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2nd. IMMEX Outlook . July 17, 2013 . Introduction Considering the concentration of IMMEX companies in the border states of Mexico, Deloitte conducted the second study IMMEX with the objective to know professionals perspectives and expectations for this industry in Mexico
2nd. IMMEX Outlook July17, 2013
Introduction Considering the concentration of IMMEX companies in the border states of Mexico, Deloitte conducted the second study IMMEX with the objective to know professionals perspectives and expectations for this industry in Mexico Without a doubt, Mexico continues to be one of the world´s leading manufacturing countries Among the top 15 countries in America, according to the 2013 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index, published by Deloitte 2nd. IMMEX Outlook 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Surveyappliedduring the lastquarter of 2012 by email and phone Baja California, Sonora and Chihuahua Topics of interest: Business climate Challenges, opportunities and valueadded NEEC Certification IMMEX Verificationprocesses INFONAVIT Federal LawonProtection of Personal Data heldby PrivateParties and Individuals (LFPDPPP) 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Respondents Profile 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Company´s sector 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Origin of the companyinvestment • 57% of the respondents indicated that 2012 was better than 2011, 31% considered it was the same 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Howwill the followingconceptsperform in 2013? (Country level) 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Howwouldyourate the followingconcepts 2012 vs 2013? 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
ValueAdded 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Challenges 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Opportunities • A company registered as IMMEX has a series of tax operative advantages • An IMMEX verification procedure allows the company to: • Receive IETU (flat tax) tax credit • Remain win the program • 77% - Ok • 14% are unaware of IMMEX verification procedures • 23% of the respondents still have the opportunity to improve the efficiency of their processes and enjoy IMMEX benefits 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Opportunities • Bimonthly Auditor´s Opinion for INFONAVIT (Bi-monthly-Bi-monthly audited): • Goal: To provide benefits to employers who adhere to this program, which basically consist of waiver of the employer not to be notified with bonds of differences for the periods (bimonthly) audited. • -Possibility to eliminate payment risk surcharges and interest • 19% Indicated – No 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Opportunities • Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data held by Private Parties and Individuals (LFPDPPP by its Spanish acroym) for IMMEX companies • Published in the Mexico´s Federal Official Gazette on July 5, 2010 • Individuals and entities must comply with the applicable provisions derived from this legislation • It is important to keep in mind that the approaches of this law do not involve only the protection of data, but also a number of processes and procedures that support the exercise of rights of the information´s owners. • 59% - No action 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Conclusions 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Conclusions of the study • The scenario for 2012, according to the respondents, improved compared with 2011. For 2013, they considered a most favorable business climate. • The U.S. economy, IMMEX competitiveness, the availability of credit, employment, were the most positive variables rated for 2013 • While Mexico is still rated among the world top 15 countries for the manufacturing industry; still needs to work on areas of improvement to keep a competitive edge. • Innovation • Taxes • Cost of raw materials • Market attraction 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Conclusions of the study • The main challenge for IMMEX companies was related to the cost of raw material and suppliers; secondly, the constant changes in international trade and customs and tax regulations. • Value added strategies: • 1. Cost reduction strategies 3. NEEC Certification • 2. Applying human capital development plan • IMSS compliance requires vast amounts of information -Option - Outsource functions • Areas of opportunities: • 23% could improve the efficiency of their IMMEX program • 59% could start taken preventive actions related to the implications of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data held by Private Parties and Individuals • Obtaining funds for R&D was not considered among the top three alternatives for value added strategies for IMMEX, though this is one key factor for innovation and competitiveness 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
More information • www.deloitte.com/mx/borderlink • Hector Silva • Tax Manager • Deloitte • hsilva@deloittemx.com • Kenia Albarran • Marketing Manager • Deloitte • kalbarran@deloittemx.com • iTunes Store / Podcasts / Deloitte / Border Link Mexico 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
Thanks 2nd. IMMEX Outlook_Deloitte
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