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A workshop on Flipping the Classroom HEA Arts and Humanities conference 2014. The three quarters flip with twist. Thank you for coming. Errietta Bissa School of Classics University of Wales Trinity Saint David e.bissa@tsd.ac.uk. What’s the point?.
A workshop on Flipping the Classroom HEA Arts and Humanities conference 2014 The three quarters flip with twist Thank you for coming Errietta Bissa School of Classics University of Wales Trinity Saint David e.bissa@tsd.ac.uk
What’s the point? • Discuss and exchange ideas on “flipping” • Whether you like to experiment, or not. • Explore different possibilities and solutions on flipping • Case Study: An experiment in flipping to introduce other pedagogies: student participation and student-led assessment.
What is flipping? In Class • Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter. At home Flipped Learning Network Definition, 13/03/14
Flipping the classroom Flipping the classroom Flipping the classroom NAY? Yea? Or maybe somewhere in between?
FLIP Starting off....Into chaos!
“The concept of the "flipped classroom" has become the education world's darling within the past few years.” USA Today, 05/12/13 NAY Yea
“[the] use of deliberate practice teaching strategies can improve both learning and engagement in a large introductory physics course as compared with what was obtained with the lecture method.” DesLauriers L, Schelew E, and Wieman C (2011). Improved learning in a large-enrollment physics class. Science 332: 864 Yea “The flipped classroom is an easy model to get wrong. Although the idea is straightforward, an effective flip requires careful preparation. Recording lectures requires effort and time on the part of faculty…Students, for their part, have been known to complain about the loss of face-to-face lectures, particularly if they feel the assigned video lectures are available to anyone online.” EDUCAUSE 7 Things You Should Know AboutFlipped Classrooms, February 2012 NAY
“Although it is difficult to appeal to the learning styles of every student in the classroom, the inverted classroom implements a strategy of teaching that engages a wide spectrum of learners… Evidence suggests that students generally preferred the inverted classroom to a traditional lecture and would prefer to take future economics classes using the same format.” Lage M J, Platt G J and Treglia M (2000) Inverting the Classroom: A Gateway to Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment. JEE 31:41 Yea “Still others railed that the model is nothing transformative at all and that it still emphasizes sage-on-the-stage direct instruction rather than student-centered learning. ” Hertz M B (2012) The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con. Edutopia blog post NAY
Flipping the classroom Flipping the classroom Flipping the classroom NAY? Yea? Or maybe somewhere in between?
Techy or not? • “We restrict this definition to exclude designs that do not employ videos as an outside of the classroom activity. While a broad conception of the flipped classroom may be useful, definitions that become too broad suggest that assigning reading outside of class and having discussions in class constitutes the flipped classroom. We reject these definitions.” • Bishop J L and Verleger M A (2013) The Flipped Classroom: A Survey of the Research. 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
Is it only for the sciences? • “We moved lectures out of the classroom. We tape them in advance and post them on a website. Students watch lectures before coming to class. Frequent low-stakes quizzes motivate students to keep pace and watch the videos. • Classroom contact hours are for coached activities, discussions, and student presentations. • Students are incentivized, but not required, to work in groups on all types of homework. Students write examinations on their own, but most students prepare for exams in teams. • We draw exam questions from a published pool, handed out as a study guide. Students prepare for exams by writing answers to the study guide questions. Because students have had plenty of open-book preparation time and opportunity for peer-review, we can require more carefully considered, better written answers.” Kaner C and Fiedler R L (2005) Inside Out: A computer Science Course Gets a Makeover. Association for Educational Communication and Technology International Conference
Half-flip? • “Motivated by other recent work, we developed, implemented, and began assessment of an Inverted Classroom model for Engineering Statics at UPRM. The model consists of (1) a set of pre-Lecture Modules and Exercises, delivered online; (2) a Lecture that responds to the students' experience in the pre-Lecture activities, and (3) a Problem-Solving Session after each Lecture. Assessment results from a student survey and an administration of the Concept Assessment Tool for Statics (CATS) were generally positive. ” • Papadopoulos C, Santiago-Roman A and Portela G (2010) Work in progress — Developing and implementing an Inverted Classroom for Engineering Statics. Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2010 IEEE
Flipping the classroom Is it worth it? Dangers? Possibilities?
The three quarters flip with twist Or an experiment in using flipping to facilitate student participation and student-led assessment
The module and the problem Module information The Problem Lack of engagement with parts of the module Little critical engagement with the issues outside of assessment Little reading for and after lectures Lack of participation in set seminars Falling attendance • Armies and Navies: Studies in Ancient Warfare • 3rd year Ancient History – compulsory for part of the cohort, optional for the rest • Class size: 50-90 • Generally a popular module due to subject and student profile Teaching 2008-2011 (4 years): 25 Lectures + 1 practical session, 4 seminars with set reading, Set essay + exam
The Experiment Some participation and engagement in seminars Little critical engagement in lectures Attendance issues Lack of confidence in student-led presentation • 2012 • 25 lectures + 1 practical session • 2 seminars with specific reading + 2 student-led seminars • Set essay + student-led presentation • 2013 • 8 lectures + 17 flipped sessions + 1 practical session • 4 student-led seminars • Student-led essay and presentation
What’s what • Flipped sessions: Some with short videos, some with “Moodle book” presentation – depends on the type of information. In class: group discussion, class debate, working with material in groups. • Student-led seminars: General topic set by instructor; members of the group present on specific topic of their own choice; feedback on presentation style given immediately (preparation for assessed presentation at end of semester). • Student-led assessment: Instructor sets type of assessment (eg oral presentation). Each student chooses their own specific topic in consultation with lecturer (consultation via Moodle forum and 1-1 meetings).
Student preparation and participation (%) “The ‘flipped classroom’ method employed in this class has provoked more discussion than I have generally seen in other classes.” Comment from peer observation report (from a lecture session, not a flipped one).
Overall Student Satisfaction (%) This module has always shown very high levels of student satisfaction. Yet, there was an appreciable difference in the flipped year: 11 of 14 questions regarding academic matters in the questionnaire received 100% satisfaction.
Student reaction to flipping and student-led sessions and assessment
Student reaction to flipping and student-led sessions and assessment
Attendance – a little bit more • Attendance is marginally better overall. • Data from first 13 samples of the semester. • Attendance generally fluctuates – 2013 has been a good year in the first semester, but bad in the second.
An added bonus: Relationship with other modules • “Students carried the mode of discussion from the semi-flipped model with them into a module with a traditional set-up. Students were clearly putting more effort and were more successful in preparing for seminars and they were also more active in seminar and lecture discussions generally.” Module-leader’s comment in module running at the same time and for part of the same cohort.
Flipping the classroom “...lectures have virtues in their own right, apart from the flexibility to incorporate elements similar to a flipped class” Small A (2014) In defence of the lecture. The Chronicle of HE vs. vs. or +