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第四章 通道和蒙版. Chapter4 Channel And Mask. 本课要点. 了解通道的基本概念和特性,正确使用通道和通道的相关选项。掌握颜色通道、专色通道和 Alpha 选区通道的原理及使用方法。掌握通道运算的原理和操作方法 了解蒙版的基本概念和特性,正确使用蒙版和蒙版的相关选项,掌握快速蒙版模式和 Alpha 选区通道的使用方法. Learning points.
本课要点 • 了解通道的基本概念和特性,正确使用通道和通道的相关选项。掌握颜色通道、专色通道和Alpha选区通道的原理及使用方法。掌握通道运算的原理和操作方法 • 了解蒙版的基本概念和特性,正确使用蒙版和蒙版的相关选项,掌握快速蒙版模式和Alpha选区通道的使用方法
Learning points • Learn the basic concepts and characteristics of channels, the proper use of channels and channel-related options. Master the color channels, spot color channels and Alpha channel constituency principle and use. Master channel operation principles and operation method • Understand the Mongolian version of the basic concepts and features, proper use of masks and mask the relevant option, master Quick Mask mode and use Alpha channel constituency
对应考点 • 掌握不同的通道类型及用途(包括:色彩通道、专色通道和Alpha 通道) • 通过通道调板创建、管理并使用通道 • 掌握快速蒙版和蒙版的概念及使用方法 • 熟练使用计算和应用图像命令
Corresponding test point • Master the different channel types and uses (including: color channels, spot color channels and the Alpha channel) • Through the channels palette to create, manage and use the channel • Master the concept of the Quick Mask and Mask and use • Skilled use calculation and application of image order
蒙版的基本操作 蒙版可以用来将图像的局部分离开来,保护图像的某部分不被编辑。 在Adobe Photoshop中,可以创建像“快速蒙版”这样的临时蒙版,也可以创建永久性的蒙版,如将它们存储为特殊的灰阶通道—Alpha选区通道。Photoshop也利用通道存储颜色信息和专色信息。和图层不同的是,通道不能打印,但可以使用“通道”调板来观看和使用Alpha选区通道。
The basic operation of Mask Mask can be used to image the Council part of the left to protect a certain part of the image was not edited. In Adobe Photoshop, you can create as "Quick Mask" This temporary mask, you can create a permanent mask, such as store them for the special grayscale channel-Alpha constituency channel. Photoshop also uses color information channel storage and spot color information. And the different layers, the channel can not print, but you can use the "channels" palette to view and use the Alpha channel constituency.
创建快速蒙版 1.执行“文件>打开”命令打开文件。选择魔棒工具,将“容差”数值设定为55,对图像中的小丑鱼进行选择,如图4-1所示。 图4-1
Create Quick Mask 1. Implementation of the "File> Open" command to open the file. Select Magic wand tool, set the "tolerance" value to 55, the image of the clown fish to choose, as shown in Figure 4-1. Figure4-1
3.单击快速蒙版模式按钮,切换到快速蒙版模式。双击快速蒙版按钮,弹出“快速蒙版选项”对话框,设置色彩指示为“所选区域”,并单击颜色下的红色色块,选取一个与图像反差比较大的的颜色作为半透明“膜”的颜色,按“好”,效果如图4-2所示。3.单击快速蒙版模式按钮,切换到快速蒙版模式。双击快速蒙版按钮,弹出“快速蒙版选项”对话框,设置色彩指示为“所选区域”,并单击颜色下的红色色块,选取一个与图像反差比较大的的颜色作为半透明“膜”的颜色,按“好”,效果如图4-2所示。 图4-2
3. Click the Quick Mask mode button, switch to Quick Mask mode. Double-click the Quick Mask button, pop-up "Quick Mask Options" dialog box, set the color of instructions for the "selected area", and click the red blocks of color under the color, select an image contrast with the relatively large color as translucent "film" color, according to "good", the effect shown in Figure 4-2. Figure4-2
编辑快速蒙版 在快速蒙版状态下,可以使用几乎所有的工具或滤镜对蒙版进行编辑,甚至可以使用选择工具。 在快速蒙版模式下,Photoshop自动转换为灰阶模式,前景色为黑色,背景色为白色。 编辑时,应遵守以下原则: 用白色绘制时,相当于擦除蒙版,红色的区域变小,增加选区; 用黑色绘制时,相当于增加蒙版,红色的区域变大,减少选区。
Edit Quick Mask In Quick Mask mode, you can use almost any tool or filter on the mask for editing, or even use the selection tool. In Quick Mask mode, Photoshop automatically converted to grayscale mode, the foreground color to black and background color is white.Editor should observe the following principles:White drawing, the equivalent of erasing mask, the red area becomes smaller, increasing constituency;Black rendering, representing an increase of mask, a red area becomes larger, reducing constituencies.
将选区存储为蒙版通道 为了防止选区丢失,可以将选区存储为Alpha选区通道,使之成为永久性的选区。 Alpha 通道具有下列属性: 1、每个图像最多可包含 24 个通道,包括所有的颜色通道和 Alpha 通道。 2、所有的通道都是 8 位灰度图像,可显示 256 级灰阶。 3、可以随时增加或删除Alpha选区通道。 4、可为每个通道指定名称、颜色、蒙版选项和不透明度。不透明度影响通道的预览,而不影响原来的图像。 5、所有的新通道都具有与原图像相同的尺寸和像素数目。
Save the selection as the mask channel In order to prevent electoral loss, the selection can be stored as Alpha channel to become a permanent selection. Alpha channel has the following attributes: 1, each image can contain up to 24 channels, including all color channels and the Alpha channel. 2, all channels are 8-bit grayscale images, can display 256 gray scale. 3, you can always add or delete channel Alpha constituency. 4, the designated name for each channel, color, mask option, and opacity. Opacity affect the preview channel, without affecting the original image. 5, all the new channels have the same original image size and the number of pixels.
将选区存储为蒙版通道示例: 选择>存储选区
store the selection as a mask channel : Select> Storage selection
调用存储的选区并进行修整 1.在通道调板中,单击RGB图像的复合通道,显示整个图像,如图4-3所示。 图4-3
Call the stored selection and repair 1.In the channel palette, click the RGB composite channel images to show the entire image, as shown in Figure 4-3. Figure4-3
2.Execute the "Select> load " command, in the pop-up dialog box, click the “Ok."
3.通过执行“自动色阶”命令调整色调平衡。通过执行“编辑>还原”命令比较调整前、后色调的区别,执行“重做” 恢复调整后的图像。 4.执行“选择>取消选择”命令将选区取消。执行“文件>存储”命令将以前操作的结果存储起来。
3. Through the implementation of the "Auto Levels" command to adjust color balance. Through the implementation of the "Edit> Restore" command more adjustment before and after the color difference, the implementation of "redo" to restore the adjusted image.4. Implementation of the "Select> deselect the" command constituency abolished. Implementation of the "File> store" command will be stored before the results of operations.
创建一个渐变蒙版 除了用黑色、白色编辑蒙版外,还可以用不同的灰度表示不同的透明度。 1.在通道调板中,单击调板最下方的创建新通道的按钮,并将通道名称改为“Gradient”,如图4-4所示。 图4-4
Create a gradient mask In addition to black and white edit mask, it can use different gray indicate the different transparency.1. In the channel palette, click the palette at the bottom of the button to create a new channel, and channel name to "Gradient", as shown in Figure 4-4. Figure4-4
2.选择渐变工具,在渐变工具的选项栏中,选择黑白渐变,如图4-5所示。2.选择渐变工具,在渐变工具的选项栏中,选择黑白渐变,如图4-5所示。 图4-5
2.Select gradient tool, gradient tool options bar, choose black and white gradient, as shown in Figure 4-5. Figure 4-5
3.在通道调板中选中新建的Gradient通道,用渐变工具填充通道,结果如图4-6、图4-7所示。3.在通道调板中选中新建的Gradient通道,用渐变工具填充通道,结果如图4-6、图4-7所示。 图4-6 图4-7
3.In the channel palette select the new Gradient channel, with the Gradient Tool fill channel, the results shown in Figure 4-6, as shown in Figure 4-7. Figure4-7 Figure4-6
4.在通道调板中,单击RGB通道,使图像窗口中显示彩色图像,将Gradient通道执行“载入选区”命令。确认工具箱中的前景色和背景色是默认状态,按键盘上的Delete键,可看到如图4-8所示的效果。 图4-8
4.In the channel palette, click the RGB channel, so that the image window to display color images, the Gradient-channel implementation of the "marquee" command. Confirmed Toolbox foreground and background color is the default state, press the Delete key on the keyboard, you can see the effects as shown in Figure 4-8. Figure4-8
课堂实例 • 实例1:利用蒙版精细选区 操作步骤 1.打开要编辑的图像“水果”。如图4-9所示。 图4-9
Class Example • Example1:using mask carefully select Steps:1. Open the image you want to edit "fruit." As shown in Figure 4-9. Figure4-9
2.在按住Shift键的同时再使用魔棒工具,在要框选的蘑菇身上多次单击,如图4-10所示。2.在按住Shift键的同时再使用魔棒工具,在要框选的蘑菇身上多次单击,如图4-10所示。 图4-10
2.Hold down the Shift key while in the re-use Mobanggongju, in the mushroom body to repeatedly click the square symbol, as shown in Figure 4-10. Figure 4-10
3.在工具箱中单击快速蒙版模式按钮,在快速蒙版状态下,利用画笔工具和橡皮擦工具对快速蒙版进行编辑来增加或减少选区。如图4-11所示。3.在工具箱中单击快速蒙版模式按钮,在快速蒙版状态下,利用画笔工具和橡皮擦工具对快速蒙版进行编辑来增加或减少选区。如图4-11所示。 图4-11
3.In the toolbox, click the Quick Mask Mode button, the Quick Mask mode, use the brush tool and eraser tool on the Quick Mask editing to increase or decrease the constituencies. Figure 4-11. Figure4-11
4.退出快速蒙版,可以看到选区比之前精确了很多。如图4-12所示。4.退出快速蒙版,可以看到选区比之前精确了很多。如图4-12所示。 图4-12
4.Exit Quick Mask, you can see a lot of selection accurate than before. Figure4-12
实例2:利用快速蒙版修剪图像 操作步骤 1.打开要编辑的psd文件“海豚”。看到有两个图层。按键盘上的Command/Ctrl键,用鼠标单击上面的小图的图层。然后单击快速蒙版模式按钮。并用画笔修饰边缘,使其不那么生硬。如图4-13所示。 图4-13
Example2:Using Quick Mask Trim Image Steps1. Open the psd file to edit "dolphin." See two layers. Press the keyboard Command / Ctrl key, right click the small map of the layer above. Then click the Quick Mask Mode button. Brush edges with modifications to make it less blunt. As shown in Figure 4-13. Figure4-13
2.退出快速蒙版,执行“选择>反向”命令,按键盘上的Delete键,可看到如图4-14所示的效果。2.退出快速蒙版,执行“选择>反向”命令,按键盘上的Delete键,可看到如图4-14所示的效果。 图4-14
2.Exit Quick Mask, execute "select> inverse" command, press the Delete key on the keyboard, you can see the effects as shown in Figure 4-14. Figure4-14
操作步骤 1.打开要处理的图片,点选“钢笔”工具,设置属性。将番茄的主体轮廓勾出,在用钢笔工具勾勒图片时,略向里一些,这样最后的成品不会有杂边出现。如图4-15所示。 图4-15
Steps: 1. Open the picture, click on the "pen" tool, set the property. Tick the main outline of the tomato, in a picture with the pen tool to outline, slightly to the inside of some, so the final product will not appear mixed border. As shown in Figure 4-15. Figure4-15
2.选“背景”层,复制一个“背景副本”层,单击“添加图层蒙版”按钮。在通道面板中,拖动“绿”通道至通道面板下的“新建”按钮,复制一个副本。点选“绿副本”按快捷键Ctrl+L进行色阶调整,减少中间调部分,加大暗调和高光,使主体与背景分开,图4-16所示。2.选“背景”层,复制一个“背景副本”层,单击“添加图层蒙版”按钮。在通道面板中,拖动“绿”通道至通道面板下的“新建”按钮,复制一个副本。点选“绿副本”按快捷键Ctrl+L进行色阶调整,减少中间调部分,加大暗调和高光,使主体与背景分开,图4-16所示。 图4-16
2.Select "Background" layer, copy of a "background copy" layer, click the "Add layer mask" button. In the channel panel, drag the "green" channel to channel panel under the "New" button, copy of a copy. Click the "green copy of the" Press shortcut keys Ctrl + L for Levels adjustment to reduce the intermediate transfer part, to increase shadows and light, so that separation of subject and background, as shown in Figure 4-16. Figure4-16
按快捷键Ctrl+I将“绿副本”通道反相,点选“画笔工具”将主体上我们所需要的地方涂成白色。将不需要的地方涂上黑色。按快捷键Ctrl+I将“绿副本”通道反相,点选“画笔工具”将主体上我们所需要的地方涂成白色。将不需要的地方涂上黑色。 单击“通道”面板上的“将通道作为选区载入”按钮得到“绿副本”的选区,如图4-17所示。 图4-17
Press the shortcut keys Ctrl + I to reverse "green copy ", click on the "brush tool" will be the main areas that we need on the painted white. Will not be required where painted black. Click the "channel" panel "will channel as a constituency included in" button by "green copy" of the constituency, as shown in Figure 4-17. Figure 4-17