it is a compelling question? As well, you will clearly express your answer to the question. This is will be your THESIS. Preface Length: 180-200 words The question for this exemplar is: “Can might be right?” The “answer”, the thesis for this exemplar is as follows: “Might is never right. Choosing violence to solve one’s problems brings pain, suffering, and ultimately more violence.”
“Letter from Vietnam Soldier to His Brother” September 22, 1968 Dear Steve, This will be my last letter for a while, as my platoon will be in-country for the next eight weeks. I’m telling you this so you won’t worry if it seems like I’ve stopped writing. Don’t tell mom that we’re going out on patrol. She always worries. Just let her think we’re still in Saigon on barracks duty. We head out tomorrow and I still don’t really know what we’re fighting for. I know what everyone back home says we’re doing here, but now that I’m actually in this awful place, I’m having trouble seeing it. I joined up to fight for democracy, to keep communism from spreading to the US. It seems stupid now. How are a rag-tag bunch of guys in black pyjamas thousands of miles away going to conquer Washington? Not going to happen. They do a pretty good job of shooting us though. This will be my third patrol duty and I never get used to it. It rains all the time and the humidity never seems to let up. We trudge through the jungle from one spot to another, always looking for Charlie and always hoping not to find him. The villages are the hardest though. I remember hearing in boot camp how we were coming here to rescue the South Vietnamese people from the horrors of the commie Northern armies. I can’t say all that many villagers seem happy or grateful that we’re here. They look at us with tired, suspicious expressions. They’re nervous, afraid. Our soldiers are constantly moving through their homes, looking for insurgents and collaborators. We aren’t always gentle about it.
the letter continued… The problem is that we never know: are they just simple peasant farmers or V.C. sympathizers and operatives? Those guys don’t wear uniforms. Every time we walk into a village, I’m thinking, “Is one of these guys the one who set that booby trap that took off Billy’s foot yesterday?.” As we leave, we feel the farmers’ eyes on our backs; wondering if one of them is a sniper who is even now heading to get his rifle? After a while, they all start to look like the enemy; so we treat them like the enemy. And by doing so, they sometimes turn into the enemy. There are lots of South Vietnamese who want us here, Steve, but there are many who just want us to leave. Whether it is us or the Northern Vietnamese army, or the VC, we are all just soldiers who are making their lives difficult, destroying their crops, killing their families. We just wear different outfits. During the final week of our last patrol we were in a little village and found a local man with a cache of weapons in his hut. We were dragging him off and his brother tried to stop us, begged us to let him be. When he wouldn’t let go, our sergeant cracked him on the head with his rifle. The guy wasn’t any older than you. He laid there in the mud, bleeding from his head as we dragged his brother away, probably to never be seen again. We’d gotten our guy, but hurt an innocent in the process. Two days later the village was attacked by VC in retaliation for the fact that we caught their agent. Half the villagers were killed. I used to think about going home, now I just think about finishing the next patrol. I just want to get through the next few weeks and find myself back in the barracks in Saigon. That’s as far ahead as I can think; to try and imagine any farther is dangerous. Give my love to mom, and keep hitting the books. Get into college and get your draft deferment. I don’t want to wake up one day and have you here in this hell-hole beside me. Love, Jon
Cut Short “Cut Short”: a Poem about Anne Frank A girl of thirteen, full of hopes, dreams, and vitality. A girl of thirteen, who admires movie stars, friends, and royalty. A girl of thirteen, despised, feared, and subjected to cruelty. A family fleeing a hostile homeland. Hidden, a treasure buried: A community created in shadow. Glimpses of light through a concealed window. Sunlight dancing on a chestnut tree. Abruptly the window shatters. A treasure stolen from the world, lining the pockets of a misguided nation. Yet, her words still echo around the world. They penetrate our ears, our hearts, our minds. In the end a girl of fifteen, a girl no more. A girl of fifteen, her tree of life felled. Yet a seed is planted?
Why Boston Bombings Might Be Scarier Than 9/11Killing Americans at play resonates differently than attacks on economic and military targets.by Ron Fournier. The Richards family home in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston where 8-year-old Martin Richards (inset) lived Call it “terrorism” if a label helps you make sense of this madness. Find who did it and squash him—or them —with what President Obama called “the full weight of justice.” But in the broad scheme of things, such loose ends matter less than this: Life in America changed with the Boston Marathon bombings—again, and as with past attacks, for the much worse. The Oklahoma City bombing in April 1995 and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were knee-buckling blows that led to an obsession over domestic security and foreign wars that will mark—and mar—our generation. The last mass terrorist assault on U.S. soil was carried out by Maj. Nidal M. Hassan, an Army psychiatrist with loose connections to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, who fatally shot 13 people and wounded 30 more at Fort Hood, Texas, in November 2009. There were attacks thwarted by the swelling ranks of federal police: The so-called shoe bomber, Richard Reid; an attempt to bomb the New York City subway system in 2009; and an unexploded car bomb in Times Square in 2010. Boston is another bridge too far. The Boston Marathon and its competitors reflect the best of America—always striving, forever resilient, and, as measured by population and cultural significance, enormous. You might say it’s unfair to compare Boston’s relatively low death toll to 9/11 and Oklahoma City, much less to the thousands of casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the daily total of gun deaths on U.S. streets.
editorial continued… But the Boston attack is notable not for the number of deaths, but for its social significance. It’s one thing—a dastardly, evil thing—to strike symbols of economic and military power. It’s another to hit the heart of America. Death at the finish line in Boston makes every place (and everybody) less secure Malls. Churches. Schools. Ask a mother or father who lived in Washington from 2001-02 what was more terrorizing to your family: The 9/11 attacks or the “Beltway sniper”? Many will say the sniper. Two men were later charged in the horrifyingly random killings of 10 people in several locations throughout the Washington area. The dead and injured included a 39-year-old man shot while cutting grass, a 54-year-old part-time taxi driver shot while pumping gas, a 34-year-old babysitter and housekeeper shot while reading a book on a bench, and a 13-year-old boy shot while entering his middle school. Parents kept their kids home from school or formed human barricades at “drop-off” spots. Malls emptied. For three Sundays, I sat in a back pew with my family and looked for terrorists among my fellow parishioners. From the nation's founding, America has had two sharply delineated lives: one public and one private. The latter is meant to be safe and sacrosanct, part of what Thomas Jefferson called "the pursuit of Happiness." The public life is rowdy and partisan, even violent as reflected in the Civil War. "What happened in Boston," said Meg Mott, professor of politics at Marlboro College in Vermont, "is that the private life got blown up and hit deep in the heart of our bifurcated American lives. The lines were blurred, and that's scary." They targeted life. They targeted liberty. Now somebody has attacked pursuit of happiness. In those ugly months after 9/11, we feared there would be a “new normal” for America – that no place and nobody would feel safe again, that our churches, schools, malls as well as arenas and other places of great gathering would be killing fields. Those fears were not realized, not right away. Does the nightmare begin with Boston? Today, officials identified the 8-year-old boy killed at the finish line. His name was Martin Richard. He left a world unworthy of him.
“Voldemort Seeks Righteous Recruits” • Imagine that in this space, there is a propaganda poster that I created based upon my understanding of The Order of Phoenix • With this poster, Voldemort is trying to gain support and re-build his army to confront Harry Potter. This is why it is categorized as (Visual, English, Created) in the Table of Contents. NOTE: Your English based genres must be based on works we have studied in English this year) • In my project, this slide has to be a) visual, b) English based and c) created, since I need to have one more “visual”, one more “created”, and one more “English” based genre, to meet the requirements of the assignment.
This is an excerpt of a speech delivered by President Obama on March 21, 2013. He delivered it in Jerusalem, to a large crowd of Israeli university aged students: I do believe that all of us have an interest in resolving this issue[Palestinian/Israeli conflict] peacefully. Strong and principled diplomacy is the best way to ensure that the Iranian government forsakes nuclear weapons. Peace is far more preferable to war… …First, peace is necessary. I believe that. I believe that peace is the only path to true security. You have the opportunity to be the generation that permanently secures the Zionist dream, or you can face a growing challenge to its future. Given the demographics west of the Jordan River, the only way for Israel to endure and thrive as a Jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable Palestine. That is true. …Put yourself in their [Palestinian] shoes. Look at the world through their eyes. It is not fair that a Palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of their own. Living their entire lives with the presence of a foreign army that controls the movements not just of those young people but their parents, their grandparents, every single day. It’s not just when settler violence against Palestinians goes unpunished. It’s not right to prevent Palestinians from farming their lands; or restricting a student’s ability to move around the West Bank; or displace Palestinian families from their homes. Neither occupation nor expulsion is the answer. Just as Israelis built a state in their homeland, Palestinians have a right to be a free people in their own land… …There are other factors involved. Given the frustration in the international community about this conflict, Israel needs to reverse an undertow of isolation. And given the march of technology, the only way to truly protect the Israeli people over the long term is through the absence of war. …So peace is necessary. But peace is also just. Peace is also just. …David Grossman said shortly after losing his son, as he described the necessity of peace — “A peace of no choice” he said, “must be approached with the same determination and creativity as one approaches a war of no choice.”
…NOwallIS high enough AND NO ISSTRONG ENOUGH to iron dome everyenemythat is INTENTon… S T O P inflicting HARM (Farmer 78)
EPILOGUE • In the epilogue, you will explain what you learned over the process of writing the multigenre paper • You will explain why you put the pieces in the order that you did and any other stylistic choices you think enhance the meaning/message you were trying convey. For example, the PowerPoint should start with a genre captures the interest of the audience, and the last one should leave a lasting impression. • You will explain why you believe the answer you have come up with is worth sharing. • Epilogue should be 200-250 words