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Check out the presentation if you know about the Blood Alcohol Concentration 101 in Chino
Bail Bonds ChinoBlood Alcohol Concentration 101 ByAvolevan Bail Bonds
If you decide to drink and drive in the United States and a police officer happens to pull you over, you could be subject to a BAC (blood alcohol concentration) test. • A BAC test is conducted to determine if you are driving above the legal limit. Failure of the BAC test will result in offenders going to jail. A BAC of 0.08% or higher is considered legally toxicities (the percentage can be lower in other states and for minors and/or commercial/professional drivers). Contact us at 909-721-8204
There are 5 general methods to test your BAC • Breath • Saliva, • Blood • Hair follicles • Urine Contact us at 909-721-8204
Common Test The 3 most common tests are the breath, urine and blood tests. Breathalyzers are machines in which the subject blows into the machine and it reads out the BAC. These machines aren’t 100% accurate, but they are considered sufficient enough for court evidence. People often try to fool the breathalyzers by eating mints, using mouthwash or even by eating onions. These have been proven to not work and in the case of mouthwash, might even raise the BAC since mouthwash has alcohol in it. Contact us at 909-721-8204
Blood tests are considered more accurate but some factors such as coagulation of the blood and improper sterilization techniques can lead to false readings. • Urine tests are not performed as often as the other two methods because they are not that accurate, and the officer cannot conduct a urine test on the side of a road. The time that it takes to get to the police station could affect the BAC as well. Contact us at 909-721-8204
Consequences of having a high BAC can include jail time and probation. Some judges may even require a breathalyzer installed in the driver’s vehicle to monitor the BAC before the ignition is allowed to be switched on. Community service and/or alcohol treatment programs may be put in place as well in order to prevent another offense. Contact us at 909-721-8204
Contact Us If you ever find yourself in DUI trouble with the law, do not hesitate to call Avolevan Bail Bonds in Chino. AvolevanBail Bonds Chino Addresses:- 1706 Indian Hill Blvd in Pomona, California. Since 1975 Mobile No:- 909-721-8204 Gmail:- walter@avolevanbailbonds.com Website:- https://avolevanbailbonds.com/la-verne-bail-bonds/ Contact us at 909-721-8204
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