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Registered with 107.4% of TPS controls. Tolerant to cereal eyespot. Good diseases profile. Top Baking quality. SORRIAL. SORRIAL Winter soft wheat. The grain force, the bread spirit !. Diseases resistances. ALTERNATIVITY: Winter EARLINESS:

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  1. Registered with 107.4% of TPS controls Tolerant to cereal eyespot Good diseases profile Top Baking quality SORRIAL

  2. SORRIAL Winter soft wheat The grain force, the bread spirit ! Diseases resistances ALTERNATIVITY: Winter EARLINESS: Stem elongation: 1/2 early To come into ear: 6,5 - 1/2 early GLUME: No Beard CTPS’ results autumn 2008 North France Area Registered with 107.37% of CTPS controls CTPS controls 2008: (Caphorn+Sankara+Apache+Mendel)/4 CTPS controls 2007: (Caphorn+Sankara+Apache+Mendel)/4 TILLERING Technological values • -Regular variety, well balanced in baking. • - W high • P/L < 1 • Good behavoiur in baking • Excellent mark for the paste • Good hydration • High volumes EAR FERTILITY TGW STRAW YIELD Breeder’s comments Due to its earliness, SORRIAL is a variety which could be cropped in a wide area. Regarding to yield perfomances, SORRIAL shows regular results higher than the ones of market controls. Its specific weight is also very interesting comparable with controls like Apache. On quality level, SORRIAL is a top baking wheat (BPS in France). SORRIAL is accepted in Arvalis/ANMF trials. » Les renseignements fournis dans ce document ne sont donnés qu’à titre indicatif et peuvent varier en fonction des conditions agronomiques et climatiques, ainsi que des techniques culturales. La résistance aux maladies concerne les maladies ou souches actuellement connues en France.

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