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Classroom Duels. John Neal & Kalli Smith. Basic Rules. Every player must choose their own character deck along with a life card and a board token You start the game with 5 cards The maximum hand limit is 10 cards Once a card is used, it is put in your discard pile
Classroom Duels John Neal & Kalli Smith
Basic Rules • Every player must choose their own character deck along with a life card and a board token • You start the game with 5 cards • The maximum hand limit is 10 cards • Once a card is used, it is put in your discard pile • If you run out of cards, shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile • Each turn has two phases: a movement phase and an action phase • The movement phase is ALWAYS done first. You cannot move after you’ve performed an action
StartingYourTurn • You start your turn by rolling the die. • If you roll: 1,2,4,5, or 6, then you must move your characters in such a way that they collectively moved that number of spaces. (Example: Player 1 rolls a 3, so he moves one character 2 spaces, and the other character 1 space.) • If you roll a 3, you may move both of your characters 3 spaces. • If you perform an action, you CANNOT move anymore unless the card says otherwise • Your characters can only move vertically and horizontally; not diagonally
TheActionPhase • Once you’re done moving your characters, you get two actions • Actions are used up if you: play a card, or draw a card • You may also willingly discard one of your cards to heal any character of your own for 1 health • Some special cards can be played without using up an action!
Playing a Card • When playing a card, place it face down and state what you’re doing with it (attacking which character) • The person you’re attacking will tell you whether or not they plan on defending. If they defend, they will also place a card face down • You will reveal your cards at the same time • The attacker attacks the amount that is in the red dot • The defender defends the amount in the blue dot • If the defender didn’t block all of the damage, they take the damage they didn’t block
Attack/Defense Cards • These are the most basic and numerous in your deck • They have a red number for damage and a blue number for defense • If you’re attacking, you do the amount of damage the red number says • If you’re defending, you defend the amount the blue number says
SpecialAttack/DefenseCards • These cards will only have a red number or a blue number depending on if it’s a special attack or a special defense card • These cards also come with an ability that should be utilized and will be located in the description • These cards are useful for getting ahead or helping you in a tough spot
SpecialCards • Special cards don’t contain an attack or defense number • They are cards specific to a character’s special abilities • These cards will help you utilize your type of deck to its best abilities • These cards range from drawing extra cards, to doing massive damage
Health • You have a life card and a token to mark how much damage you have • At the start of the game, put the marker on the blue circle. This means you have 0 damage • Every time you take damage, move it up for the amount of damage you took • Once your marker gets to the red circle, your character is dead and you must remove them from the board. You cannot get rid of this character’s cards, though. The only way you can get rid of your dead character’s cards is if you discard them for health one at a time
Rangedvs.Melee • Your life card will define your character as ranged or melee with a little ‘r’ or ‘m’ beside their picture • If your character is melee, they must be adjacent to the character they are attacking (this includes diagonal) • If your character is ranged, they must be in “line of sight” of the character they want to attack in order to shoot them (line of sight means they must be a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line from their enemy)