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The ABC ’ s of Kindergarten. Maestra Schrotenboer. Aa.
The ABC’s of Kindergarten Maestra Schrotenboer
Aa • Arrival/Dismissal: Upon arrival to school, students may drop off backpacks in the classroom, then should go out to the playground to play until the bell rings to come inside. The bell rings at 8:40 a.m. and the tardy bell at 8:45 a.m. The day ends at 3:30 p.m. • Absent: If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the absentee line (616-741-0051) to inform us. If your child will be arriving or leaving in the middle of the day, you must sign in or out at the office and sign back in if returning during the school day.
Bb • Birthdays: Birthdays are a special day for Kindergarteners. We celebrate ½ birthdays for those with summer birthdays. I will communicate via email before your child’s birthday with the day we will celebrate. A tradition for my classroom is The Birthday Book Club. To build a love of reading, the birthday child purchase a Spanish book from Scholastic or a list of suggestions I have to add to our classroom library. A special sticker with the child’s name goes inside the book cover, and as part of the celebration, we read the book together in class. Also, you may bring in a small treat for snack time on that day. Both the book and treat are optional. Your child will enjoy a few other traditions of being sung to, wearing a birthday crown, and receiving a big birthday card. If the day doesn’t work for you, I’ll be glad to switch it, Party invitations may be handed out at school if all the girls/boys are invited.
Cc • Communication: Please feel free to call me or email with any questions or concerns. You may reach me in my classroom by calling the office at 616.772.2609 from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm on Tuesdays and Fridays and from 12:00 pm- 4:30 pm on Wednesdays. You may also reach me by email at bschrotenboer@zcs.org or on my cell phone 616.566.6466. Remember that important information will be coming home in the weekly newsletter! • Clothing: Keep it comfortable and washable. • Counting Snack: When your child is “Up in Lights” you are asked to bring in a snack for the class to use for hands-on math activities like counting and graphing.
Dd • Drop-off and pick-up: Your child’s safety is our priority, so we appreciate your help in following drop-off and pick-up procedures. If you drop your child off, we prefer that you park and walk your child into school if possible. Parents may pick up their children in the classroom. Students will be released to older siblings who are picking them up after the walker bell rings. If there is a change to how your child will be getting home (being picked up instead of riding the bus, ride home with a friend’s parent, etc…), please be sure to send a note to school. ** If I do not have a note, I will follow the original plan for transportation.
Ee Ee • Email: My email is bschrotenboer@zcs.org. I check my email for sure every morning, at the very end of the school day, in the evenings, and on the weekend. If you need to be in touch with me about plans changing during the day, you can be assured I will be watching and I will do my best to promptly email you a confirmation.
Ff • Folders: “Alerta Roja” folders must be brought to school each day. Please check daily for papers and notes that come home. I will check this folder each day for notes or communication from you. If money is involved, put it in an envelope with your child’s name and its purpose written. Your child will soon learn to empty this folder and put the contents in the right spot. • Field Trips: You will be notified of these field trips in my weekly bulletins. If you are a driver for a specific field trip, please know that younger siblings should NOT plan on attending--their time will come!In Kindergarten we venture out on four field trips that connect with our current curriculum. In the fall, we travel to the DeGraaf Nature Center. In the winter, we go to Flipside Gymnastics. In the spring, we go to the Critter Barn and the Holland Farmer’s Market.
Gg • Get ready to learn! In Kindergarten, we have many different hands-on experiences to help your child learn and grow. We often use centers or stations to work on oral language development, social interaction, problem solving, and creative expression. These centers include blocks, art, puzzles, games, reading, writing, math activities, and more.
Hh • Hot Lunch: “Almuerzo de la casa”(home lunch) or “Almuerzo de la escuela” (school lunch) is terminology. Children will be taught a routine for choosing lunch A, B, or C. Menu is on the ZCS website. • Handwriting-We use Handwriting Without Tears curriculum. Please practice the correct strokes with your child. • Homework: Homework varies throughout the year. You will receive information through the weekly newsletter regarding homework. I’m not a huge fan of homework in Kindergarten. I will send it to keep you in the loop, for reading practice and pride, and because we are a halftime program.
Ii • Involvement: Be involved in the life of the school. I love parents helping in our class and school - Story Readers in Spanish, Moms in Touch, Lunch supervision, Parent School Board, Centers helper, Photocopier, Materials preparer… • Illness: If your child is ill and won’t be coming to school, make sure to call the school office to inform them (the absent line phone number is 616-741-0051). Please be aware that sending a sick child to school can spread illness quickly!
Jj, Kk • Jesus loves us! In our classroom, we focus on how Jesus loves us and that we need to show love to others. • Kindness: We learn so much in Kindergarten, but one thing that is constantly emphasized in my classroom is kindness. We are to treat others kindly with our words and our actions-The way Jesus would want us to treat others!
Ll • Literacy Stations: These stations work on skills related to literacy and phonemic awareness. They are designed to make learning fun through hands-on activities. They require the children to work with a certain skill in many different ways. Some examples of these stations might be the iPad station, the library station, and the work work/letter station. • Library Time: Friday from 1:30pm-1:45pm is library time. Your child will be able to check out a book from the library and is expected to bring it back the next week.
Mm • Memory Work: Throughout the year we will be learning memory verses to go along with the Bible unit we are studying. We will be working on these words primarily in the classroom, but you may want to work on them at home as well. We will use music and/or hand motions to help us learn the verses. Watch the weekly news for the verses assigned and the due dates! • Music is on Wednesday from 12:50PM – 1:20PM.
Nn, Oo • Newsletter: Every weekend I will be sending home a newsletter outlining the week and what we will be learning. I will also include important dates of upcoming events. The ZCS Blue Note is emailed to families every Wednesday and includes important school information. • Open Door: Please know that my door is always open. If you would like to sit down at any time to talk or if you just have a quick question, please do not hesitate to call or email me.
Pp, Qq • Physical Education: We have P.E. on Tuesdays from 8:50 am – 9:20 a.m. • Parent/Teacher Conferences: The tentative dates for conferences are November 11 & 12, and again on March 3 & 4. These are important times for teacher and parents to meet to discuss your child. Please be watching the Blue Note and my newsletter to alert you to sign-up times. You will need to sign up using an on-line system. • Photos – I will use a classroom Facebook page to post photos. • Quick Bathroom Breaks: We have a bathroom in our classroom, and sometimes children need to use it during our learning. I allow children to use the bathroom, but tell them to make sure it's quick so that they do not miss out on any learning. Children are expected to be independent in toileting.
Rr, Ss • Report Cards: In Kindergarten, report cards are sent home after each semester (January and June). You can check your child’s report card through the Parent Portal, as report cards are not printed and sent home. Please contact the office to set up your account. • Snack Time: It’s important that children get a healthy snack at our snack time. Please pack your child a snack daily. Some ideas are cheese sticks, crackers and cheese, applesauce, granola bar, yogurt, vegetables (carrots, celery, cucumbers), fruit, etc... If you need more ideas, see the preschool snack menu.
Ss and Tt • I do not TAKE children off their parents if they are clinging. It is important for YOU to hand your child over to me and briefly tell them that this is where you want them. (THEN--leave!) I will call you if tears last longer than a few minutes. • Tips for a successful year in Kindergarten: I look forward to supporting your child as he/she makes the transition to Kindergarten. Past parents have found that the following suggestions have helped at home: -Pack clothes and food the night before -Make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep -Check your child’s backpack when they get home -Ask your child to tell you about their day
Uu, Vv • Understand that it is hard for your child to hear about all the fun things he/she misses while he/she is at school. • Unique: I believe God created each of your children unique and in His image. I do everything I can to foster those unique talents in my classroom! • Up in Lights: During the year, we highlight each child for a week. It is part of our Social Studies curriculum. A thorough explanation is to come. • Very Important: Please make sure to send a note, email me, or call me on my classroom phone if you have a change of plans for transportation. If I do not receive a note, it can be difficult for a kindergartner to remember for sure if his or her parent is picking them up and so I will follow the original transportation plan.
Ww • Check my website for memory verse songs, snack prayer songs, website & app suggestions and more. • Writing Workshop: We use the Lucy Caulkins Writing Workshop format in our kindergarten classes to teach writing. Each child will have his or her own writing folder and throughout the year we will learn and write together. It is amazing what a kindergartner can tell you through writing!
Xx, Yy and Zz! • eXciting: I am so excited to be teaching your child this year! • You: You are important to your child’s growth this year! • Zzzz! Be sure your child has adequate sleep Research would say optimum learning occurs with 10-12 hours for 5 year olds. • Zeeland Christian Website: www.zcs.org