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HcalAlCaRecoProducers : Producer for HO calibration

HcalAlCaRecoProducers : Producer for HO calibration. A brief history :. Outer hadron calorimeter is expected to improve jet energy resolution Due to different sampling/passive material in front of active material, HB and HO require different weight factor

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HcalAlCaRecoProducers : Producer for HO calibration

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  1. HcalAlCaRecoProducers : Producer for HO calibration A brief history : • Outer hadron calorimeter is expected to improve jet energy resolution • Due to different sampling/passive material in front of active material, HB and HO require different weight factor • HO tiles should be calibrated with respect to each other before being weighted by a common weight factor to be used for better energy measurement • There is no source calibration due to space constraints. • Possibilities of calibrating HO tiles with • Physics events only from W→μν (σ.Br=65.6 nb) and Z→μμ (σ.Br = 3.8 nb) • Extrapolation to all possible physics events (mainly J/ψ (Υ(1S)) • Cosmic muon

  2. Comparison of HO signal and pedestal width in TB2006 & MTCC-I (no filed) TB2006 MTCC • Signal distribution is fitted with a (Gaussian (for ped)+Gaussian convoluted Landau (signal) in TB2006, for MTCC signal is fitted with only Gaussian convoluted Landau function Pedestal Pedestal fC fC Signal Signal fC fC

  3. Comparison of means with and without B-field (MTCC) • There is no effect in ring-2, but ring-1 signal has gone down by a factor ~2, whereas cross talk is only about 10-25%

  4. Conclusion based on simple calculation • 4% accuracy in HO calibration constant is achievable in 100 pb─1data • Muon from Υ(1S) and J/ψ can reduce uncertainty, but these processes have large uncertainty in production cross-sections • One day cosmic muon run gives much better accuracy in Ring-1 and Ring-2, whereas for Ring-0, η-4, one need at least 4 days • In the year 2008, a cosmic muon calibration is absolutely necessary, data from pp collisions will take longer time to achieve a reasonable accuracy, where as latter on (2009 onwards), data from pp collisions will be sufficient to calibrate HO.

  5. Inputs for the calibration constant • Trigger information (2) • Muon momentum and position in DT (3+3) • Other parameters of muon e.g., ndof, chisq, rechit (3) • Error on Θ and Φ → on position at tile (2) • Extrapolated track position (X,Y) at HO and tile number (2+1) • Angle between track and HO tile (1) • Signal in 3×3 tiles to verify muon reconstruction (9) • Signals in all pixel of HPD to check cross-talk (18) • Pedestal information (1) • Associated HB+EB energy withing 0.3,0.5 and 0.7 (3) • HB signal ? HO/HB time profile ? In total there are 48+x variables per muon track, what was used in my own analysis with MTCC All are put as a new DataFormats DataFormats/HOCalibHit/interface/HOCalibVariables.h and store as root objects along with other AOD/RECO

  6. Status of producer • Need to upgrade code which is compatable/useful with new library (Original code with CMSW_1_0_0) • There were no proper HO geometry in CMSSW, put it by hand • No Proper track extrapolation, used by HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing • These are fine, but may be in future, move to data base for geometry and proper extrapolation function • But, main problem with reconstruction of CosmicMuon. • DT calibration constant, constant for cosmicmuons are totally different than muons from pp collisions • CosmicMuonProducer has many dependency in CMSSW_1_5_2, which was not in 1_0_0 Not possible for 1_6_0, but hopefully by a week first version of code will be ready for cosmicmuon and also include for muons in physics run

  7. Configuration files • Calibration/HcalAlCaRecoProducers/test/make_hocalib_cosmicmu_152.cfg (for cosmic events) • or make_hocalib_physicsmu_152.cfg (for collision events) • Necessary modifications for CosmicsMuons (in Calibration/HcalAlCaRecoProducers/data/) • HOCosmicCalib_ecalLocalRecoSequence.cff • HOCosmicCalib_FakeConditions.cff • HOCosmicCalib_RecoLocalTracker.cff • HOCosmicCalib_RecoLocalCalo.cff • HOCosmicCalib_RecoLocalMuon.cff • HOCosmicCalib_Reconstruction.cff • HOCosmicCalib_RecoMuon.cff • HOPhysicsCalib_Reconstruction.cff • HOCosmicCalib_cosmicMuons.cfi (in future, it may be standard one) • HOCosmicCalib_dt1DRecHits_LinearDrift_CosmicData.cfi (Same) • ALCARECOHcalCalHO.cff • ALCARECOHcalCalHO_Output.cff

  8. Options in Configuration files • replace hoCalibProducer.muons = cosmicMuons // # standAloneMuons Cosmics muon or standalone muon (muon from pp collision) • replace hoCalibProducer.digiInput = true // DIGI INPUT • replace hoCalibProducer.hbinfo = false // No HB information • replace hoCalibProducer.firstTS = 5 // first time slice • replace hoCalibProducer.lastTS = 8 // last time slice • replace hoCalibProducer.m_scale = 4.0 //Magnetic field scale factor Store Events with other AOD/RECO objects, iEvent.put(hostore, "HOCalibVariableCollection"); where hostore = new std::vector<HOCalibVariables>

  9. Analyzer • Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/src/HOcalibAnalyzer.cc • In ::Analyze(….){ …. • Edm::Handle<HOCalibVariableCollection> HOCalib; • iEvent.getByLabel(“hoCalibProducer”,”HOCalibVariableCollection”, HOCalib; • for (HOCalibVariableCollection::const_iterator hoC=(*HOCalib).begin(); hoC!=(*HOCalib).end(); hoC++){ …float signal = (*hoC).hosig[i]; ….} • }

  10. Analyzer Configuration file : Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/test/anal_hocalib_152.cfg • untracked string RootFileName = "analx_physicsmu_152.root“ //Root file name • untracked string txtFileName = "analx_physicsmu_152.txt“ // text file for fitted parameters • untracked string psFileName = "analx_physicsmu_152.ps“ //Postscript file for fitted plots • untracked bool hbinfo =false // Analysis HB data or NOT? • untracked bool hbtime =false // Do you want to see HB time profile (only for digi input) • untracked bool hotime =false // Look for HO time profile (only for digi input) • untracked bool correl =true // Do you want to see cross talk in nearby pixel as well as geometrically nearby tower (Checking of traking algorithms) • untracked bool checkmap =true //Cross check of HO electronic map, may not usefull for users) • untracked bool combined =true // For low statistics, look signal in each RM/Sector • untracked bool get_constants =true // Get all calibration constant in the ascii file

  11. What more • Many many points, but without those, we can use the existing code • Put HO geometry from database • Proper extrapolation function • Selection of isolated muon in the data of “pp” collision • Present criteria : # of hits >20, energy in HCAL <5.0 GeV • Need to optimise • When full detector is active, may be MTCC algorithms will have to modify/corrected • Waiting for data (No cosmic data which are compatable with CMSSW_1_5(…)_X) and also this code inside the CMSSW software.

  12. Present status (Olga’s talk in CMSWEEK) Policy not to change data formats ??

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