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Late letters and too late letters. Late letters those posted in the letter box of a Mail office after the prescribed hour. but within the interval allowed for posting of such letters with the prescribed late fee. Too late letters those posted within such interval
Late letters and too late letters Rule 56-A of Postal Manual Vol.V • Late letters • those posted in the letter box of a Mail office after the prescribed hour. • but within the interval allowed for posting of such letters • with the prescribed late fee. • Too late letters • those posted within such interval • but without having been fully prepaid with postage and late fee.
A & B orders • A orders • orders issued by superintendent, RMS • prescribing changes in sorting lists. • B orders • orders issued by superintendent, RMS • for the guidance of the subordinates in the performance of their duties in all offices. • TB orders • orders issued for detailing how camp articles are to be disposed. 46 & 47 of Postal Manual Vol.V
Weighment system • System in force on Indian Railways, under which • closed bags are conveyed in a luggage vans • under the custody of Railway guards. • The object is • to provide regular daily exchange of mails between offices served by unimportant Railway lines • or where the mails are light, • or between offices situated at stations which the mail trains do not stop. Rule 226, 227 of Postal Manual Vol.V
Weighment System • The mail on 21st January and 21st July of each year must be weighed in the presence of the station master. • For half early payment to Railway • Statement in form no.105 should be prepared in quadraplicate. • The original and duplicate copies should be handed over to the station master. • Third copy is forwarded to Supdt. • Fourth copy is filed as office copy.
Occasional Despatches • The system in force on Indian Railways • under which the post office is empowered to forward mails by any train. • The object is • to obviate the delay to mails due to misconnection of trains • to the unusual bulk of the bags on a particular occasion • large offices situated at junction stations where there are no mail offices are authorised. Rule 229, 230 of Postal Manual Vol.V
Occassional despatches • The bags should be separated • into those to be enclosed in transit bags • those to be forwarded loose. • Every bag should be labelled with a weighment system label. • should prepare a requisition to the station master.
AIR MAIL DELIVERY BILL • For despatch of air mail bags, • six copies of inland air mail delivery bill must be prepared • Four copies of the delivery bill - to the representative of the air carriers • First copy- sent to Air Mail Accounts section of the Postal Directorate • Second copy- office copy • Prepared and signed by the despatching officer • Air carriers will hand over one copy of the bill at destination along with the mails. Rule 76/2 of Postal Manual V
CHANGING STATION: • Railway station where the beats of two transit sections join • Mails brought by one section are handed over. • Trip • means a journey performed from one end of the beat to the other • Out trip- A trip from the HQ of the set towards its out station • In trip- A trip from the out station towards the HQ of the set
Connecting section • RMS section • working in a train in immediate connection with another train in which another RMS section works. • REST HOUSE : • Provided at the terminal or changing stations for the accommodation of mail agents, Mail Guards.
Port folio • should be supplied with a port folio with lock and key. • Bears the designation of the section and the number of the set • Remains in the personal custody of the Mail Guard. • ACME covers, Bundles of work papers, stamps and seals, writing materials, Box of safety matches, first aid box, duster, ink pad with tin case, parrot filled scissors, pen-knife, poker, wax heater, due mail lists, MDW, Error book, Carbolic soap cakes, order book, type tweezer, brass file papers, rubber stamping pad. Rule 22 of Postal Manual Vol.VII
Sealed bag • In addition to portfolio, a sealed bag should be carried. • It contains • Sweeping brush, late fee notice board, ball twine, sealing wax, stamp brush, labels for bags, jute twine, the seal holders and wooden blocks, covers etc. Rule 24 of Postal Manual Vol.VII
Set of a Section • The establishment of RMS SAs working • throughout the beat of the same section in • both directions • Sets are numbered serially • Designated by their serial numbers with the name of the section. • Eg MA 25 in Rule 21-A of Postal Vol.V
Set of a Mail Office • The establishment of RMS Sorting Assistants • are on duty at the same time in Mail Office • Numbered in a consecutive series, Set No. 1 commencing at or after zero hours. • eg. Madurai RMS/1 • Denotes the first set of Madurai RMS working in the morning. Rule 21-B of Postal Manual Vol.V