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ᏣᎳᎩ ᎦᏬᏂᎯᏍᏗ 132. ᏦᎢᏁ ᎢᎦ , ᎧᏬᏂ 02 , 2014. Structured Dialogues. Structured dialogues for Verb Word Sentence practice. Present: Alsdayvhvsga . I’m eating a meal. Immediate: Halsdayvhvga ! Eat! Imperfective: Galsdayvhvsgoi . I eat meals.

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  1. ᏣᎳᎩᎦᏬᏂᎯᏍᏗ 132 ᏦᎢᏁᎢᎦ, ᎧᏬᏂ02, 2014

  2. Structured Dialogues Structured dialogues for Verb Word Sentence practice. • Present: Alsdayvhvsga. I’m eating a meal. • Immediate: Halsdayvhvga! Eat! • Imperfective: Galsdayvhvsgoi. I eat meals. Tsi-/G- Set Verb Words – Forms usually take tsi-/g- Set Pronouns.

  3. Swim Verb Structure Dialogue What is she doing? Gado iyusdi advneha?

  4. Swim Verb Structure Dialogue She’s swimming. Adawoa.

  5. Swim Verb Structure Dialogue Okay, swim, you duck! Hawa, hadawotsa, nihi kawonu!

  6. Swim Verb Structure Dialogue Okay, I'm swimming. Hawa, gadawoa.

  7. Swim Verb Structure Dialogue Do you always swim? Nigohilvtsu hadawosgoi?

  8. Swim Verb Structure Dialogue Yes, I always swim. Vv, nigohilv gadawosgoi.

  9. Activity Structure Dialogues 1. 3rd Person Singular Present Do advneha? What is he doing? Daltadega. He's jumping.

  10. Activity Structure Dialogues 2. 2nd Person Singular Immediate Command Hawa. Taltaduga, nihi utsawada! Oh. You jump, you kangaroo!

  11. Activity Structure Dialogues 3. 1st Person Singular Present Hawa, degalitadega. Okay, I'm jumping.

  12. Activity Structure Dialogues 4. 2nd and 1st Person Singular Imperfective Habitual Nigohilvitsudehaltadegoi? Do you always jump? Vv, nigohilvdegalitadegoi. Yes I always jump.

  13. Activity Stem Overview Tsi-/G- Set Pronouns Present Stem Immediate Stem Imperfective (On-Going) Stem Agi-/Agw- Set Pronouns Perfective (Complete) Stem Infinitive (Timelessness) Stem

  14. D. Feeling Dictionary Durbin Feeling and William Pulte 1975 Cherokee-English Dictionary from Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma is still the standard.

  15. Adawoa. ~ Gadawoa. Adawoa. She’s swimming. Gadawoa. I’m swimming. 3rd Singular Pronoun and 1st Singular Pronoun a- and g- provide the information we need to predict all other pronouns for this Verb Word set.

  16. Isolate the Present Stem Adawoa. He is swimming. Gadawoa. I am swimming. g- ~ a- Pronoun Pattern indicates -adawoa ‘is swimming Present Stem’

  17. Recite 10 Present Verb Word Sentences Gadawoa. I am swimming. Hadawoa. You are swimming. Adawoa. She is swimming. Osdadawoa. He and I are swimming. Otsadawoa. They and I are swimming. Inadawoa. You alone and I are swimming. Idadawoa. You all and I are swimming. Sdadawoa. You two are swimming. Itsadawoa. You all are swimming. Anadawoa. They are swimming.

  18. Udawovi. He/She swam. Next Feeling (1975) provides the 3rd Person Singular Perfective Experienced Verb Word Sentence. Udawovi. She/He/It swam. u- 3rd Singular Agi-/Agw- Set Pronoun -adawo- Perfective Stem -vi Experienced Final (Speaker Experience)

  19. Recite 10 Perfective Experienced Agwadawovi. I swam. Tsadawovi. You swam. Udawovi. He swam. Oginadawovi. She and I swam. Ogadawovi. They and I swam. Ginadawovi. You alone and I swam. Igadawovi. You all and I swam. Sdadawovi. You two swam. Itsadawovi. You all swam. Unadawovi. They swam.

  20. Adawosgoi. She/He swims. Feeling (1975) presents the 3rd Person Singular Imperfective Habitual Verb Word Sentence. Adawosgoi. He/She/It swims. a- 3rd Singular Tsi-/G- Set Pronoun -adawosg- Imperfective Stem -oi Habitual Final

  21. Recite 10 Imperfective Habitual Gadawosgoi. I swim. Hadawosgoi. You swim. Adawosgoi. She swims. Osdadawosgoi. He and I swim. Otsadawosgoi. They and I swim. Inadawosgoi. You alone and I swim. Idadawosgoi. You all and I swim. Sdadawosgoi. You two swim. Itsadawosgoi. You all swim. Anadawosgoi. They swim.

  22. Hadawotsa! Swim! Feeling (1975) presents the 2nd Person Singular Immediate Command Verb Word Sentence. Hadawotsa! Swim! [you singular swim] h- 2nd Singular Tsi-/G- Set Pronoun -adawotsa Immediate Stem

  23. Recite 2nd Person Commands Hadawotsa! Swim! Sdadawotsa! You two swim! Itsadawotsa! You all swim!

  24. Udawosdi … …him/her to swim. Feeling (1975) presents the 3rd Person Singular Infinitive Complement Verb Word Phrase. u- 3rdSingular Agi-/Agw- Set Pronoun -adawosdi Infinitive Stem (pitch accent creates Infinitive Complement)

  25. Recite 10 Infinitive Complement … agwaduliha. I want … Agwadawosdi… …for me to swim. Tsadawosdi… …for you to swim. Udawosdi… …for her/him to swim. Oginadawosdi… …for me and him to swim. Ogadawosdi… …for me and them to swim. Ginadawosdi… …for me and you alone to swim. Igadawosdi… …for me and you all to swim. Sdadawosdi… …for you two to swim. Itsadawosdi… …for you all to swim. Unadawosdi… …for them to swim

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