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Vegetables. Click to Begin. Vegetable Categories. Dark Green Starchy Orange Squashes/Other Dry Beans and Peas. Dark Green Vegetables. Bok choy Broccoli Collard greens Dark green leafy lettuce Kale Mustard greens Romaine lettuce Spinach Turnip greens Watercress.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vegetables Click to Begin

  2. Vegetable Categories • Dark Green • Starchy • Orange • Squashes/Other • Dry Beans and Peas

  3. Dark Green Vegetables • Bok choy • Broccoli • Collard greens • Dark green leafy lettuce • Kale • Mustard greens • Romaine lettuce • Spinach • Turnip greens • Watercress

  4. Starchy Vegetables • Corn • Green Peas • Lima Beans • Potatoes

  5. Orange Vegetables • Acorn Squash • Butternut Squash • Carrots • Hubbard • Squash • Pumpkin • Sweet Potatoes

  6. Other Vegetables • Artichokes • Asparagus • Bean Sprouts • Beets • Brussel Sprouts • Cabbage • Cauliflower • Celery

  7. Other Vegetables, cont’d • Cucumbers • Eggplant • Green Beans • Green or Red Peppers • Iceberg Lettuce • Mushrooms • Okra • Onions

  8. Other Vegetables, cont’d • Parsnips • Tomatoes • Tomato Juice • Vegetable Juice • Turnips • Wax Beans • Zucchini

  9. Dry Beans and Peas • Black Beans • Black-eyed Peas • Garbanzo Beans (chickpeas) • Kidney Beans • Lentils • Lima Beans (mature) • Navy Beans

  10. Dry Beans and Peas, cont’d • Pinto Beans • Soy Beans • Split Peas • Tofu • White Beans

  11. The End

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