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Committee that is responsible for screening bills for floor action. Standing committee. Informal power: Agreement between heads of state does not need Senate approval. Executive agreement. Make decision based upon what the Framers would do. Original Intent.
Committee that is responsible for screening bills for floor action Standing committee Informal power: Agreement between heads of state does not need Senate approval Executive agreement Make decision based upon what the Framers would do Original Intent Drawing districts for political advantages Gerrymandering
Committee that irons out bill differences between House and Senate Conference Committee Informal power/role where president looks to improve employment Chief Economist Committee where tax bills must begin Ways and Means This is stated in the constitution and means for life terms During good behavior
Philosophy that prefers to leave most policy decisions to states or congress rather than have the court make them. Judicial Restraint Made of one house and usually investigates an issue or person Select Committee Informal power/role of the president that may be utilized at a political rally Head of the political party Committee that screens appointed judges before Senate confirms Senate Judiciary Committee
Type of committee that is made up of both houses and investigates or studies an issue or person Joint Committee Presidential check on Judges Appoints them Court looks to make policy for entire country rather than leave for state or other branch Political Activism Sets conditions for debate on the floor of the House on bills House Rules Committee
Re-allocating the number of Representatives each state gets Reapportionment Chain of command type of organization of the WH office staff Pyramid House of Representatives All revenue bills start in this chamber President is the hub in this type of organization of the WH Office Staff Circular
How often re-districting occurs 10 years President doesn’t have to divulge conversations from within the executive branch or be forced to take the stand. Executive privilege Has impeachment power House of Representatives Formal duty of the President that has evolved into an informal power of agenda setting State of the Union
This makes the President give a 2 day advance notice to congress when moving troops War Powers Act Said president must get approval from congress if he withholds funds from programs or agencies that Congress previously appropriated Budget Impoundment Act Someone that is already in office Incumbent Minimum age to run for office in the House of Representatives 25
President’s check on Congressional legislation Veto Franking privilege Money Casework Gerrymandering Name recognition Committee work 4 Reasons for incumbency advantage Minimum age to run for Senate 30 Command to an agency on how to carry out or interpret a law by the president. It does not need to be approved by Congress. Executive Order
Closest advisors to the president and don’t need to be confirmed White House Office Staff Congress adjourns within ten days and president doesn’t sign the bill Pocket Veto Chamber that is closer to the people. Why? House of Representatives President’s advisors that are in charge of executive departments Cabinet Secretaries
Most powerful position in Congress Speaker Senate Has confirmation power of all appointments Set of agencies that helps the president with his day to day operations EOP What is the total number of electors in the United States? 538
What is unlimited debate in the Senate known as? Filibuster Most influential person in the Senate Majority Leader Ratifies treaties Senate What is the number of electors needed to win an election? 270
Wasteful spending on local projects using federal tax dollars Pork Barrel Person that provides how members will vote on bills to the Majority or Minority leader Whip Tries Impeachments Senate Reason why legislative veto was declared as unconstitutional Violates Separation of Powers
Type of issue that a lobbyist is most successful with Unknown, technical, and narrow issues Most frequent fate of a bill when it is in standing committee Pigeonholed Person that persuades members of congress on what an interest group wants Lobbyist What is it called when Congress declares an agency’s regulation as void? Legislative Veto
Two supervisors of the bureaucracy Congress and the President With this opinion, the judges agree with the outcome, but for different reasons Concurring Opinion of the losing side of a decision Dissenting Defense, State, Treasury, and Justice: Inner Cabinet What are the first four cabinet positions, and what are they referred to?
System used to hire civil servants where the OPM gives exams. Merit System Providing govt. jobs to those who help get you elected. Patronage This was declared as unconstitutional in Marbury v. Madison Writ of Mandamus
Power to rule laws or presidential actions as unconstitutional Judicial Review Act that established the merit system and limited patronage Pendleton Act Article I of the constitution describes this institution Congress Agency that regulates certain aspects of the economy Independent Regulatory Agency
Highest court of the land Supreme Court This is how Congress ensures that the bureaucrats follow intent of the laws Legislative Oversight Landmark case that established Federal regulation of interstate trade exclusive to the federal government Munn v. Illinois OMB Puts together the budget for the President
Prohibits or limits political activity of bureaucrats or civil servants Hatch Act Jurisdiction where a case is tried for a subsequent time Appellate This relationship includes congress, as interest group, and an agency Iron Triangle Policymaking ability of the bureaucrats where they choose a course of action when carrying out laws Discretionary Authority
Restricted use of exec privilege in criminal cases U.S. v. Nixon Case that established judicial review Marbury v. Madison Petition for this if you want your case to be heard by the supreme court Writ of Certiorari Clinton had this for a brief period, it allowed him to strike out portions of a bill before signing it into law Line item veto
Number of judges needed for the Supreme Court to accept a case 4: Rule of four Type of jurisdiction where a case is first tried Original Essay that discussed the idea of an independent judiciary Federalist # 78 When the President asks the senators of a specific state for acceptance of a potential judge for a US District Court position. Senatorial Courtesy