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Summary of answers to detailed questions from the “ Presidency Note on the networking instrument for European cities and towns. Towards URBACT III ” Maciej Kolczyński Warsaw, 27 September 2011.
Summary of answers to detailed questions from the “Presidency Note on the networking instrument for European cities and towns. Towards URBACT III”Maciej KolczyńskiWarsaw, 27 September 2011
Main focus on areas for consideration with regard to the future cities’ networking instrument and the future of URBACT. • URBACT III versus broader elements of future CP, especially its urban dimension; • Building capacities and skills in European cities, regions, Member States and across EU; • Thematic scope – stronger strategic focus. • Answers from 9 countries [Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia and Spain] 20.09.27 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 2
Building capacities and skills in European cities, regions, Member States and across the EU [Q 1-4] Openness of opportunity for cities’ networking within one country under the URBACT III diverse positions of MS 5/7 in favour but...only as an option (with some restrictions) and voluntarily for MS. 2 MS opposite - URBACT should remain a program for joint urban networks across the entire Europe = networking within one country under national and/or regional policy. • European networking as a main focus of URBACT III 20.09.27 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 3
Building capacities and skills in European cities, regions, Member States and across the EU [Q 1-4] Participation of regional and national authorities • regional and national level should be able to participate in some parts of URBACT III [8 MS] clear focus on partners representing cities. not obligatory, no extra cost burdens to the authorities. national/regional authorities should participate in URBACT III as National Dissemination Point and as a member of ULSG – so the same approach as it is now. • positive aspects of participation of regional and national authorities in URBACT pointed out by MS compensation for lacking administrative capacities of smaller towns; enhancement/accumulation of resources that are needed to implement projects; engagement in EU level networking and to ensure practical application of project results at national/regional level. strengthening the operational level and the political support wherever urban development programmes are to be managed. 20.09.27 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 4
Building capacities and skills in European cities, regions, Member States and across the EU [Q 1-4] Support for MA of Mainstream OPby URBACT III in regard to their capacity building on integrated urban development • 6/7 MS in favour of such support (resources, some training instrument) • voluntary basis + close cooperation with national authorities • issue to be further investigated and discussed in detail, also by MC of URBACT • one has take into account the diversity of structures and aims of OPs, as well as capability in this respect • only one MS against - URBACT should not become a kind of qualification programme for the administration. 20.09.27 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 5
Building capacities and skills in European cities, regions, Member States and across the EU [Q 1-4] What other specific actors should be involved and encouraged to participate in URBACT projects? • Cities as a main target group of URBACT III • Broad range of necessary stakeholders [7 MS] 20.09.11 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 6
Thematic scope – stronger strategic focus [Q 5-8] Europe 2020 strategy • URBACT III should respect the specific needs and requirements of cities and MS in responding to the targets of Europe 2020. • Another document mentioned by 2 MS, which should be taken into account in thematic scope of URBACT III was the Territorial Agenda 2020. • Additional themes were mentioned not strictly connected with EU2020, but important for cities. • integrated urban development strategies and development; • fostering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in urban areas; • fostering smart, sustainable and inclusive urban-rural linkages; • fostering integrated urban regeneration; • responding to challenges of climate change and environmental risks; 20.09.11 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 7
Thematic scope – stronger strategic focus [Q 5-8] Europe 2020 strategy • Additional themes (…) • improving sustainable territorial connectivity – for instance improving sustainable and smart transport and mobility systems of urban areas and agglomerations; • developing/using metropolitan structures and strengthening the links between innovation strategies and urban development; • promoting green, compact and energy-efficient cities; • combating multiple deprivation, poverty and the segregation of ethnic groups and rehabilitating disadvantaged urban areas; • addressing ageing population issues and demographic change in cities. 20.09.11 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 8
Thematic scope – stronger strategic focus [Q 5-8] Better relation of URBACT III with other strands of ETC • To link URBACT with ESPON, INTERREG IV C and INTERACT. • Better relation can be ensured by: • establishing a communication platform for project partners from different ETC-strands, dealing with urban topics; • thematic consultations and information exchanges; • facilitating the project-related cooperation between the differentstrands of European Territorial Cooperation; This relates first of all to reduce managerial burdens. 20.09.27 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 9
Thematic scope – stronger strategic focus [Q 5-8] How can a better coherence between the networking programme and other EU programmes be achieved? • necessity to involve the different European Commission DGscompetent for thematic areas covered by the URBACT in themanagement of the programme and in the dissemination of knowledge [2 MS] • REGIO, AGRI, EAC, ENV, Enterprise and Industry etc. = better coherence with other EU programmes and policies can be achieved. 20.09.27 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 10
Thematic scope – stronger strategic focus [Q 5-8] Also the link with MAs of programmes (Objective 1 and 2) was indicated as necessary [2 MS], especially: • ensuring timely and simultaneous discussion and programmingprocess for ETC programmes and Objective 1 and 2 OP’s to ensure internal coherence and complementarity as well as adequate distribution of funds, • improving their awareness about what are the flagship projects in urban world, and thus relevant for funding, • link with mainstream programmes is enough and should not be strengthenin the future [1 MS], • necessity to ensure relation of URBACT also with different initiatives and programmes such as RFSC, „Smart cities and communities“, EUKN [Q 7 and 8]. 20.09.27 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 11
Summary • All MS support continuation of URBACT II in the nextprogramming period, but with some improvements, • Detailed solutions have to be further discussed, as there aredifferent opinion and ideas in this matter, • The evolution of URBACT has to be also discussed together withthe general provisions concerning urban dimension in the CP. • www.mrr.gov.pl/eic2011 20.09.27 Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 12
Thank you for your attention! Joint Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of TerritorialCohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) 20.09.27