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Journal Prompts

Journal Prompts. Speech Communications. Journal 1- 8/18. “Ignorance from reality provides no protection from it.” –Harold Gordon “Reason is logic, or reason is motive, or reason is a way of life.” – John Le Carre. Journal 2- 8/30.

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Journal Prompts

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  1. Journal Prompts Speech Communications

  2. Journal 1- 8/18 • “Ignorance from reality provides no protection from it.” –Harold Gordon • “Reason is logic, or reason is motive, or reason is a way of life.” – John Le Carre

  3. Journal 2- 8/30 • Tell all the Truth but tell it slant-- / The Truth must dazzle gradually / Or every man be blind. -Emily Dickinson, poet (1830-1886) • What is Emily Dickinson essentially saying about the art of persuasion? How and why does the media sometimes “slant” the truth?

  4. Journal 3- 9/14 • I had taken a course in Ethics. I read a thick textbook, heard the class discussions and came out of it saying I hadn't learned a thing I didn't know before about morals and what is right or wrong in human conduct. -Carl Sandburg How is Sandburg being ironic in his statement? What is the point he is trying to make about us humans and ethics?

  5. Journal 4- 10/13 • What is your “Philosophy on Life”? What are the guidelines by which people should live, according to your philosophy? • The purpose of life is a life of purpose.  ~Robert Byrne • To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.  ~Emily Dickinson • Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.  ~Danny Kaye

  6. Journal 5- 10/28 “Stupid Questions with Interesting Answers” • Listen for the question and respond accordingly in your journal. The purpose is to be as creative as possible while articulating your response in the clearest way. • Let’s see how you think!

  7. Journal 6-10/31ZerzoSeewok Characterization Speech • This presentation is a creative characterization of nonsense words. You will take an assigned word and create meaning out of it. (I’ll provide some guidance on what to include) • Needs to be a good, detailed characterization of your ZerzoSeewok. • Recommended length is between 3 and 5 minutes. • Your Zerzo can be anything you want it to be: living or dead, alien or earthborn, large or small, etc. The challenge is to describe it so clearly that we can see your Zerzo in our mind's eye as you give your speech.

  8. Topics for ZerzoSeewok • Car • Policeman • Prisoner in Attic • Dream • Wheel • Island • Pizza Delivery Person • Guardian Angel • Wrist Watch • Fashion Statement • Brand of Shoe • Braces • Pizza Topping • New Color • Bicycle • Levi's new design • Violin / Violinist • X-Ray Glasses • Algebra Pen • Beach Bum • Little Brother • Cafeteria Food • New Mailman • Performance • Hair Ball • Reality Show • Belly Button Lint • Cat Next Door • Planet in Outer Space

  9. Journal 7 – 11/28 There are years that ask questions and years that answer. -Zora Neale Hurston • In your journal, discuss this quote by Ms. Hurston • Connect it to your current state of mind, your mindset from your freshman year and who you imagine yourself to be 5 years from now.

  10. Journal 8 – 11/29 “Life is for each man a solitary cell whose walls are mirrors.”- Eugene O’Neill • In your journal, discuss your understanding of this quote by Mr. O’Neill. What does he mean? Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

  11. Spring Semester Journal 1 Jan. 9 Happy New Year! Everyone seems to have a New Year’s Resolution. First, what are the pros and cons of having one? Second, did you make one this year? If so, what is it and how do you plan on implementing it? If not, what are some resolutions you’ve made in the past?

  12. Journal 2

  13. Journal 3 1/23 • Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted…but to weigh and consider. -Francis Bacon In your journal, discuss your understanding of this quote. What does he mean? Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

  14. Journal 4 1/31 • Which of the arguments from the worksheet are deductively valid? Inductively valid? • Defend your answers, showing the structure of those you believe to be valid.

  15. Journal 5 2/1 • What is the difference between values and facts? How are these developed? • Based on the Anticipation Guide activity, what do you realize about the power of opinions (or lack of power)?

  16. Journal 6 2/13 • Part 1-What is your worldview of the perfect political party? What are some words that would describe your perfect political party? • Part 2- Write down a list of words you would use to describe the perfect wife. • Part 3- Read the words and phrases in the provided excerpt. How are they similar? How are they different? What else do you notice? • Part 4-Compare your worldview with that of the excerpt from the 1950s on the “perfect wife.” Were you surprised by anything? How much have worldviews changed since then?

  17. Journal 7 2/14 • What is cheating? Are there different levels of offense when it comes to cheating? When is it ok? Is it ever ok? • Why do we still cheat even when we know it’s not ok? • When we’re caught cheating, is an apology sufficient enough? Why or why not?

  18. Journal 8 2/29 • Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally; he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses in order to justify his logic. -Fyodor Dostoevsky • This quote is from Dostoevsky’s novella, Notes from Underground (1864). What is your understanding of Dostoevsky’s quote regarding the use of reason and logic per each individual? What is he suggesting?

  19. Journal 9 3/1 • What is Dostoevsky implying about human nature? Logic? Choices? • How do you know that that is what he is implying? Use evidence to support your argument. • Do you agree or disagree with him? Why? • How has this excerpt changed your understanding or perception of yesterday’s prompt?

  20. Journal 10 3/5 • “Arguments, like men, are often pretenders.” – Plato • “Half of being smart is knowing what you’re dumb at.”-David Gerrold • Compare and contrast these two statements. Then, discuss how they relate to the issue of making fallacious (flawed) arguments.

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