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CAS 101: Introduction to the Arts & Sciences Fall 2013. Agenda: Tuesday, August 27. 8:30-9: Coffee and chat 9-10: Welcome/Perspectives: Beth, Shari, Shannon 10-10:30: Introductions 10:30-10:45: Break 10:45-12: CAS 101 Objectives/Perspectives 12-1: Lunch 1-2: MAP-Works: Racheal Roy
Agenda: Tuesday, August 27 8:30-9: Coffee and chat 9-10: Welcome/Perspectives: Beth, Shari, Shannon 10-10:30: Introductions 10:30-10:45: Break 10:45-12: CAS 101 Objectives/Perspectives 12-1: Lunch 1-2: MAP-Works: Racheal Roy 2-4: Required features of CAS 101: Beth Intro to common website: Beth & ID team
Welcome Why CAS 101? Shari Evans, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences How Have We Done So Far? Shannon Jenkins, Chair Political Science & Data Analyst
Icebreaker Instructions • Pair up with someone you don’t know very well or at all. • Interview each other, asking two questions: • First, identify for the other person, a long-term professional goal of your own. • Second, explain how becoming involved in CAS 101 will help you meet that goal. • You have 8-10 minutes as a pair. Work quickly. • Grab some coffee or a snack. • Present your findings about your partner to the group. Be succinct!
How well a student adjusts to the academic environment of college is…closely tied to their developing sense of belonging with the college. Leslie R. M. Hausmann, Janet Ward Schofield, Rochelle L. Woods, “Sense of Belonging as a Predictor of Intentions to Persist Among African American and White First-Year College Students” Research in Higher Education 48, no. 7 (2007), 829.
Overall Goals of CAS 101 • Retention: We must improve retention - if we improve students’ ability to succeed and create a sense of belonging, we have helped the student (who will then want to stay) find his/her way to happiness. • Curriculum Advisory Committee • Transition to college (developing the professional student) • Study skills • Introduction to the College of Arts & Sciences (academic)
New This Year • 18 major-only sections, 4 undecided sections, balance are mixed • University Studies assessment altered • Addition of a final test • Reusable Learning Objects, with quizzes, rather than textbook • Blackboard
Our Objectives CAS 101 curriculum and advisory committees, previous faculty, and survey data have identified these objectives, which are integrated into CAS 101. • Foster community-building • Smooth the transition from high-school student to college student • Increase retention • Identify and help students solve problems • Promote student self-accountability for educational and personal choices • Teach students to set goals and plan their path to happiness • Encourage student involvement in campus activities • Build student (study) skills • Introduce students to the academic environment and the strengths and perspectives of the College of Arts & Sciences • Help students understand “happiness” and find a path in that direction – so that UMassD itself can become a factor in their present sense of happiness.
College Learning Outcomes CAS 101 is a College Studies graduation requirement. • Articulate the norms and expectations of the university, identify their learning styles, develop an appreciation of engaged learning, and develop effective strategies for making the transition to college. • Apply basic study skills (reading, note taking, preparing for tests and projects, accepting personal responsibility, using university resources) to engage in the classroom as a motivated participant in the educational process. • Describe the purposes of higher education and how University Studies and College of Arts and Sciences requirements relate to the major and integrate these understandings into their writing and thinking about goals. • Describe the major areas of knowledge and inquiry in the College of Arts and Sciences (the Humanities, the Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences) and articulate how the disciplines approach similar topics and concepts in different manners. • Complete a reflective assignment that illustrates the evolution of their goals as engaged learners and in relationship to their major, discipline and community.
University Studies Learning Outcomes CAS 101 meets the U. S. Cluster 1E graduation requirement. • Express the rationale for a broad education, as described in the UMD Commitment to Student Learning. • Define engaged learning in the context of their major, discipline or community. • Apply the concept of engaged learning to their personal goals. • Explain how perspectives within one or more academic disciplines impact the community. • Explain how issues in the community can be understood within an academic discipline.
Attaining the Outcomes • Perspectives: Students will succeed at learning if we • ask them to identify their long-term goals and identify how college is a path to those goals • help them identify obstacles to learning – that they have social problems we don’t have to solve, but can help them solve for themselves • foster a sense of belonging by using classroom strategies and activities that involve their interaction with other students • interact with them on an individual basis, and • teach and model the behaviors of a professional student. • Integrate multiple objectives and outcomes into every activity/assignment. For example, our icebreaker helped connect short-term to long-term goals, make a new friend, succeed with an assignment, identify some goals of CAS 101, and provided a model for engaged learning. • Rely on your own teaching strengths • Assessment: final test (see handout) • CAS 101 is a work in progress – share ideas and feedback. Join the Curriculum Advising Committee.
Lunch • Reconvene in 204 • MAP-Works
Components Common to All Sections • All Objectives and Outcomes: how you address them is in your hands as experienced faculty. • Focus on the student’s major as the path to long-term goals. Undecided students will explore a potential major. • Integration of University Studies into their goals in their major and in preparation for advisement for spring registration. Cover the B.A. or B.S. University/College Studies tracking sheet provided in Faculty Resources. • MAP-Works survey plus individual meeting with each student to discuss their report and other questions/concerns. • Cover differences/similarities between Humanities, Social Science, Natural Sciences - this goes well with University Studies discussion. • More…
Components Common to All Sections • Pre- and post surveys for data collection. IMPORTANT: Add the pre- and post-surveys to your syllabus as an extra-credit assignment and explain it in class. • In your syllabus, explain the purpose of the survey, whether and how much extra credit you are offering, and include the following language: Students may decline to take the survey without penalty, but in order to earn extra credit, students must decline to take the first survey using the online consent form AND for the second survey, students must email their professor about the second survey to notify the professor that they are declining to take the second survey. • Final test – provided later in semester. Multiple-choice test will assess the 10 outcomes provided on the sample syllabus. Students must earn a grade to encourage them to take it seriously, but you may weight the test as you wish in the student’s final grade, but scoring will be uniform across all tests. Used for: • Program assessment • U.S. assessment • Curriculum development • Transfer student waivers (see handout if you advise transfer students) • Common Assignment: Bookended at the beginning and end of semester (see handout), the assignment has two parts.
Website as Resource • Demonstration of available resources • Questions
Agenda: Wednesday, August 28 8:30-9: Coffee and chat 9-10: Who Are Our Students?: Shelly Metivier Scott 10-11:45: Curriculum Development: Beth 11:45-12: Library Services Research: Kari Mofford 12-1: Lunch 1-4: Workshops (choose your own adventure) • Curriculum, syllabi, activities in 204 • Website development in 203 • Bookkeeping: Turn in your add/comp forms
Who Are Our Students? Shelly Metivier Scott, Dean of Students
Curriculum Development: Overview Handout/Samples • Activities that multi-task and are engaging • One-credit course: approx. 2 hours outside work • Professionalization – explain and model student behavior we’d like to see in our classrooms • Career Development Center resources and TypeFocus survey for to help students understand their own learning styles so they can compensate when asked to learn in ways they are not comfortable with • Use of resources on the website • Individual meeting is KEY • Returning faculty jump in with succinct ideas • Engaged learning (next slide) • H/SS/NS and readings • Learning about the major (ENL 102 connection)
U.S. definition: “engaged learning” Engaged learning enhances classroom education through authentic opportunities that put academic concepts into action and skills into practice. (from Keene State) For Foundations, may involve: • Small-scale incursions into the community • museums, performances, city council meetings, sewerage treatment plants, etc. • work-related experiences
Workshops at Will 1-4 pm Wednesday: Room 204: as requested with experienced faculty facilitating Room 203: website development with ID team