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Mesopotamia– Geography (circa 4000 BC ). Mesopotamia means “the land between the rivers.” It is located in an agriculturally rich region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (also known as the “Fertile Crescent” or “cradle of civilizations”.
Mesopotamia– Geography (circa 4000 BC) • Mesopotamia means “the land between the rivers.” • It is located in an agriculturally rich region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (also known as the “Fertile Crescent” or “cradle of civilizations”. • It was located in the region known today as Iraq as well as parts of Iran.
FIRST SUMERIANS • Sumerians first arrived in region around 5000 BC • Typical Paleolithic people motivated by search for game • Settled in region and took up farming • Built dams, dikes, and short canals to use water from the Euphrates • Grew barley and dates and raised sheep and goats
SUMERIAN CITY-STATES • City-states gradually emerged over next 1000 years • Ur, Uruk, Lagash, Nippur, Kish, Umma, etc. • Larger than Neolithic settlements and displayed evidence of economic specialization and strong political organization • Included the urban center plus surrounding countryside • Each was also an independent political unit Lagash
SUMERIAN AGRICULTURE • Each was crisscrossed by irrigation system of major canals and minor channels • Designed to bring water from Euphrates to farmland • Farmland divided into square and rectangle-shaped plots • Farmers worked land with plows, seed-drills, and stone hoes and received yield of 40:1 • Other areas set aside as gardens and fruit orchards • Carts pulled by donkeys and boats on the canals took produce to the urban center itself
CITY CHARACTERISTICS • Each city surrounded by walls • Permanent garrisons of soldiers stationed in towers and at each gate • Wide boulevards crossed city, lined by houses of the wealthy • Rest of city made up of narrow, twisting alleys surrounded by small, flat-roofed huts • Homes of farmers, and small craftsmen
Gilgamesh famed for building walls and protecting his city The gates of Ishtar
Sumerian Inventions Cuneiform writing The wheel Potter’s wheel Sailing ship Pick-axe Brick mold Glass 60-based counting system: 60 minutes to an hour, 360 degrees to a circle Number positioning: ones, tens, hundreds, etc. Beer Epic poetry
Uses of Cuneiform • Cuneiform, earliest written language, developed by accountants which was created by using a reed on a clay tablet • Scribes were the only people that knew how to read and write cuneiform • Used for inventory, payroll of soldiers, property ownership and correspondence between monarchs
ZIGGURAT • Most dominant structure in each city was its temple • Dedicated to patron god of the city • Largest structure in city • Resembled a gigantic stepped pyramid • Designed to look like mountains because Sumerians believed their gods liked to live on top of mountains
Statuettes from the Temple of Abu at Eshnunna (Tell Asmar), c. 2700-2600 BCE, gypsum stylization of physical types/ hypnotic gaze
From the Hymn to Ninkasi Goddess of BEER!!!! You are the one who holds with both hands the great sweet wort, Brewing [it] with honey and wine (You the sweet wort to the vessel) Ninkasi, (...) … The filtering vat, which makes a pleasant sound, You place appropriately on [top of] a large collector vat. … Ninkasi, you are the one who pours out the filtered beer of the collector vat, It is [like] the onrush of Tigris and Euphrates.
The Sumerians • City Life in Sumeria • Mud brick houses • 40% of grain used to make ale • Vegetables, fish, figs, dates and cheese part of diet • Parents arranged marriages • Adultery a punishable crime
LUGAL • Cities originally governed by an assembly of adult males • Kings appeared who claimed to be representatives of the gods and who took control of most government functions • Called lugals • Not originally an hereditary position and the king’s power was limited to interpreting the will of the gods • But this position would become extraordinarily powerful in a relatively short period of time
Sumerian kingship • War leader • Steward of the gods • Responsible for determining the will of the gods • Responsible for keeping order which requires justice – law codes • Wealth from agricultural land, taxes • A bad king would be replaced by the gods through loss in war • Some ruling queens
Warring City-States • Although an occasional city-state would temporarily control the region from time to time, more common were long, anarchic periods where the various city-states fought each other over boundaries and water rights • Constant warfare, shifting alliances, and double-crosses were important characteristics of ancient Sumer
The City Center Temples served civic and religious purposes Daily sacrifices and rituals Storage of surplus grain and other foods (GRANARY) Dwelling of priests and priestesses Locale where craftsmen and artisans could practice their trades Ebih-Il, the Superintendent of MariMari, (Middle Euphrates):Temple of InannaAround 2400 BC Statuette, alabaster,Louvre
Sargon and The Rise of the Akkadian Empire Conqueror of Sumeria’s city-states. Creation of the World’s first empire.
Empire • When a people from one part of the world travel to another part of the world, and through military conquest, gain control of the land/territory of another people.
Introduction • City of Kish was powerful by 3,500 B.C. • Over the next 1000 years Ur and Ukur fought for power. • Akkadian society develops north of Sumer. • Peace among three societies until 2300 B.C.
Who was Sargon? • Served under king of the Kish. • With his army, he took over the city of Kish. • Gained loyalty of soldiers by eating with them everyday. • Ruled Mesopotamia from 2334 B.C.-2279 B.C. • First ruler to have a permanent army…a STANDING ARMY
SARGON THE GREAT From Akkad North of Sumer Originally settled by nomads from Arabia Fairly untouched by Sumerian civilization for centuries
MORE SARGON THE GREAT Then conquered rest of Sumer, northern Mesopotamia, and Syria In 2300 BC, led by a chieftain named Sargon, the Akkadians invaded and took over Kish
STILL MORE ON SARGON THE GREAT • According to legend, he was a poor orphan adopted by a gardener • Not a harsh ruler • By Mesopotamian standards • Respected and adopted Sumerian culture and civilization
THE END TO THE WORLD’S FIRST EMPIRE • Sargon was succeeded by his son, Naram-Sin • Called himself “King of the Four Quarters of the World” • Ruled in the same tradition as his father • After the death of Naram-Sin (around 2160 BC), the Akkadian Empire collapsed • Under pressure of new groups moving into the region from the Arabian Desert and Iranian highlands • Also because of a revolt of Sumerian city-states
AFTERMATH • Syrian city-state of Ebla took over Akkad after collapse of Akkadian Empire while Sumerian city-states regained their independence • Although Ur appears to have been first among them Great Ziggurat at Ur
THE BABYLONIAN EMPIRE • In 2000 BC, the Amorites moved into region from Arabia • Settled near Babylon and ultimately took it over • Amorites/Babylonians prospered and became wealthiest and more powerful people in Mesopotamia • Under King Hammurabi, they conquered the region • Babylonian Empire • Peak of Mesopotamia civilization • Produced first written law code • Empire collapsed shortly after Hammurabi’s death • Victim of new invading tribes and jealously independent spirit of Sumerian city states Hammurabi
INVENTION OF WRITING • As early as 3500 BC, the Sumerians used pictograms to represent certain physical objects • Drawn on clay • By 3500 BC, they began to use ideograms (symbols standing for abstract, non-physical concepts) and phonograms (symbols representing phonetic sounds) • Meanwhile pictograms became more stylized
CUNEIFORM WRITING • Emerging writing system known as “cuneiform” • Means “wedge-shaped” • Impressed on clay tablets with wood stylus • Very complicated • Originally 2000 symbols • Reduced to 500 over time • Only small group of professional scribes could master it • After 15 years of training • A secret held by only a few specially-trained individuals
Cuneiform writing • Earliest texts from Uruk ca. 3500 BCE • Complex system • Used as a system of writing by: • Sumerian • Akkadian • Babylonian • Hittite • Persian • Assyrian • Canaanite
MATH • Developed in response to needs associated with raising and storing food and designing irrigation systems • Based on units of 60 • Only used today to measure time and circles • Also had supplemental system based on units of 10 • Invented system to measure metal and grain based on units of 60 • Developed fundamental principles of geometry • Used to measure fields and design buildings • Invented first calendar • Based on phases of moon • Had 12 months
Religion • Polytheistic • Powerful gods resembled humans. • Gods controlled natural forces and were associated with astronomical bodies, such as the sun. • The gods were creator gods; as a group, they had created the world and the people in it. • Believed gods regretted creation of humans and made a flood.
SUMERIAN GODS • At top of Sumerian pantheon of gods was An • Divine force, the creator, thought to be the sky • Below An came Enhil • Controlled the weather • Capricious • Then came Enki • Controlled fertility of the earth and abundance of harvests • Also capricious and cruel • Then 50 other major gods and a host of minor gods, demons, spirits, and the like
FIRST CREATION MYTH • World was originally nothing but water • From this water, two forces—one male and one female—arose and created An through procreation • An then created the other gods, who then worked with him to make the sky, earth, and human beings • Sumerians believed the world was the conscious product of a divine force and that it was created for a divine purpose • Although this might be difficult for human beings to ascertain Sumerian god
NATURE OF RELIGION • Sumerian gods did not pay much attention to mortals • More interested in drinking, partying, and fighting among themselves • Sumerians did not therefore worship their gods out of any sense of devotion or love • They worshipped them out of fear of the gods’ power and capriciousness • Sumerian religion was pessimistic • Reflected mentality of a people who had just recently raised themselves to the level of civilization in a land marked by a severe climate and where the dangers of flood and disease were always present (and also unexplainable and incurable) Sumerian priest
RELIGIOUS DILEMMA I • Sumerians were proud of their achievements • But they worried about to what extent did their achievements, or at least their pride in their achievements, go against what the gods wanted • To what extent did man’s achievements upset the natural order created by the gods?
RELGIOUS DILEMMA II • This dilemma was reflected in their mythology • Myth of Great Flood • Gods, angry at the pride of men, destroyed mankind (except one person) in order to teach humans a lesson • Myth of the “Garden of Eden” • Humans kicked out of this paradise by refusing to be passive and obey the rules of the gods • Mythology reflected Mesopotamian insecurity over the alleged contradiction between their growing belief in the importance of man and his earthly accomplishments and the ingrained belief that they were the insignificant creation of divine beings much more important than they were
GILGAMESH I • Epic poem first written down around 2000 BC • Part of oral tradition for at least 1000 years before it was written down • Hero is legendary king of the city-state of Uruk • Began career as good ruler • But turned into a tyrant • Gods decide to punish him for his pride Gilgamesh
GILGAMESH II • Gods send wild man named Enkidu to kill Gilgamesh • Gilgamesh recruits a prostitute to tame Enkidu • She does and Enkidu “became like a man” (ie., civilized) • Also becomes loyal companion of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh and Enkidu
GILGAMESH III • Gilgamesh becomes obsessed with his mortality and tries to find a way to cheat death • At first he tries to become so famous that his reputation will live forever • Fights and defeats numerous monsters • In the course of these adventures, Enkidu offends a god and is made to die
GILGAMESH IV • Gilgamesh is devastated by Enkidu’s death • Mopes around for a while • Then searches for Ut-Napishtim • Sumerian Noah who survived the Great Flood • Person to whom the gods had given the secret of eternal life
GILGAMESH V • Ut-Napishtim tells Gilgamesh how to find magic plant that will bring Enkidu back to life • Also tells entire story of the Great Flood • Gilgamesh finds plant after difficult quest • But a snake steals it from him before he arrives home • Story then suddenly ends Gilgamesh tablet
MEANING • Don’t mess with the gods • Gilgamesh defied the gods several times, only to be slapped down by them • Men can achieve but they must remember that they were only men • They must not try to alter the fate that the gods planned for them • Reflects the tension between the increasingly impressive achievements of man (and his pride in these achievements) and his fear that these achievements might upset the original plans of the gods Gilgamesh on quest for magic plant