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Ch.17 & 18

Ch.17 & 18. Mrs. Brooke Lubin Economics Bolton High School. D Countries. DC 1. DC 2. Issue: You have health issues & little resources. Issue: You are corrupt & have debt. Developing countries. You are a developing country. What is your country’s issue(s)?

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Ch.17 & 18

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  1. Ch.17 & 18 Mrs. Brooke Lubin Economics Bolton High School

  2. D Countries DC 1 DC 2 Issue: You have health issues & little resources. • Issue: You are corrupt & have debt.

  3. Developing countries. • You are a developing country. What is your country’s issue(s)? • The question is…what do you do first? • Who is the leader? What sort of government/economy do you have? What do you do about money/currency? Military? Education? Roads? Health care/medicine? With whom do you trade (agreements)? What resources does your country have access to-raw materials? Largely educated population that can provide services/knowledge? • Use your book, notes, etc. Be creative. • Turn in ONE sheet of paper with your answers.

  4. Monday, November 25th, 2013 • BELL: Confirm your correct answers to the Ch.17 QQs-text, neighbor, etc. • I’ll come around to stamp your completed QQs. If you didn’t get the questions, get them from someone ASAP. • Ch.17 “reading” quiz  • Discuss Ch.17 Developing Countries. • Tuesday: QUIZ Ch.17!!!

  5. Friday, November 22nd, 2013 • Due today: Ch.17 overview • BELL: Ch.17 QQs • My assumption is that we will do our “reading” quiz and discussion of Ch.17 on Monday. • Video: perestroika?! • Ch.17 QUIZ Tuesday!

  6. Ch.17 Sec.1 QQ • How is population an obstacle to economic development in developing nations? • A country overcomes the barriers of primitive equilibrium and begins rapid economic growth. In what stage of econ. dev. is the country? • In what stage of dev. is the US economy? • The most effective way of dealing with global poverty is… • What are obstacles to econ. dev. in developing nations?

  7. Ch.17 Sec.2 QQ • For a dev. country to improve economically, it must have… • What organization offers advice to all countries on monetary and fiscal policies? • The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an example of… • What is an example of development with internal funds? • What is the world’s largest single unified market in terms of population?

  8. Ch.17 Sec.3 QQ • Who introduced perestroika, the restructuring of the Soviet economy? • In Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, the transition to privatization was facilitated by… • During most of the 1990’s, Japan experienced… • During the 1990’s, Sweden… • Describe the current role of capitalism in China according to the text.

  9. Ch.18 Sec.1 QQ • Today, approximately half of the EU countries use what form of currency? • In 1947, 23 countries signed an agreement to extend tariff concessions and do away with import quotas. This was known as… • Globalization generally leads to… • Most economists view globalization as… • Many Americans consider outsourcing a controversial issue because…

  10. Ch.18 Sec.2 QQ • The price system… • Summarize in a statement Malthus’s argument about population growth. • In general, businesses pollute to… • Ethanol is an example of… • What renewable resource contributes the most to our energy needs today?

  11. Ch.18 Sec.3 QQ • The National Council on Economic Education recommends that the last step in economic decision making should be to… • Using economic decision-making tools, a firm will decide to produce more if… • Which economic system is the dominant economic force in the world today? • Many countries have discovered that it is necessary to modify pure capitalism to… • The study of economics is useful because…

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