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Numeracy - Place Value: Read, write, order and compare no’s to 10,000,000 and determine value of each digit. Rounding of no’s. Use of positive and negative no’s, Identify and investigate square, triangular, cube and prime numbers. Problem solving – involving the above, e.g “Finding Zero’
Numeracy - Place Value: Read, write, order and compare no’s to 10,000,000 and determine value of each digit. Rounding of no’s. Use of positive and negative no’s, Identify and investigate square, triangular, cube and prime numbers. Problem solving – involving the above, e.g“Finding Zero’ Multiplying and dividing numbers and decimals by multiples of 10, 100, 1000 etc. Properties of 2D and 3D shape. AT1 investigation based on square and prime numbers, Outdoor maths – Methods for multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10 using human numbers and columns to show place value. Literacy “Cloud Busting” by Malorie Blackman as whole class topic focus for literacy work.Autobiography and Biography…Analysing the features of each then writing our own autobiographies to introduce ourselves, followed by Malorie Blackman biographies. Autobiographical writing in role as the character Davey from “Cloud Busting. Read and analyse biographies of famous blacks - Read and analyse different poetic forms in Cloud Busting and write own – Haikus, simile/metaphor, limerick, shape poems, blank verse. Poem about a classmate.- Prepare a short section of “Cloud Busting” as a playscript. - Descriptions: favourite foods; character Davey from different viewpoints. Speaking & Listening: Personality Boxes – talking about ourselves. Listening to each other’s anecdotes and recapping these. D.A.R.E role plays. Drama linked to the Windrush study. Presentation of biographical information about famous black figures. ICT Powerpoints to present autobiographical information about ourselves. Internet research – finding out about famous black figures from history. In literacy – write and present in pairs biographical info about chosen black figure. Create cartoon strips of peer pressure situations. Art/DT Art:- Pencil portraits. Character ink drawings in style of illustrations from Cloud Busting. Calligrams based on themes from Cloud Busting. Printing of ‘Cloud Pictures.’ D.T:- Design alternative “Cloud Busting” book covers. Belonging and Fitting in. R.E/ Music/P.E etc Music:- Singing – songs for DARE, and Harvest Festival. P.E:- Football skills. R.E:- Bullying discussions linked to Cloud Busting, DARE – roleplays and discussion about drugs and coping with peer pressure. SEAL:- “New Beginnings.” Humanities Black British history (October = Black History Month!) from Roman times to present day (Timelines.) Focus on significant black characters from our history, egOlaudahEquiano, Mary Seacole, Walter Tull, Noor Inayat Khan, John Archer. “The Windrush” and Black migration from the Carribbean - exploring reasons for migration and what life was like… (belonging and fitting in.) Use of source material e.g the passenger list to interpret and form ideas of our own. World Maps – knowledge of continents, oceans, some individual countries for mapping origins and migrations of black people, particularly focussing on (in contrast) what the environment and life was like in the Caribbean. Science The Human Body – Skeletal system for movement & support. Maths Problem Solving – Calculate the total length of bones in the body (Ext: How long are our intestines?!). Maths Problem Solving – Investigate rules relating to height/arm span and feet/wrist. Digestive system – Different food groups and their impact on the body. Teeth – Different types & functions; how to look after them. Learning about drugs and the effects of drugs on our bodies, especially alcohol and tobacco (Through the Dare programme.) Global dimensions The Windrush and focus on black history (See Humanities.)