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The French collaborative approach : The ANLCI Forum as Communities of practice

The French collaborative approach : The ANLCI Forum as Communities of practice. Elie MAROUN National project leader elie.maroun@anlci.fr. Illiteracy in France.

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The French collaborative approach : The ANLCI Forum as Communities of practice

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  1. The French collaborative approach : The ANLCI Forum as Communities of practice Elie MAROUNNational project leaderelie.maroun@anlci.fr Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  2. Illiteracy in France • A commonlyagreeddefinitionFor people who attended school in France yet did not acquire a sufficient level of reading, writing and basic numerical skills to be self-supporting in every day life situations, we use the word “illiteracy” • Widespread but unseen problem2 500 000 illiterate adults (2011) ; they are7% of people aged between 18 to 65, who has been schooled in France • The label “Grand National Cause 2013”for the group of 67 organizations “Fighting Illiteracy Together”, federated by ANLCI Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  3. The ANLCI method :To gather together to act better (Réunirpour mieuxagir) • Board of Directors :> 8 ministries> 4 national public organizations> 3 accredited bodies for collecting funds for training (OPCA)> One firm (SNCF-national train company) • 85 organizations, members the Advisory Committee • A Scientific and Assessment Committee • A National team • 27 regional project managers • 50 illiteracy resource centers Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  4. What works in the professionalization of practitioners in adult basic education in France 8 universities offer option-courses to specialize in literacy and basic skills (apart from courses for French as a foreign language) Some permanent training public centers for professionals and many private experts offer non formal teacher training sessions linked to Basic/key competencies A few ministry’s departments organize specific training modules for their practitioners in this field 50 literacy resource centers offer short non formal training modules for teachers and practitioners especially relating to tools and didactic methods Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  5. Continuing professional development of teacherspriorities and challenges To formalize specific national skills reference for teachers in adult basic education To implement the Competence Based Training approach To establish links between modalities of development of professional skills (high education, university studies, research-action, training courses, mutualization…) To accredit professionalization actions according to needs and teachers requireds kills To exchange practice and experience in the national and European areas Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  6. Main links betweenspecificteacher’scompetences and the Key competences for lifelong learning 7 key competences(from the 8 EU framework) Specificteacher’scompetences in «Basic skills » 1-3-4 Basic Competences(French Communication, C2To develop the literacy, numeracy and ICT competences C1To identifydifficulties in basic skills mathematical, science… C3To realizemediation to learning to learn … Digital competence) 5 Learning to learn C4To connectlearning to professionnal and life situations C4To connectlearning to professionnal and life situations 6-7Social and civiccompetences,... entrepreneurship 8Cultural awareness and expression C5To facilitatelearning by using digital Tools in trainning Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  7. The Permanent Forum of practicesSystem of Communities of practice Since 2012 To sharesuccessfuland efficience practices To mutualize experiences and resources To develop practionners competences To develop efficient ways of acting Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  8. Organized process to generalize best practicesto prevent and fight illiteracy Phase 12004 - 2005 Practices getting visible Phase 22006 - 2008 Practices getting readable Phase 32008 - 2011 Practices getting transferable FORUM 2.02012 - 2013 Practices getting generalized Practices getting officially recognised ? FORUM 2.02014… Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  9. The ANLCI Forum processin eachregion SuccessfulAction-5 SuccessfulAction-4 StructureResponsible StructureResponsible Responsible Responsible Praticien Praticien Practitioners Practioners Practitioners Practitioners Praticiens Praticiens Praticiens Praticiens Praticiens Praticiens Praticiens Praticiens ProfessionnalizationProcess Expert – coach SuccessfulAction-2 Practitioner SuccessfulAction-1 PRACTICE Practitioner SuccessfulAction-3 StructureResponsible Practitioner Practitioners Praticiens Menu Open-days in centers County meeting Regional meeting Practionner Kit Recognizedcompetences Praticiens National Topic / Thematic Regional Plan Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  10. Forum ANLCI 2.0 process (since 2012) Expert-Coach National expert ANLCI national coordinator Regional workshop Practice OthersPartners Local Partner(s) SuccessfulActions ANLCI regionalcoordinator practitioners Local coordinators Regional meeting Local meetings Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  11. The ANLCI collaborative plateform Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  12. 10 years of the ANLCI Forum : Outcome Through its collective dynamic, almost ”200 good practices" were formalized and presented thanks to the contributions of more than 7000 stakeholders and practitioners form the field Manytopicssharedacross the French territory :> Prevention of illetracy> Familyeducation> Integration of youngsters (apprenticetrainning course)> Professionnalworkplaceadvancement> Implementation of the Digital and culture competence> Development of the Cutural and artisticactivities as informaleducation> Integrating young specific people facing difficulties (ex. prisonners, military Service) Many guide books and scales of references More than 100 methodological, pedagogical and communicational documents Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

  13. With the EBSN… Why not a European Permanent Forum of best practices for teachers, practionnersand stakeholdersin basic skills ? Forum ANLCI - Communautés de pratiques

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