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Table of Contents

Table of Contents . Demographics of Latin America 9.25 Encomiendas 9.26 3. Gender Roles 9.27. Gender Roles 9.27. d owry: w hat women can and cannot do:. Dowry. In marriages, women were considered to be the “property” of husbands.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Table of Contents • Demographics of Latin America 9.25 • Encomiendas 9.26 3. Gender Roles 9.27

  2. Gender Roles 9.27 dowry: what women can and cannot do:

  3. Dowry • In marriages, women were considered to be the “property” of husbands. • Once a girl got married, it was the husband’s responsibility to take care of her. • Dowry  money, property that the wife’s family brings into the husband’s household.

  4. Dowry

  5. What Women CAN and CANNOT do… • 1. Split the reading up with your partner. • 2. As you read, determine what women CAN and CANNOT do in Latin American societies. Write down your notes in your notebook. • 3. After you are done reading, share out with your partner.

  6. Sergio Valencia Maria

  7. Homework (Due Friday 9.27) • Pretend you are a rich, white Latin American colonist. Write a letter to your daughter Maria convincing her to marry Sergio Valencia, a rich, older businessman. • Pretend you are Maria. Write a letter to your parents explaining why you do not want to marry Sergio Valencia and instead want to marry another boy who is lower-class but “understands” and “loves” you. In either case, you MUST use at least SIX specific details that you learned in today’s class (either the notes or the reading). Please underline these details.

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