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薰衣草森林 – 創業與維持 優勢. 個案學習目標 ( Objectives). 本個案目標 有下列三點 藉由個案討論 ,瞭解 何謂體驗 經濟 (Experience Economy) 與 體驗行 銷 (Experience Marketing) 和 傳統行銷的差異。 藉由個案討論,瞭解哪些關鍵的體驗媒介,能夠創造出顧客心中最大的價值,進而建構一個有別於競爭者的商業模式? 藉由個案討論,瞭解企業在展店過程中所碰到的問題與能力的培養和累積。. 討論問題 體驗行銷為何重要?此種顧客體驗價值創造的模式與過去創造產品價值的模式有何差別?
個案學習目標 (Objectives) 本個案目標有下列三點 • 藉由個案討論,瞭解何謂體驗經濟(Experience Economy)與體驗行銷(Experience Marketing)和傳統行銷的差異。 • 藉由個案討論,瞭解哪些關鍵的體驗媒介,能夠創造出顧客心中最大的價值,進而建構一個有別於競爭者的商業模式? • 藉由個案討論,瞭解企業在展店過程中所碰到的問題與能力的培養和累積。
討論問題 體驗行銷為何重要?此種顧客體驗價值創造的模式與過去創造產品價值的模式有何差別? 薰衣草森林如何利用體驗行銷創造顧客心中的價值? 薰衣草森林在展店的各階段中如何藉由複製進而學習與培養核心能力?
Defining the 4Es: Education, Esthetics, Escapism, and Entertainment The Experience Economy offers four realms of experiential value to add to a business. Pine and Gilmore (1999) termed these realms, the 4Es. The 4Es consist of adding Educational, Esthetic, Escapist, and Entertainment experiences to the business. The four experiences vary based on the customer’s active or passive participation and on absorption or immersion in the experience. Active – passive participation entails the level of customer involvement in creation of the experience. For instance, the customer can actively participate in a product trial or passively watch a product demonstration performed by a staff member. Absorption is “occupying customers’ attention by bringing the experience into the mind” and immersion is “becoming physically or virtually a part of the experience itself” (Pine & Gilmore, 1999, p. 31). The 4Es are differentiated by the form of customer involvement as shown in Figure. Passive participation of the customer in an experience offered by the business characterizes the Entertainment and Esthetic dimensions, while active participation characterizes Educational and Escapist experiences. The customer who passively participates in an experiential activity or setting does not directly affect or influence these experiential offerings, whereas an active participant will personally affect these activities and settings. The customer typically “absorbs” Entertainment and Educational experiences and “immerses” in Esthetic and Escapist experiences. 美學的 富有想像的/ 遺忘現實的
內部行銷 外部行銷 體驗行銷 員工 互動行銷
親切服務 19-39歲 女性顧客 景觀花園 香草商品
參考資料搜尋範例: • Google- • 體驗行銷、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係之研究 • ─以大台北地區連鎖咖啡店為例, 顧客滿意學刊, 第三卷 第二期, 頁5 7 ~ 頁9 4.