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AUTOMATIC ENROLMENT. CAROLINE INGLIS & IRENE BEWS. WHAT IS AUTOMATIC ENROLMENT?. Millions of people are not saving enough to have the income they are likely to need in retirement. Life expectancy in the UK is increasing and at the same time people are saving less into pensions.

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  2. WHAT IS AUTOMATIC ENROLMENT? • Millions of people are not saving enough to have the income they are likely to need in retirement. • Life expectancy in the UK is increasing and at the same time people are saving less into pensions. • The Pensions Act 2008 – reforms aimed at enabling and encouraging more people to build up a private pension to supplement their State Pension. • This is the first time that employers have been required by law to contribute to their workers’ pension.

  3. WHAT IS AUTOMATIC ENROLMENT? • From 1 May 2013 the University will begin enrolling automatically all eligible staff into our existing schemes: • UASLAS for Grades 1-4 • Employee contribution = 7.05% • Employer contribution = 17.7% • USS for Grades 5-9 • Employee contribution = 6.5% • Employer contribution = 16%

  4. WHO WILL BE ENROLLED AUTOMATICALLY? You will be enrolled automatically into UASLAS or USS if you: • Are aged 22 or over • Are under state pension age • Earn more than £9,440 a year (this figure may change each April) • Work or work usually in the UK, and • Are not already in a qualifying pension scheme

  5. NEXT STEPS • The University will write to everyone confirming their individual status with regard to automatic enrolment. • If you are a current scheme member you do not need to take any action.

  6. NEXT STEPS • If you are not in a scheme and eligible you will be enrolled automatically on 1 May 2013 and will see pension contributions being deducted from your May 2013 payslip. • If you meet the earnings criteria but are aged either below 22 or above the State Pension age you can opt-in to the pension but this will not be done automatically. • If you do not meet the earnings criteria you can ask us to join the scheme. Details on the benefits of the pension schemes can be found at http://www.abdn.ac.uk/staffnet/working-here/pensions-208.php

  7. OPTING OUT You can opt out of automatic enrolment if you wish • USS members • Download an opt-out form at http://www.uss.co.uk/SchemeGuide/Auto-enrolment/Pages/Default.aspx or call 0151 227 4711 • USALAS members • Download an opt-out form at http://www.abdn.ac.uk/staffnet/working-here/pensions-208.php or contact university.opt-out@equiniti.com Return forms on or after 1 May 2013 to the Pensions Office, University Office

  8. OPTING OUT If you do not want any deductions made: • Return your opt-out form BEFORE 15 MAY 2013 • If you opt-out after this date pension contributions will be taken but will be refunded the following month. If you opt-out more than 3 months after being enrolled we cannot guarantee refunds of contributions paid.


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