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An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care . BPS DCoP Annual Conference 2012. Christian Koebbel - Mark Rayner - Meghan Craig - Tom Godsal - Andy Usher - Peter Bull. Introduction: .

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An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

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  1. An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care BPS DCoP Annual Conference 2012 Christian Koebbel - Mark Rayner - Meghan Craig - Tom Godsal - Andy Usher - Peter Bull

  2. Introduction: • Integration of existential thinking & psychotherapy, guided by research • Phenomenological enquiry • Relational stance • Anxiety as meaningful • Practice-based-evidence • Response to local need • GPs increasingly take charge of service commissioning • Fill a gap in service provision An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

  3. Context • Current state of affairs • Most people suffer from mental health difficulties at some point in their lives • IAPT designed for these common mental health needs • Focus on efficacy and clear diagnostic criteria to determine treatment • Is primary care equipped to deal with the demand? • Not everyone fits into the current system. • IAPT needs to be supplemented by additional services (IAPT D&I Group, 2010) An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

  4. Core Tenets • Brief existential-phenomenological approach to psychotherapy • Finding & owning meaning An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

  5. Core Tenets: Relatedness & Anxiety • Relational stance towards symptoms • Symptoms as meaningful attempts to grapple with concerns • Being able to recognise the meaning/purpose of symptoms enables clients to take ownership • Choice • Client change instead of symptom change! An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

  6. Implementation • Goal setting via CORE Goal Attainment form • 1 assessment session, 6 weekly sessions (possibility of modular extension) • Timely intervention • less than 3 weeks waiting from referral to assessment • less than 6 weeks from assessment to first session • Routine Outcome Measures – session-by-session monitoring (CORE-OM, PHQ-9, GAD-7) • Preliminary results are promising An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

  7. Results so far An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

  8. Conclusion • Conclusion • Next steps: evaluation of data, introduce specific measures, semi-structured manual • A personal reflection: from therapeutic interventions to therapeutic service delivery • Invitation to collaborate on data collection and piloting An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

  9. Thank you! Christian Koebbel christian.koebbel@nhs.net Mark Rayner mark.rayner@beh-mht.nhs.uk An Existential-phenomenological approach to short term psychotherapy in primary care

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