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This power point presentation describes about natural remedies to increase hemoglobin level and iron in blood.
Natural Remedies To Increase Hemoglobin Level And Iron In Blood
Increase Hemoglobin Level A number of people suffer from iron deficiency but taking excessive amount of dietary supplements or iron infusions may not help, on the contrary, such supplements can cause dangerous long term side effects. Iron deficiency is a critical condition, which causes anemia, weakness, fatigue, lightheadedness, poor work efficiency, shortness of breath, and it increases risk of infection.
Increase Hemoglobin Level People who get inadequate amount of iron though foods or those having internal bleeding due to intake of medicines e.g. aspirin or calcium supplement, antacids can suffer from such deficiency. The condition of chronic or hidden blood loss can cause anemia, enzyme deficiencies, iron-protein problems, bone marrow problems, cardio vascular conditions, and various other health risks.
Increase Hemoglobin Level One should take a balanced diet to increase iron in blood to prevent deficiency as the unrestrained intake of mineral pills can be dangerous. Study confirms excess of iron in blood is initially eliminated through the digestive tract and later it builds up in the body resulting in iron toxicity. Building up iron stores in body can cause diabetes or heart failure.
Increase Hemoglobin Level Latest research on multivitamins by leading medical experts find supplements cannot replace a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Fundamentally, determining the right amount of a vitamin is tricky as one person’s requirement for a vitamin can be different in specific phase of life and also from other person. The range of any vitamin supplement should be tolerable.
Increase Hemoglobin Level Further, the intake of vitamins in excess can result in bone damage and blood clotting. Only, vitamin C flushes out of the body if taken in excess and most people are not benefitted by the designer supplements as the metabolism is not strong to absorb the supplements into the bloodstream.
Herboglobin Capsules Natural remedies to increase hemoglobin level e.g. Herboglobincapsules provide extract of plant to improve metabolism and enhance absorption of the trace minerals in the body. Herbs protect the body from chemical overload. Herb such as WithaniaSomnifera or Ashwagandha, one of the herbs in the capsules, helps in reducing the problem of mineral bio accumulation and it can fight various other toxic chemicals in body.
Increase Hemoglobin Level Ashwagandha has been studied in a number of ways and it has been found to be useful in promoting digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in body. SudhShilajit or AsphaltumPunjabinum is another extract in the natural remedies to increase hemoglobin level, which contains a number of trace minerals in bio available form to prevent deficiencies.
Herboglobin Capsules The supplement Herboglobin capsules contain LauhBhasma to get rid of the problem of iron deficiency. The combination of ashwagandha, shilajit and crocus sativus (saffron) provides the body with essential minerals to prevent weakness due to complex electrolyte imbalance induced by mineral deficiencies. The herbs are rich in antioxidants, which allow improved absorption of iron into the body.
Increase Hemoglobin Level Treatment by the natural remedies to increase hemoglobin level improves red blood cell count and promotes ferrous synthesis in body. It also improves gastrointestinal health to increase iron in blood and prevents elimination of minerals through the digestive tract without absorption.
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