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EViews Training. Data Objects: Data Functions. Note: Information for examples in this tutorial can be found in these files. Data: Data.xlsx Results: Results.wf1 Practice Workfile: Data.wf1. Data and Workfile Documentation. Data.wf1 and Data.xlsx have the following data:
EViews Training Data Objects: Data Functions Note: Information for examples in this tutorial can be found in these files. • Data: Data.xlsx • Results: Results.wf1 • Practice Workfile: Data.wf1
Data and Workfile Documentation • Data.wf1 and Data.xlsx have the following data: • Workfile Page: Timeseries (Data.xlsx tab Timeseries): quarterly, Q1 1980 – Q1 2012 • GDP – real GDP data (billions of dollars) from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. • PCE – real consumption data (billions of dollars) from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. • Inv – real private sector investments (billions of dollars) from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. • G – real government spending (billions of dollars) from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. • y – a series that grows over time (trend series).
Data Functions • EViews has a large number of built-in functions that allow you to perform data manipulation. • EViews functions are typically denoted by the symbol “@”. • This tutorial reviews some typical functions used for data manipulation, such as: • Random numbers • Statistical Functions • Commonly Used Time Series Functions
Generating Random Numbers (Series): Example 1 • You can generate a series of (pseudo) random numbers drawn from a variety of distributions. • There are a number of ways to generate a random series. Generating a random series: Example 1 • Open EViewsworkfileData.wf1. • Select Quick→ Generate Series from the main menu. • Type y1 = nrndin the dialog box and press Enter.
Generating Random Numbers (Series): Example 1 (cont’d) • The result is shown here. • As seen, this generates a series y1, which is normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation equal to 1.
Generating Random Numbers (Series): Example 2 Generating a random series: Example 2 • Type in the command window: series z=nrnd • Press Enter. • This creates a new series z, which is normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation equal to 1. • Alternatively, you can create a random series by typing in the command window.
Generating Random Numbers (Series): Example 3 Generating a random series: Example 3 • Type in the command window: smpl@all series newdata = 0smpl1980q2 @lastnewdata=newdata(-1)+@mean(d(gdp))+@stdev(d(gdp))*nrnd • Press Enterafter each command line. • Note: for an explanation of statistical functions @mean, @stdev, or d(gdp), see Descriptive Statisticsin this tutorial. • Suppose you want to simulate a random walk process with distribution properties similar to the observed distribution of an existing series (for example,gdp):
Generating Random Numbers (Series): Example 3 (cont’d) • Here we show both the new series (newdata) and the GDP series. • As seen, the command has generated a series newdata, which follows the same distribution process as the gdpseries. • Note that the commands instruct EViews to first create a new series (newdata) consisting of zeros. • Then, from the second observation (1980q2) onwards it sums the preceding observation with the mean and standard deviation of differenced gdp(multiplied by a normal random variable).
Generating Random Numbers (Series):Common Functions/Commands • EViews has a number of functions/commands that allow you to draw from a variety of distributions. • The most commonly used functions/commands are summarized below. Common Commands/Functions
Generating Random Numbers (Series):PDF and CDF • It is also very easy to generate the pdf and cdf of a random variable. Generating a random series together with its pdf and cdf: • Type in the command window: smpl@all series d1=@ruinf(0,2) show d1 @dunif(d1,0,2) @cunif(d1,0,2) • Press Enterafter each command line.
Generating Random Numbers (Series):PDF and CDF (cont’d) • The result is shown here. • As you can see, EViews displays all three columns: the actual new random variable we created (d1), its density function (in the second column) and its cumulative distribution function (third column).
Descriptive Statistics • EViews has extensive built-in descriptive statistical functions. • These descriptive statistical functions take an optional sample as an argument. • The default sample is the current workfile range.
Descriptive Statistics Common Commands/Functions Common Commands/Functions
Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 1 Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 1 • Type in the command window: series x1=@mean(gdp) • Press Enter. • This creates a new series x1 which has all elements equal to the mean of GDP. • Suppose you want to create a series x1, which is equal to the mean of the “gdp” series.
Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 2 Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 2 • Type in the command window: smpl 1980q1 1989q4 series x2=@mean(gdp, "1980q1 1989q4") smpl 1990q1 1999q4 series x2=@mean(gdp, "1990q1 1999q4") smpl 2000q1 @last series x2=@mean(gdp, "2000q1 @last") smpl @all • Press Enter after each command line. • As a next example, consider creating another series x2, which is equal to the mean of the “gdp” series, defined over several sub-samples:
Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 2 (cont’d) • The result is shown here. For ease of exposition, we plot the graph of the series. • As you can see, EViews has created a step-wise function defined over the various samples as we specified in the command line.
Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 3 Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 3 1a. One way to do this is to type the following in the command window : series new=(gdp+pce+inv)/3 1b. Another way, would be to type in the command window group row functions: group groupdatagdppceinv This creates a new group (named “groupdata”) with containing the three series. 2b. Now type the following command in the command window: series new=@rmean(groupdata) This creates a series which is computed by taking the mean of all the three series for each row. • Press Enter after each command line. • Suppose you want to create a variable which is the average (or sum) of multiple series.
Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 4 Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 4 • Let’s first define the sample over which descriptive stats are computed. Type in the command window: smpl 1980m01 1990m12 • Next, let’s create a vector vby typing in the command window: vector(3) v • Next, define the vector elements to gather the desired statistics, by typing in the command window: v(1)=@mean(gdp) v(2)= @varp(gdp) v(3)= @covs(gdp,pce) • Press Enter after each command line. • Suppose you want to collect descriptive statistics in a vector (or matrix).
Descriptive Statistics Functions: Example 4 (cont’d) Explanations of commands/functions for Example 4 • Note that the optional sample argument may only be used if the results are assigned to a series. For example: series y=@mean(x[,s]) – where s is the sample, allows you to define the sample as the last argument of the descriptive statistic function. • If results are assigned into a matrix, vector or scalar object (as in example above), the sample needs to be defined explicitly before using the descriptive statistical functions.
Common Time-Series Functions (Lags/Leads, Differences, Percent Change, Moving Statistics, Trends)
Lags & Leads Common Commands/Functions • It is easy to work with lags/leads and other time series functions in Eviews. • You do not need to generate series of lags/leads in many places in EViews; simply write the command for them when needed (i.e., when estimating a regression).
Lags & Leads:Example 1 Lags & Leads: Example 1 • Type in the command window: smpl @all show gdpgdp(-4) • Press Enter. • Note that this creates a new group which contains both thegdpseries and its fourth lag (we requested that both series appear) • If you would like to save the group, click the button and name the group. • Create and show the 4th lag of the variable gdp.
Lags & Leads:Example 2 Lags & Leads: Example 2 • Type in the command window: show gdpgdp(2) • Press Enter. • Note that this creates a new group which contains both the gdp series and its 2nd lead (we requested that both series appear) • We have saved and named the group (group 04). • Create and show the 2nd lead of the variable gdp.
Lags & Leads:Example 3 Lags & Leads: Example 3 • Type in the command window: show gdp(0 to -3) • Press Enter. • Note that this creates a new group which contains the gdp series and all lags from 1 to 3. • The group is saved as group 05. • You can just as easily create a number of lags in EViews • For example, you may show the actual value and all first three lags of gdp.
Lags & Leads:Example 4 Lags & Leads: Example 4 • Type in the command window: series newseries=@lag((gdp-inv)/gdp,4) • Press Enter. • Note that the new series is first computed as: (gdp-inv)/gdp. • Then, the fourth lag is taken. • You can also create a series as a lagged transformation of other series.
Differences:Example 1 Differences : Example 1 • Type in the command window: show d(gdp) • Press Enter. • Note that for comparison purposes here we have shown both the d(gdp) series and another series where the difference is computed manually (gdp-gdp(-1)). As seen, they are the same. • EViewshas several build-in functions for working with differenced data (levels and logs).
Differences:Example 2 Differences : Example 2 • Type in the command window: show dlog(gdp) • Press Enter. • Log-difference:
Differences:Example 3 Differences : Example 3 • Type in the command window: show d(gdp,3) • Press Enter. • EViews also allows you to take higher order differences (of levels and logs):
Differences:Example 4 Differences : Example 4 • Type in the command window: show dlog(gdp,4) • Press Enter. • Higher-order differences in logs
Seasonal Differences • You can also take seasonal differences after specifying both ordinary and seasonal difference terms:
Percent Change • EViews also has a number of functions dealing with percent changes. Common Functions
Percentages:Example 1 Percentages : Example 1 • Type in the command window: show @pc(gdp) Note that @pc shows the percent change in percent. If you would like to compute it in decimals, type in the command window: show @pch(gdp) • Press Enter. • Note that we instructed EViews to display both series (@pc(gdp) and @pch(gdp)) in the same group. The group is saved as group06. • Calculate the percent change in gdp from the previous period.
Percentages:Example 2 Percentages : Example 2 • Type in the command window: show @pca(gdp) • Press Enter. • Note this computes the annualized percent change in the quarterly (one-period) gdp data. • This is the same as: 100*((1+@pch(gdp))4-1). • Calculate the annualized one-period percent change in gdp.
Percentages:Example 3 Percentages : Example 3 • Type in the command window: show @pcy(gdp) • Press Enter. • Note this computes the one-year percent change ingdpdata. • In quarterly data (which is the case here), this is the same as: 100*(gdpt+4-gdpt/gdpt). • Calculate the year-over-year percent change in gdp.
Cumulative Statistic Functions Common Functions • Cumulative functions perform “running-total”-type calculations. • For these functions the length of the window changes with each observation.
Cumulative Statistic Functions: Example 1 Cumulative Statistic: Example 1 • Type in the command window: show @cumsum(y,"1980Q3 1981Q4") • Press Enter. • Note that to facilitate comparisons, we have shown both the original (y) series and the new cumulative sum defined over the specific sample. • The cumulative sum series is calculated by adding the values from the start of the sample to the current value. • The cumulative sum starts at the beginning of the sample (1980Q3) and ends at the end of the sample (1981Q4). Original series@cumsum(y,s) • Show the cumulative sum for series y over a pre-defined sample.
Cumulative Statistic Functions: Example 2 Cumulative Statistic: Example 2 • Type in the command window: show @cumbsum(y,"1980Q3 1981Q4") • Press Enter. • The backward cumulative sum series is calculated by adding the values from the end of the sample to the current value. • Note that, unlike the previous example, the backward cumulative sum starts at the end of the sample (1984Q1) and ends at the start of the sample (1980Q3). Original series@cumbsum(y,s) • Show the cumulative backward sum for series y over a pre-defined sample.
Cumulative Statistic Functions: Example 3 Cumulative Statistic: Example 3 • Type in the command window: show @cummean(y,"1980Q3 1981Q4") • Press Enter. • The cumulative mean series is calculated from the start of the sample (1980Q3) until the current observation. Original series@cummean(y,s) • Show the cumulative mean of series y over a pre-defined sample.
Cumulative Statistic Functions: Example 4 Cumulative Statistic: Example 4 • Type in the command window: show @cumstdev(y,"1980Q3 1981Q4") • Press Enter. • The cumulative standard deviation is calculated from the start of the sample (1980Q3) until the current observation. Original series@cumstdev(y,s) • Show the cumulative standard deviation of series y over a pre-defined sample.
Moving Statistic Functions • These types of functions have shorter, fixed, user-specified window lengths. • They provide information on n observations (including the current observation). • The window length n is chosen by the user. • If the original data has missing values (NA), results may or may not propagate NA.
Moving Statistic Functions (cont’d) Common Functions
Moving Statistic Functions: Example 1 Moving Statistic: Example 1 • Type in the command window: show @movav(y,4) • Press Enter. • Note that the 4-period backwards moving average is computed as: (X+X(-1)+X(-2)+X(-3))/4. Original series@movav(y,n) • Show a 4-period moving average for series y.
Moving Statistic Functions: Example 2 Moving Statistic: Example 2 • Type in the command window: show @movav(y(-1),4) • Press Enter. • The 4-period backwards moving average is computed as: (X+X(-1)+X(-2)+X(-3))/4. This is then lagged by one period as we specified. Original series@movav(y(-1),n) • You can combine operators (functions) to perform more complex examples. • Suppose you would like to show the 4-period moving average for series y lagged by one period.
Moving Statistic Functions: Example 3 Moving Statistic: Example 3 • Type in the command window: show @movsum(y,5) • Press Enter. • Note that the 5-period backward moving sum is generated by adding: (X+X(-1)+X(-2)+X(-3)+X(-4)). Original series@movsum(y,5) • Show a 5-period backward moving sum for series y.
Moving Statistic Functions: Example 4 Moving Statistic: Example 4 • Type in the command window: show @movsum(y(2),5) • Press Enter. • Note that the 5-period backward moving sum is now centered at the observation which falls in the middle of the interval. • It is computed by adding: (X(-1)+X(-2)+X+X(+1)+X(+2)). Original series@movsum(y(2),5) • Show a centered 5-period backward moving sum for series y.
Trends • It is very easy to generate trends in EViews by using a number of built-in functions. Common Functions
Trends: Examples Generating Trends: • Type in the command window: series trend1=@trend series trend2=@trend+1 • Press Enterafter each command. • Note that @trend creates a series that begins at 0; while @trend+1 has initial value of 1. Trend1 Trend2 • Create two trend series one with initial value 0 and the other one 1.