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NUTRITION: A Healthy Diet

Discover the importance of good nutrition, making wise food choices, breakfast essentials, snacking tips, and insights into vegetarian diets. Learn how to balance your diet, avoid non-nutritious substances, and navigate fast food options for a healthier lifestyle.

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NUTRITION: A Healthy Diet

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  1. NUTRITION:A Healthy Diet Ms. Mai Lawndale High School

  2. A Healthy Diet • If you lived to be 100 years old, you will have eaten about 110,000 meals • That is about 1,100 meals per year, not including snacks • Eating becomes pretty automatic, but good nutrition is not

  3. Good Nutrition • Good nutrition involves selecting a variety of foods, following good health guidelines, and eating only what your age and activity levels require • What you eat each day should provide enough of all the nutrients that are needed for your growth and activities

  4. Choosing Food • In many countries, people only eat food that is available to them without choice • Today, there are many choices • It is not always easy to choose, but food guidelines can help • In 1992, the USDA issued the Food Guide Pyramid to help provide guidelines for making food choices by grouping foods and recommending a number of serving from each group

  5. Food Guide Pyramid

  6. Examples of Healthy Food

  7. Food Groups • The pyramid is made up of 6 section, but nutritious foods are divided into only 5 of the 6 groups arranged according to the number of serving needed each day • No one group is more important than another in maintaining health • Fats, oils, and sweets are placed at the tip of the pyramid to emphasize how little you need of them

  8. Guidelines for Balanced Diet • Eat a variety of foods • Maintain a healthy weight • Choose a diet low in fat and cholesterol, and high in vegetables, fruits, and grains • Eat sugar and salt in moderation

  9. Making Wise Food Choices • Whenever you skip a meal, you end up feeling lightheaded, shaky, anxious, and cranky • These symptoms tell you that your body has not been given enough fuel • Although the human body is an incredible repairing machine, it needs proper care to function at its peak

  10. An Important Meal • Breakfast is the most missed meal, but one of the most important meals • At breakfast, your body has gone 12 – 14 hours without food • Breakfast can provide you with necessary nutrients and energy to be used throughout the day, reduce irritability, and decrease nervousness

  11. Breakfast • A well-balanced breakfast might include a glass of orange juice, a bowl of cereal or 2 slices of toast, and a glass of milk • Any breakfast is acceptable as long as it supply the essential nutrients • If you miss essential nutrients at one meal, you need to make them up with a well-chosen snack, or at your next meal

  12. NON-NUTRITIOUS SUBSTSANCES • Caffeine – this stimulant is a drug that speeds up the body’s activity and can cause nervousness, edginess, irritability, hyperactivity (coffee, tea, chocolate, soda) • Artificial Sweeteners – developed for people with diabetes, but does not result in weight loss • Alcohol – contains empty Calories and can prevent the body from burning Calories that should be burned • Fat Substitutes – contains no cholesterol or fat, but may have side effects over long periods of time (frozen desserts and other non-heated food products)

  13. Snacking • Snacks can play an important role in your daily diet, especially in teen years • Select nutrient-dense foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, and low in fat, sugar, and salt • Some good snack choices are whole-grain breads, cereals, low-fat yogurt, fruits, raw vegetable • Some poor snack choices are chocolate, potato chips, pastries, and sodas

  14. Vegetarian Diets • For a many reasons, some people choose to limit certain foods from their diets • Vegetarians are people who choose to eat no animal foods

  15. Types of Vegetarians • Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian – eat eggs, milk, and milk products, but no read meat, fish, and poultry • Vegan – eat no animal food of any kind • Semi-Vegetarians – eat fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products, but no red meat

  16. Vegetarian’s Diet • A vegetarian’s diet is healthy as long as it contains all the essential nutrients • Vegetarians need complementary proteins (mixture of incomplete protein), and enough Calories to meet all energy needs • Sometime, vegetarians also take supplements to get enough vitamins, but overall they have a diet lower in fat

  17. Fast Foods • Fast foods are a part of modern society • Many fast food meals provide adequate protein, but often contain a lot of fat and sodium and are low in vitamins and minerals • It is possible to eat a balanced meal at a fast food restaurant as long as you are making wise decisions that cover all essential nutrients

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