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Meridian Elementary. Kira Kloser LI 851XI Advocacy Plan. Picture retrieved from http://meridian.adams12.org/index.htm June 2, 2010. . Advocacy Plan for Meridian Elementary. Goal: to connect with the community, school staff, students and parents.
Meridian Elementary Kira Kloser LI 851XI Advocacy Plan Picture retrieved from http://meridian.adams12.org/index.htm June 2, 2010.
Advocacy Plan for Meridian Elementary • Goal: to connect with the community, school staff, students and parents. • Requirements: strong marketing, creative programming, and community participation. • The Advocacy plan for Meridian will align with the school’s mission and educational standards. • Meridian Library mission: “to integrate information literacy and technology into the curriculum and ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information” (Meridian Elementary, 2010). • Highlight the benefits and necessity of the school library.
Highlights of Community Analysis • Meridian Elementary is locate in Broomfield, CO. • Kindergarten through Fifth grade. • Student Enrollment: 640 • Race Statistics (Adams, 2009). • White: 84.84% • Hispanic: 6.72% • African-American: 1.25% • Asian: 7.03% • Native American: 0.16% • Free and reduced lunch: 3.75% • Grades K-5 • 3-5 classes per grade • Avgclassroom size: 24 (Weese, 2008) • Percentage of teachers with advanced degrees: 66.7% • Staff • Principal and Assistant Principal • Teacher Librarian and Media Clerk • Teachers: 34 • PE, Music, Art, Kindergarten – 5th • Other staff: 39 • Office, Paraprofessionals, Kitchen, Custodial, etc. • Average years of experience: 11.6 (Adams, 2010). • City of Broomfield Population is 58,629 • Average household income $86,000 • Community-orientated families • Unemployment rate: 7.4% • Crime rates steadily decreasing over the past 30 years. Slide information reference: Kloser, K. (2010). Community Analysis. Power Point Presentation created June 2, 2010.
Let’s Get Involved • Establish a connection with the surrounding community in Broomfield. • Broomfield is a growing city with family values. • If we support the community, they will support us. Develop long-term relationships. • The Brunner Farmhouse and Gardens is a historic spot in Broomfield. They are always in need of volunteers. Three of their gardens are up for adoption (http://brunnerhouse.org/). Choose a class or have a volunteer sign-up sheet to “Adopt a Garden” Excellent learning opportunity for students • History in Broomfield • Gardening techniques • Community involvement • Get the students digging! Picture retrieved from http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/z0302a1700/community.jpgJuly 14, 2010.
Attention! Attention! Notifying all Parents! • Keep the parents involved in student learning (AASL, 2009). • Publishing articles in the school newsletter and local paper (the Broomfield Enterprise) are good methods of advertising library updates and programs. • Technology is quickly taking over as the means of information gathering. • I propose creating a Facebook page for the school library. Postings will include: • Current and upcoming events in the library • Links to homework help (school website) • Featured resources in the library • Opportunity for parents (or anyone visiting the page) to provide immediate feedback. • Parents can subscribe to the RSS feed for the page and receive updates by checking the page, through email or through their smart-phones. Picture retrieved from http://secure.goldengateshousing.org.uk/TenantServices/SysImages/Content/parents.jpg July 14, 2010.
Bring in the Classroom Teachers • The librarian is part of the decision making team (AASL, 2009). • Teachers may not know what resources are available to them in the school library. • Send detailed letters to the teachers describing print material as well as electronic resources (Valenza, 2004). • Try to connect with all teachers/subjects including math and science. There is something for everyone at the library. • Open the lines of communication. • Use “The School Library: Your Partner in Learning & Instruction” brochure to further explain library uses (Valenza, 2004).
Movie Time • Programming meets school, state, and national educational standards (AASL, 2009). • It seems that every other movie released these days, was first a novel. • Compile a list of movies available (that are also books). The students can vote each month on the book to read and then the movie to follow • Voting on library website or in person at the library • Reading the book is not a requirement to see the movie. • All grade level, teachers, staff, and parents are welcome. • Involve students in the planning process. Find out what is popular in the different age groups. Enlist students to help with marketing the event. • Provides an opportunity for anyone to come to the school library and simply enjoy themselves. They can see what the library has to offer, eat some snacks and watch a movie. Picture retrieved from http://portal.unesco.org/en/files/15106/1064242609369.jpg/69.jpg July 14, 2010.
It’s a Celebration Jazz Appreciation Month Provide a book list Provide the music: CDs available in library Playlists Online music feeds Online streaming radios Attempt to enlist a local artist to visit the library to share their music. Bring in people to the library (students, parents, teachers and staff). • Hold an event at the library. • Opportunity to gain respect through collaboration and build enthusiasm for the library. • Involve teachers and students in the planning process. • Collaborating on the event will ensure their interest and excitement. • Provides the opportunity to share their ideas and interests. • Examples: Library Lovers’ Month; Bake for Family Fun Month; Black History Month; National Library Week; Autism Awareness Month; St. Patrick’s Day; Children’s Book Week; Banned Book Week; et cetera.
References • American Association of School Librarians. (2009). Empowering learners. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. • Kloser, K. (2010). Community analysis. PowerPoint Presentation created June2,2010. • Meridian Elementary. (2010, June 25). Library. Retrieved from http://meridian.adams12.org/Grade%20Levels/Library/library.html • Valenza, J. (2004). Power tools recharged. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. • Broomfield Library Photograph. Retrieved from http://sangres.com/dimages/colorado/places/broomfield/broomfield003.jpg. • Community Photograph. Retrieved from http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/z0302a1700/community.jpg • Parent Photograph. Retrieved from http://secure.goldengateshousing.org.uk/TenantServices/SysImages/Content/parents.jpg • http://brunnerhouse.org/ • http://portal.unesco.org/en/files/15106/1064242609369.jpg/69.jpg