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Calculator Example. Operators: plus, minus and multiply 4 5*2-1 or (4 5)*2-1 to enforce evaluation orderAll ANTLR grammars are subclasses of Lexer, Parser, or TreeParser . Parser Subclass. class ExprParser extends Parser; Specify rules in EBNF notationexpr: mexpr ((PLUS|MINUS) mexpr)* ; mexpr
1. Introduction to ANTLR
2. Calculator Example Operators: plus, minus and multiply
4+5*2-1 or (4+5)*2-1 to enforce evaluation order
All ANTLR grammars are subclasses of Lexer, Parser, or TreeParser
3. Parser Subclass class ExprParser extends Parser;
Specify rules in EBNF notation
expr: mexpr ((PLUS|MINUS) mexpr)* ;
mexpr : atom (STAR atom)* ;
atom: INT | LPAREN expr RPAREN ;
4. Lexer Subclass Similar pattern, only needs to define some operators and whitespaces
class ExprLexer extends Lexer;
options {
k=2; // needed for newline junk charVocabulary='\u0000'..'\u007F'; // allow ascii
LPAREN: '(' ; RPAREN: ')' ;
PLUS : '+' ;
MINUS : '-' ;
STAR : '*' ;
INT : ('0'..'9')+ ;
WS : ( ' ' | '\r' '\n' | '\n' | '\t' ) {$setType(Token.SKIP);} ;
5. What does ANTLR generate? Java antlr.Tool ExprParser.g? name of grammar file
6. Testing the lexer/parser import antlr.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ExprLexer lexer = new ExprLexer(System.in); ExprParser parser = new ExprParser(lexer); parser.expr();
7. Expression Evaluation Add actions to parser that will evaluate tokens on the fly
class ExprParser extends Parser;
expr returns [int value=0] {int x;} : value=mexpr ( PLUS x=mexpr {value += x;} | MINUS x=mexpr {value -= x;} )* ;
mexpr returns [int value=0] {int x;} : value=atom ( STAR x=atom {value *= x;} )* ;
atom returns [int value=0] : i:INT {value=Integer.parseInt(i.getText());} | LPAREN value=expr RPAREN ;
8. Evaluation via AST Powerful strategy to build an IR
For example “3+4” is represented as an Ast via
/ \
3 4
9. Some Notations #(A B C)
is a tree with A at the root, and children B and C.
This notation can be nested to describe trees of arbitrary structure, for example:
#(A B #(C D E))
is a tree with A at the root, B as a first child, and an entire subtree as the second child. The subtree, in turn, has C at the root and D,E as children.
10. Grammar annotations for building ASTs LEAF NODES
ANTLR assumes that any nonsuffixed token reference or token-range is a leaf node
If no suffixes at all are specified in a grammar, then a Parser will construct a linked-list of the tokens
11. Root Nodes Any token suffixed with the "^" operator is considered a root token
a : A B^ C^ ; results in tree #(C #(B A)).
First A is matched and made a lonely child, followed by B which is made the parent of the current tree, A. Finally, C is matched and made the parent of the current tree, making it the parent of the B node.
Note that the same rule without any operators results in the flat tree A B C.
12. AST Construction class ExprParser extends Parser;
options { buildAST=true; }
expr: mexpr ((PLUS^|MINUS^) mexpr)* ; mexpr : atom (STAR^ atom)* ;
atom: INT | LPAREN! expr RPAREN! ;
13. AST parsing and evaluation class ExprTreeParser extends TreeParser; options { importVocab=ExprParser; }
expr returns [int r=0] { int a,b; } : #(PLUS a=expr b=expr) {r = a+b;}
| #(MINUS a=expr b=expr) {r = a-b;}
| #(STAR a=expr b=expr) {r = a*b;}
| i:INT {r = (int)Integer.parseInt(i.getText());} ;
14. Testing the AST import antlr.*;
import antlr.collections.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ExprLexer lexer = new ExprLexer(System.in);
ExprParser parser = new ExprParser(lexer);
AST t = parser.getAST(); System.out.println(t.toStringTree());