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Sustainable Solutions for Organisational Learning & Development Practical Self Management . Presented by Edel Perth Ella Lopresti. Our intention. We draw knowledge from many fields Teaching and learning Mind body health Nutrition and wellbeing Neuro linguistic programming
Sustainable Solutions for Organisational Learning & Development Practical Self Management Presented by Edel Perth Ella Lopresti
Our intention We draw knowledge from many fields Teaching and learning Mind body health Nutrition and wellbeing Neuro linguistic programming Emotional freedom technique Positive psychology We share with you what we ourselves have tried and tested and encourage you to explore further.
Today is about YOU Te focus today is on YOU and how you use this information is up to you. You are encouraged to choose a strategy which you learned and commit to applying it in your day to day life, share with colleagues and clients. You will leave the workshop with a written list of committed daily action
Success Personal Success and Wellbeing • What does success mean to you ? • What does wellbeing mean to you? • How does a successful day feel for you? • How do you feel when your well? • Visualization/anchoring
Qualities of success We observed that successful people tend to have the following qualities • Are self aware - know their strengths and their weaknesses • Understand the importance of nutrition/lifestyle/wellbeing • Are aware of how they think and feel and take responsibility for their life • Know their worth and know that there is something they are good at (big or small) and they seek to make the most of their talents. • Are open to learning new ways of self improvement
Qualities cont. • Tend to focus on what they do want rather than what they don’t want • Thoughts focus on solutions • Focus on their strengths • Manage their emotions • Have good positive support networks • Are committed to daily actions • Generally know what they want for their life • Why they want it • How to action it
It all begins with Self Awareness To know and understand ourselves • Our body and what it needs • Why we do what we do • Our thoughts and feelings • Our relationships and a sense of belonging • Our daily habits
Personal Wellbeing Questions for you to think about • How many chemicals have we used today? • How much sleep did you get last night? Is this more or less then usual? 3. How much water have you had today? 4. What did you eat for lunch, how are your energy levels at the moment?
The Brain Works at Three Levels . • Conscious • Sub conscious • Unconscious We see and judge the world through our past experiences – lenses of distortion. We are influenced by our past experiences (especially trauma), culture, religion, education, family, TV, facebook, peers.
Thoughts/Emotions connection • Stress Cycle • Be aware of your thoughts when you feel stressed • There is no feeling without a thought • Thoughts create meanings • Creating new meanings • Replace your thought – give the situation another meaning • Using paradoxical intention • Using sub conscious before sleep Exercise/demonstration: Emotional Freedom Technique • Practice Emotional Freedom Technique daily if you feel comfortable with the technique.
Harnessing the Power of Thought and Language • We are who we declare ourselves to be – power of thought and language. • We are our 'word' . • We become what we think about all day long. • We can either be victims of our life or we can create our life (beginning with creating our day), in big and small ways. • We have the ability to choose our emotions. • We can choose who our friends are and how we relate with family, teachers and friends. • We can create the future we want to live into, we begin by imagining it. • We can choose what we do each day to help us achieve our goals
Four Levels of Creating THINK IT • Everything begins with a thought VISUALISE IT • Try to imagine what you want by playing it like a movie in your head. SPEAK IT • Tell a friend what you plan to do ACTION IT • Just do it – one small thing at a time. EVERY ACTION COUNTS, BIG AND SMALL!!
Get clear on your higher purpose, vision, mission Getting clear about own values and life purpose will help us determine our goal, help us stay motivated and stimulates our awareness about what's important for our life. • Be absolutely clear about what you want, why you want it, when you want it and what you are will to do [or give up] to get it. • Ask yourself: • Where am I now? • Where do I want to be? • What's my vision for work, for my career, for my life? • What do I really want? Why do I want it? What will I be when I achieve it? • Create a mission statement for your work, your life. Read it each day. • Create a goal statement
Strategic Visioning Relaxation and visualization exercise. • This creates a space for learning • Our brain works in pictures and words • WE create; • first by thinking (in words and pictures) • then we speak it (we declare it in our words), • most powerful of all we do it (take action). • THINK IT, VISUALISE IT, SPEAK IT, ACTION IT
Additional Resources Reach Out.com, http://au.reachout.com/ Kabat- Zinn, Jon, Mindfulness Practicehttp://www.youtube.com/watch? Enneagram Institute free on-line personality testhttp://www.enneagraminstitute.com/dis_sample_36.asp#.Uz4Pl3WSyhM Holford, Patrick(2007) Optimum Nutrition for the Mind, Piatkus Books Ltd. UK Dr Wilson, J (2010) Adrenal Fatigue, the 21st Century Stress Syndromehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KwAMP6H6gI Colquhoun, J; Bosch, L Food Matters (DVD)www.FoodMatters.tvSee also ttp://www.hungryforchange.tv/Alkaline Eating: http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-guidelines.php Boutenko, Lescher,http://www.rawfamily.com/films/15-green-smoothies-in-3-minutes A list of easy recipes for your to try. All in moderation! 15 Green Smoothies in 3 Minutes
Additional Resources Earthing. Connecting with the ground barefootgood for healthand wellbeinghttp://www.earthing.com/Whatisearthing_s/1820.htm DrMercola Health Blogs, free subscription http://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/default.aspx Canfield, J (2005) The Success Principle Harper Collins, US Church, Dawson Introducing Emotional Freedom Techniquehttps://www.youtube.com/user/TheEFTUniverse See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jTNHHTxG40 The Tapping Solution, Using Meridian tapping/Emotional Freedom Technique: http://www.thetappingsolution.com/thank-you.php (VIDEO/DVD) Tracy, B. (2004) Eat That Frog Get More of the Important Things Done - Today Hodder and Stroughton Ltd, London http://www.briantracy.com/ Day, Phillip , Author, Researcher, Speaker Simple Changes Your 100 ways to a Happier, Healthier LifeCredence Publications 2006 http://healthyhomesclub.co.uk/credence/ Gore, Amanda, Author, Speaker Founder of 'The Joy Project'http://amandagore.com/See also http://www.thejoyproject.com/