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Cyclone and Tsunami Risk Mitigation Measures in India

Cyclone and Tsunami Risk Mitigation Measures in India. Presented by Shri H. S. Brahma Additional Secretary National Disaster Management Authority Government of India. MAJOR DISASTERS (1980-2005). Earthquake Uttarkashi, 20 Oct 1991, Chamoli, 23 April 1999. Earthquake, Oct, 2005.

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Cyclone and Tsunami Risk Mitigation Measures in India

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  1. Cyclone and Tsunami Risk Mitigation Measures in India Presented by Shri H. S. Brahma Additional Secretary National Disaster Management Authority Government of India

  2. MAJOR DISASTERS (1980-2005) Earthquake Uttarkashi, 20 Oct 1991, Chamoli, 23 April 1999 Earthquake, Oct, 2005 Avalanche Feb 2005 Flood, Assam & Bihar 2004 Bhuj, Earthquake, 26 January, 2001 Bhopal Gas Tragedy, Dec 1982 Earthquake, Latur, 30 Sept 1993 S Cyclone 29 Oct 1999 Tsunami 26 Dec 2004 Floods, Mumbai, 26 July 2005 Tsunami 26 Dec 2004 Tsunami 26 Dec 2004

  3. Recent Disasters in India (1990-2005)

  4. India is vulnerable to a large number of disasters • Approx. 60% of the landmass is prone to Earthquakes • Approx.12% (About 40 million hectares of land) is prone to flood and river erosion. • Approx. 68% of the cultivable area is vulnerable to drought//landslides/avalanches • About 5770 km of coastline out of a total 7516 km is prone to Cyclone and Tsunami

  5. Vulnerability is increasing with • Rising population • Haphazard Urbanization • Developments in High-Risk zones • Environmental Degradation • Climate Change etc.

  6. Tsunami Damage

  7. Tsunami Damage


  9. Disaster Management Cycle Organisations Involved • Prevention Research Institutions (Sponsored Research) Ministry of Earth Science (IMD, DOD, DST) Ministry of Water Resources Ministry of Agriculture • Mitigation Central Govt. (NDMA. MHA, MUD, MoEF and other related ministries and departments) State Govt. (Various Departments) District/Local Administration and NGO’s • Preparedness Central Govt. (NDMA. MHA, MUD, MoEF) State Govt. District/Local Administration and NGO’s

  10. Disaster Management Cycle Cont. Organisations Involved • Response Central Govt. (NDMA. MHA) State Govt. District/Local Administration and NGO’s • Relief Central Govt. (NDMA. MHA) State Govt. District/Local Administration and NGO’s • Rehabilitation Central Govt. (Integrated efforts of various ministries and departments) State Govt. District/Local Administration and NGO’s • Reconstruction Central Govt. (Integrated efforts of various ministries and departments) State Govt. District/Local Administration and NGO’s • Long term Recovery Central, State, Local Govt. and NGO’s

  11. Disasters offer a unique opportunity to learn where we have gone wrong…. Preparedness and Mitigation of Disasters is the most important part of Disaster Management while strengthening our response capabilities

  12. Disaster Mitigation Natural Hazards cannot be prevented, however with mitigation measures the effects/damages could be reduced India’s three pronged approach - • Mitigation measures integrated with the ongoing developmental projects • National-level mitigation projects in high priority areas (Initiated by NDMA with the help of all concerned ministries, departments and states) • State-level mitigation projects (Assistance in guidelines, plans and implementation by NDMA)

  13. Mitigation Measures • Integrated multi-hazard approach (emphasis on cyclone and tsunami risk in coastal areas) • Early warning system for cyclones and tsunamis • Evacuation plans (with emphasis on self reliance for sustenance with the coastal community) • Capacity building • Training of all concerned • Public awareness programmes • Hazard Mapping and Vulnerability Analysis • Risk Identification, zoning and mapping

  14. Mitigation Measures Cont. • Structural Mitigation Measures • Seawalls and Coral reefs • Tsunami breakwaters (to provide cushion against Tsunami and Cyclone) • Increasing the river dike height • Tsunami and Cyclone Shelters (safe places to flee) • Evacuation routes identification

  15. Mitigation Measures Cont. Structural Mitigation Measures • Permanent structures strictly according to BIS codes • Retrofitting of vulnerable structures for tsunami/cyclone resistance • Retrofitting of important buildings I. Fire stations / police stations/ army structures/ hospitals II. VIP residences / offices/ railways, airport, etc. III. Schools/colleges IV. Hazardous industries V. Other critical structures (i.e. power stations, warehouses, oil and other storage tanks etc)

  16. Mitigation Measures Cont. • Non-Structural Mitigation Measures • Education • Public Awareness • Information • Risk Communication • Training to all concerned (Govt. officials, search and rescue workers, volunteers, women, children, elderly, local community as a whole)

  17. Mitigation Measures Cont. • Non-Structural Mitigation Measures • Coastal regulations Zone Act – Strict implementation (no development within 500 m of the high tide line with elevation of less than 10 m above m.s.l) • Land use Zoning in accordance with CRZ • Natural Bioshields (Mangroves) and shelterbelt plantations (Casuarina) • Maintaining Natural Sand dunes • Maintaining and promoting beach development

  18. Mitigation Measures Cont. • Non-Structural Mitigation Measures • Risk transfer in highly vulnerable areas (Insurance) • Network of local knowledge centers along the coast lines • ( Training and Emergency communication) • Reducing Vulnerability • Diverse Livelihood options • Micro Finance • Empowerment • Gender sensitive development



  21. Radial Drains --- Aforestation ---- Promotion of Bird Sanctuaries PALAEO /PRESENT BACKWATERS & TIDAL FLATS------ACCOMODATORS NAGAPATTINAM


  23. Reconstruction in Andaman Stilt Type Non-Stilt Type

  24. Reconstruction in Andaman Source: www.and.nic.in Online Monitoring System of Construction of Permanent shelters for Tsunami victims

  25. Reconstruction in Cuddlore

  26. Thank You

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