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¡ Bienvenidos a la clase de español 2, 5 y AP!

¡ Bienvenidos a la clase de español 2, 5 y AP!. Señora Neumann-Hayes Neumann-hayes@arrowheadschools.org. Horas de consulta. Antes de la escuela (Campo Sur, Aula 404) Períodos 5, 6, 10(Campo Norte, despacho de los profesores de lenguas extranjeras )

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¡ Bienvenidos a la clase de español 2, 5 y AP!

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  1. ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 2, 5 y AP! Señora Neumann-Hayes Neumann-hayes@arrowheadschools.org

  2. Horas de consulta • Antes de la escuela (Campo Sur, Aula 404) • Períodos 5, 6, 10(Campo Norte, despacho de los profesores de lenguasextranjeras) • Porcita (después de la escuela – Campo Norte)

  3. Descripción del curso • Class will be conducted in Spanish and students will be expected to use Spanish daily in the classroom. It is recommended that students use Spanish outside the classroom as well. • To practice and apply their skills, students will participate in Spanish in daily activities and class discussions. They will write compositions in Spanish as well as give oral presentations and complete projects individually and collaboratively.

  4. Política de asistencia • Attendance is extremely important because new material is presented daily at a rigorous pace. Therefore, frequent absences will be detrimental to student success. Being late disrupts the class, so please come to class on time. • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tardies – warnings • 4th tardy (and subsequent tardies) – Saturday detention (per school policy)

  5. Política de tarea • Daily assignments must be completed at the beginning of each class period. If you fail to complete your homework, you will receive an after-school 20-minute detention. If you fail to serve your detention within 1 week, you will receive a Saturday. • When there is no written assignment, you are expected to review vocabulary and notes on your own. • Students with an excused absence have ONEWEEKto make up tests and quizzes in the study hall. If you miss in-class listening activities, you have ONEWEEKto make them up and they must be done by appointment with the profesora. After that, your grade will remain a ZERO – no exceptions.

  6. Grading Scale • Criteriosparaevaluar al estudiante: • 20% listening • 20% reading • 20% writing • 20% speaking • 20% grammar acquisition Escala de calificación: • 90 - 100 A • 80 – 89.99 B • 70 – 79.99 C • 60 – 69.99 D • ≤59 .99 F ** Semester and final exams are worth 20% of your grade. There is NO extra credit available. Also, grades will NOT be rounded at the end of the semester! You must earn at least a 75.0% in order to continue to Spanish 4.

  7. Reglas de la clase • 1. Respect your classmates, your teacher, languages, and other cultures. Be courteous and listen when others are speaking. Disruptive behavior will NOT be tolerated. • 2. Be on time and come prepared, with all of your materials and homework. • 3. Participate using only Spanish in the classroom! • 4. When you miss a class, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. • 5. Make sure to do your own work. ***CHEATING IS UNACCEPTABLE. If students cheat, all persons involved will earn a ZERO! SEE CHEATING / PLAGIARISM POLICY IN STUDENT HANDBOOK. Ojo:plagiarism includes using an online computer translator! • 6. Be accountable for yourself!

  8. El club de español • Spanish students (1-AP) • No membership required • Events announced in class • Once per month • Some activities are free, others have a fee • 2012-2013 activities: • septiembre: scavenger hunt • octubre: Día de los Muertos • noviembre: CLV (15-18) • diciembre: “Fiesta Mexicana” • febrero: proyecto de servicio • marzo: noche de inmersión • abril: unapelícula • mayo: lección de cocinar

  9. Concordia Language Villages • Bemidji, MN • November, 2012 • Immersion experience • Culture • Counselors from Hispanic countries • Cost • Program fee: $207 • With transportation: $250-$260 • Need registration form, health form, $50 deposit (check) made out to Concordia Language Villages. • 25 spots available • Contact Profesora Charles: charles@arrowheadschools.org

  10. ¡Argentina! • June, 2013 • Any AHS student that has completed Spanish 2 or higher • Base cost: $3,000+. • Hotels, host family stays (1-1), meals, transportation, all excursions • Additional – transportation to O’Hare, fuel price increase, personal spending money • Payment deadlines • October: 1st payment due • Informational meeting: ** (NC 136) • Contact ProfesoraPsket: psket@arrowheadschools.org

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