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Frame : connecting farming systems to policy measures for PG production. Publicisation of PG. Public support.
Frame : connecting farming systems to policy measures for PG production
Publicisation of PG Public support • For a given PG in a given territory at a given period of time: Scheme in function of the degree of commitment of each of the types of stackeholders (Boudes, inspired by the triangle of publicisation of Kaul & Mendoza, 2003) • Debating the social share of this notion of « Good » (=value) Farmers (as producers Users Managers
Example : The wolf in Pieniny region Soutien publique • Identification as a public good : non rivality, no exclusion, supported by policies (biodiv.) • Public supports : no financial support but a protection low (no hunting and financial compensation for sheppards if sheeps attacked by wolfs) • Managers: a lot of experts, lawyers mobilised • Users: low active participation but positive fascination for the wolf (tourists, locals) • Sheppards: hostile to the wolf for technical and economical reasons – Meanwhile producers of the landscape favourable to the wolf Producteurs (Agric.) Usagers Gestion
First elements 2 - Identifying the values attached to those PG by farmers.
PG as a rhetorical object • (still in progress) • For each interview and for each PG • Rhetorical dimension (analysing interviews), associated values • Life experiences explaining the ability to produce PG • Connected networks
PG PG as a rhetorical object connected to values : role of networks Network 1 Network 2 Farmer • The networks to which the farmers is connected contribute to the elaboration of his values and actions • Cartography of networks to which the farmers is connected for a given PG • Values and rationalities characterising each network for those PG
Farmers as producers of PG (Action) 3 - Public policies supporting a given PG Versus logic of farmers?
PG as a category of action : Showing the tensions attached to PG Cohesion between the production/respect of this PG and the values of the farmer COHERENCE, ADHESION, RECOgnition AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL CREATION Degree of commitment and support by public action NO ACTION or UNCONSCIOUS ACTION Or DESTRUCTION RESISTANCE Or COMPROMISE
Diversité génétique brebis seletion POG PROVISIONNAL RESULTS for the Pieniny region (in progress) Stabilisation des pentes Paysages paysans de montagne Paysages d’alpage Agric. en SP bovins lait peu spécialisé Agric. enSP bovins lait peu spécialisé Agric. enBrebis-vaches fromage AOC Agric. Apiculteur Agric. enBrebis-vaches fromage AOC Pollinisateurs en z. Natura 2000 Pollinisateurs hors zone Natura 2000 Degree of support by public action Loup Tous sauf brebis-vaches fromage AOC Race brebis locales Cakel Degree of cohesion of the production/respect of those PG and the values of the farmer Non apiculteurs Brebis-vaches fromage AOC Destruction faute d’entretien dans un contexte de déprise Chemins de deserte agric. en z.montagne Loup SP bovins lait peu spécialisé Brebis-vaches fromage AOC