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Access HDF-EOS data with OGC Web Coverage Service - Earth Observation Application Profile

Access HDF-EOS data with OGC Web Coverage Service - Earth Observation Application Profile HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XV. Yuanzheng Shao Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems George Mason University 04-18-2012. Contents. WCS 2.0 Implementation Useful links Future work.

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Access HDF-EOS data with OGC Web Coverage Service - Earth Observation Application Profile

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  1. Access HDF-EOS data with OGC Web Coverage Service - Earth Observation Application Profile HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XV Yuanzheng Shao Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems George Mason University 04-18-2012

  2. Contents • WCS 2.0 • Implementation • Useful links • Future work

  3. Web Coverage Service 2.0 What’s WCS? “A WCS provides access to potentially detailed and rich sets of geospatial information, in forms that are useful for client-side rendering, multi-valued coverages, and input into scientific models and other clients” - [OGC 07-067r5]. WCS 2.0 Adopts modular design method. Harmonizes with EO Metadata Profile of O&M (OGC 10-157), GML coverage model (OGC 07-036, GML3.2.1) and SWE Common (OGC 08-094) in range description. Uses core plus extensions pattern: the core defines a “core” set of requirements and extension specifications add further functionality. The core specification is not completely implement-able without certain extensions, e.g., format extension.

  4. Web Coverage Service 2.0 lat lat i i long j long j referenceable grid coverage rectified grid coverage

  5. Web Coverage Service 2.0 lat t DescribeEOCoverageSet (mosic ID) provides a set of descriptions of the Dataset used in the Stitched Mosaic dataset series long DescribeCoverage (mosic ID) provides a descriptions of the mosaic 2-D stitched mosaic

  6. Web Coverage Service 2.0 E A ….. dataset (e.g. scene) B ….. dataset (e.g. seamless mosaic) C ….. datasets of dataset series (e.g. time series) D ….. datasets of dataset series E ….. dataset series (e.g. collection) A B C t D lat A dataset may be a member in different Dataset Series long

  7. Web Coverage Service 2.0 • GetCapabilities, DescribeCoverage, GetCoverage • DescribeEOCoverageSet • A request contains • one or more identifiers for Dataset, StitchedMosaic, or DataSeries. • zero or more spatiotemporal subsetting criteria using long, lat, phenomenonTime (i.e., in WGS84 and/or ISO 8601) • an optional “sections” (All, CoverageDescriptions, DatasetSeriesDescriptions) • an optional “containment” (contains=completely within, • overlaps=anything touched, default) • A response includes the descriptions of the matched data items.

  8. Web Coverage Service 2.0 Protocol Bindings • GET • POST • SOAP Format extensions • NetCDF Encoding Format Extension (V1.0 finished, 10-110) • GeoTIFF Encoding Format Extension (progressing, 10-147) • JPEG2000 Encoding Format Extension (progressing) • HDF-EOS Encoding Format Extension (not started) Protocol Bindings • Range Subsetting Service Model Extension • Scaling & Interpolation Service Model Extension • Predefined CRS Service Model Extension

  9. Implementation • Supported data products • HDF-EOS2 Grid, including MOD13C1, MOD09GQ, MYD15A2 • HDF-EOS2 Swath, including MOD05_L2 • HDF-EOS5 Grid, including Aura OMSO2G • HDF-EOS5 Swath, including Aura OMDOAO3 • HDF4, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) • NetCDF, NOAA GOES Imager data

  10. Implementation

  11. Implementation • Delivery method • File stream • File URL • Multi-part: metadata and file stream • Sample URL • geobrain.laits.gmu.edu/cgi-bin/ows8/wcseo?service=wcs&version=2.0&request=getcoverage&coverageid=MOD13C1.A2009241.005.2009261200123.hdf&subset=Lat,http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326(20,40)&subset=Long,http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326(-120,-100)&format=image/geotiff&outputCRS=EPSG:32612&mediatype=multipart/mixed

  12. Implementation req req Integrated Client Conformance Test Engine ESA Data req res (EO) WCS WPS NASA Data res res (EO) WCS @GMU WCPS

  13. Useful links • Open Source License • MIT license • Source Code Link • http://geobrain.laits.gmu.edu/ows8/wcseo/code/gmu_eowcs_v0.1.tar.gz • Online Document Link • http://geobrain.laits.gmu.edu/ows8/wcseo/doc/index.html • User Guide Link • http://geobrain.laits.gmu.edu/ows8/wcseo/demo/wcseodemo.html

  14. Future Work Update the open-source package with the release of new WCS specification extension. Add the CF-NetCDF support Support more HDF-EOS5 data products Data Lineage (ISO 19115) Integrate OGC CSW service to find data http://cwic.csiss.gmu.edu

  15. Thank you! Yaunzheng Shao George Mason University yshao3@gmu.edu

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