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Networking Survivability Features Summary

Networking Survivability Features Summary. Rev1.6 29 Nov., 2012. Case Study. Case Study 1. One of NS cabinet can be set up as Stand by CPU. ISP. Master. While Master NS failed. NS assigned as “ Backup-Master” start to work like stand by CPU.

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Networking Survivability Features Summary

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  1. Networking Survivability Features Summary Rev1.6 29 Nov., 2012

  2. Case Study

  3. Case Study 1 One of NS cabinet can be set up as Stand by CPU ISP Master • While Master NS failed.NS assigned as “ Backup-Master” start to work like stand by CPU. • Slave 2 and 3 switch to connect with “Backup-Master” NS. • EXT under Master switch to connect with “Backup-Master” as “Secondary PBX”. • SIP Trunk can be backed up by “Backup-Master”. Backup Master Slave1 Slave2 Slave3 Item 1) and 2) : Please refer chapter “ 1.Backup-Master” Item 3) : Please refer chapter “3.Automatic Rerouting to Secondary PBX” Item 4) : Please refer slide #76-77 “ SIP GW fail over”

  4. Case Study 2 NS work independently while Network has trouble While network down and each cabinet can’t see other then NS can work independently. IP/Legacy trunk and EXT terminated by each NS cabinet continue to work under each cabinet. Slave1 Isolated Master Isolated Slave2 Slave3 Isolated Please refer chapter “ 2. Isolated mode”.

  5. Over view

  6. Over view Individual Features There are below 3 key Features. • Backup-master Mode • One of Slave unit become Backup-master and continue Onelook network service. • 2.Isolated Mode • Slave become independent system to serve CO and EXT connect own cabinet. • 3.Automatic Rerouting to Secondary PBX • NT or UT phone can divert to Secondary PBX and continue to work.

  7. 1.Back up Master

  8. 1-1 Over view

  9. 1-1Over view 4 NS1000 are connected as One look. And Slave 1 is assigned as “Backup Master”. Slave1 Master Backup Master (Slave1) Slave2 Slave3 When Master died Slave1 become temporary master to run rest of system under One-look network .

  10. 1-2 Condition

  11. 1-2 Condition 1 4 NS1000 are connected as One-look network. And Slave 1 is assigned as “Backup Master”. Slave1 Master Backup Master (Slave1) Slave2 Slave3 Necessary Items; There is no additional hardware or Activation Key required to use “Backup Master” feature after establish “One-look Networking” . Because “Backup Master” feature is a part of “One-look Networking” feature. *All AK information transfer to “Back up Master” from “Master” and Temporary AK will be act based on information from Master. Temporary AK valid 10 days from when “Back up Master” start to act.

  12. 1-2 Condition 2 4 NS1000 are connected as One-look network. And Slave 1 is assigned as “Backup Master”. Slave1 Master Backup Master (Slave1) Slave2 Slave3 Necessary network arrangement; Full mesh VPN connection may need for all slave units able to connect with “Backup Master”.

  13. 1-2 Condition 3 4 NS1000 are connected as One-look network. And Slave 1 is assigned as “Backup Master”. Slave1 Master Backup Master (Slave1) Slave2 Slave3 Necessary Programming; 1)Set one of slave units as “Backup Master” from master unit. <= Only 1 “Backup Master” can be assigned 2)How long Keep Alive packet will be checked under One-look? -> “Multisite Keep alive Time-out time” 3)How long slave unit search for “Master” or “Backup Master”while start-up? -> ”Multisite startup monitoring time”

  14. 1-3 How to work?

  15. 1-3 How to work? 1 Alive Check –Request from Master/Backup Master- Slave1 Keep Alive message from Master Master Backup Master (Slave1) Slave2 Slave3 Keep Alive message from Backup Master

  16. 1-3 How to work? 2 Alive Check –Response from Slave- Slave1 Keep Alive response to Master Master Backup Master (Slave1) Slave2 Slave3 Keep Alive response to Back Up Master

  17. 1-3 How to work? 3 Alive Check – No Keep Alive message from Master • Slave 1 not receive Alive Check Message from Master. • Slave 1 re-start to act as Backup Master. Slave1 No Keep Alive message from Master Master Backup Master (Slave1) Slave2 Slave3 1.Slave 2-3 not receive Alive Check Message from Master. 2.Slave 2-3 re-start and try to connect Backup Master?

  18. 1-3 Sequence? 1 Change from “Master” to “Backup-master” Master Backup-master Slave Keep alive Keep Alive ack. Interval = Alive time out timer/4 Keep alive ack. Keep alive timeout Keep alive timeout Restart as Backup-master Slave Restart Start req. Start ack. Slave Restart

  19. 1-3 Sequence? 2 Start Ack. sequence Repeat 3 times to send Start Req. In 30sec and Hold 60 sec as a 1 cycle Repeat this cycle until Multisite Startup time Time out (Default : 300sec) Master/ Back up Master Slave Start Ack. 10[SEC] Start Req. Start Ack. 10[SEC] Start Req. Start Ack. 10[SEC] Start Req. Hold 60[SEC] Start Req. *Under Backup-Master scenario then send Start Ack. for both Master and Backup-master.

  20. 1-3 How to work? 4 System Data Transfer –From Master to Backup Master- System Data from Master to Backup Master every time when data changed and saved or every 30 min. Slave1 Master Backup Master (Slave1) Slave2 Slave3 Synchronized data is follow - Setting data of Extension, Trunk, Group , System Speed Dial, Make/Receive Call setting Door phone/External Pager/External I/O, Time Service ・Extension base setting such as Station Lock,War-Up, LCS, Auto Answer, Absent Message, Message Waiting, Incoming-Outgoing Log, FWD/DND ・ICD-G base setting such as Message Waiting, FWD/DND, UCD monitor ・Verification code, Pass word lock status・All AK

  21. 1-3 How to work? 5 -resource transition- Data on SRAM Slave1 Master Backup Master (Slave1) Data on SRAM Not transfer to Backup Master ・SMDR・Error Log・EXT setting like Timed Reminder Remote Station Lock Check-In/Out Ready/Not Ready/Clean UpLogin/Logout・EXT, CO, Verified Code base Charge Total Slave2 Slave3 Call Record can be collected and gathered by CA Call account.

  22. 1-3 How to work? 6 -service transition- UM UM & IMAP4 Server is not backed up by “Backup Master”. If the customer request UM with “Backup Master” environment; 1) To use UM at each cabinet. 2) To use UM on Slave that is assigned as “Backup Master” for entire One-look network. Backup Master Master Mail box for EXT-A Mail box for EXT-A EXT-A

  23. 1-3 How to work? 7-service transition- CA • CA is not backed up by “Backup Master”. • If the customer request CA with “Backup Master” environment; • There is no instant solution to implement CA with “Backup Master”. • In case PBX mode • CA client User need to change IP address of CA server • (to Backup Master’s IP address) manually. • 2) In case Server mode • It is necessary to prepare separate CS server • for Backup Master. And activate the CA server when Backup Master • become active. • And CA client User need to change IP address of CA server manually.

  24. 1-3 How to work? 8-resource/service transition- Other Resources/Services OGM is not backed up by “Backup Master”. OGM is necessary to record at independent NS cabinet. Play OGM record at Backup Master without OGM of Master WAV file transferring them to Backup Master. Time and Date Slave NS run own clock by “Manual / ISDN & Call ID(FSK) / SNTP” then “Time and Date” for Slave system continue to run by own clock under “Backup Master” environment. VoIP / Conference / Echo-Canceller / T-SW etc These resources will be released while One-look start to be controlled by Backup Master. Programming up date Automatic program up date will not be act. Manual Program Up date can be done.

  25. 1-3 How to work? 9- resume from Back Up Master to Master- How to recover from Backup mode 1)At home screen, select Master ICON and right click. 2)Select “Normal Mode” 3)Confirmation window come up “All site will re-start. OK?” 4)Master re-start and start to work as Master mode. 5)Slave re-start and re-connect to Master. “Normal Mode” has to be deployed manually to the Master unit to avoid sudden switch back from Backup-Master mode to interrupt service.

  26. 1-4 Programming

  27. 1-4 Programming 1 -Wizard- Define Backup Master at Wizard Mode Select Back up Master mode at end of Unit addition wizard

  28. 1-4 Programming 2 Programming at Master unit Assign which Slave will be act as “Backup Master” Note: When change Slave Unit to Back up Master, the assgined unit will be restarted

  29. 1-4 Programming 3 Programming at Master unit 300 1.“Multisite Keep alive Time-out time”value is used for Alive check for both Master and Slave. 2.”Multisite startup monitoring time” is used for Slave how long wait reply from Master whether start with Master/Backup Master or Isolated mode*. *Isolated mode describe at chapter “ Isolated mode”.

  30. 1-5 Error Notification

  31. 1-5 Error Notification Error message from NS When Backup Master will become Active, there will be able to send below error message by e-mail. 【Subject】 KX-NS1000 System alarm#1 orKX-NS1000 System alarm#2 【text】 [System Name] :KX-NS1000 [MPR-ID] :AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD [Date] :11/12/31 [Time] :23:59:59 [Error Code] :535 [Sub Code] : 50400 [Error Message] :Change into Backup Master Mode E-mail address has to be set at each NS cabinet.

  32. 2 Isolated mode

  33. 2-1 Over view

  34. 2-1 Over view 1 4 NS1000 are connected as One-look network. Isolated mode Slave1 Master Slave2 Slave3 Isolated mode Isolated mode If Slave can’t communicate neither Master or Backup master like when VPN network down all slave unit can’t talk to Master. Then each Slave become Isolated mode and run by itself but with some limitation.

  35. 2-2 Condition

  36. 2-2 Condition 1 Necessary Item 4 NS1000 are connected as One-look network. Isolated mode Slave1 Master Slave2 Slave3 Isolated mode Isolated mode Necessary Items; There is no additional hardware or Activation Key required to use “Isolated mode” feature after establish “One-look Networking” . Because “Isolated mode” feature is a part of “One-look Networking” feature.

  37. 2-2 Condition 2 Necessary Network Arrangement 4 NS1000 are connected as One-look network. Isolated mode Slave1 Master Slave2 Slave3 Isolated mode Isolated mode Necessary network arrangement; “Spoke & Hub” or “Full mesh” whatever network arrangement is OK for “Isolated mode”.

  38. 2-2 Condition 3 Necessary Programming 4 NS1000 are connected as One-look. Isolated mode Slave1 Master Slave2 Slave3 Isolated mode Isolated mode Necessary Programming; Enable “Isolated mode” to each Slave that is necessary to act as “Isolated mode”.

  39. 2-3 How to work?

  40. 2-3 How to work? 1 Alive Check –Request from Master- Keep Alive message from Master Slave1 Master Slave2 Slave3

  41. 2-3 How to work? 2 Alive Check –Response from Slave- Keep Alive response to Master Slave1 Master Slave2 Slave3

  42. Master Backup-master Slave Keep alive Keep alive ack. Keep alive timeout (Master) Keep alive timeout (Backup-master) Slave restart as Isolated 2-3 Sequence to be Isolated mode Change from “Slave” to “Isolated mode”

  43. 2-3 How to work? 3 System Data Transfer –From Master to Slave- System Data from Master to Slave Slave1 Master Slave2 Slave3 Synchronized data is follow .Trunk, Group data Tennant/Trunk-G/Extension-G/UCD-G/Paging-G/Pick UP-G/Hunting-G/PS-G . System Speed Dial, Make/Receive Call setting Door phone/External Pager/External I/O, ・Extension base setting such as Station Lock,War-Up, LCS, Auto Answer, Absent Message, Message Waiting, Incoming-Outgoing Log, FWD/DND ・ICD-G base setting such as Message Waiting, FWD/DND, UCD monitor ・Verification code, Pass word lock status and AK which related with Centralized・etc System Data transfer from Master to Slave is done at every 30 min. Also transferring every time while data save at Master.

  44. 2-3 How to work? 4 Alive Check –Response from Slave- • Slave not receive Alive Check Message from Master. • Slave re-start to act as Isolated mode. Slave1 No Keep Alive message from Master Isolated mode Master Slave2 Slave3 Isolated mode Isolated mode

  45. 2-3 How to work? 5 Resources Special Temporary AK(Centralized AK only) deploy to the Isolated NS from Master NS. Other resources is same condition as “Backup Master”

  46. 2-3 How to work? 6 - resume from Isolated to Slave- How to release Isolated mode to Slave? Direct Log-In to the Isolated mode system. 1)At home screen, select Slave ICON and right click. 2)Select “Normal Mode” 3)Confirmation window come up “This site will re-start. OK?” 4)This Slave re-start and start to send Start Ack to Master or Backup Master.

  47. 2-4 Programming

  48. 2-4 Programming 1 Programming at Slave unit Default: Disable.

  49. 2-5 Error Notification

  50. Error Notification Error message from NS When Slave will become Isolated mode, there will be able to send below error message by e-mail. 【Subject】 KX-NS1000 System alarm#1 orKX-NS1000 System alarm#2 【Message body】 [System Name] :KX-NS1000 [MPR-ID] :AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD [Date] :11/12/31 [Time] :23:59:59 [Error Code] :537 [Sub Code] : 50400 [Error Message] :Change into ISOLATED Mode E-mail address has to be set at each NS cabinet.

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